Seeing that the middle-aged man believed what he just described, Carlisle thought for a moment and said:

"Jacob, you should seize the time to inform the senior officials of other bases and ask them to mobilize most of their forces to support Pearl Harbor."

The middle-aged man named Jacob said swornly:

"Lord Carlisle, please rest assured. I will notify all bases to prepare for the first-level battle. Except for a few soldiers who stay at the base, the rest of the soldiers and aliens will come to support Pearl Harbor. At the same time, all heavy weapons will be sent over."

"very good! Carlisle looked at Jacob with approval, and finally told him,"We must let them come to support quickly, and those who disobey will be severely punished!""

"Yes, my lord!"Jacob puffed out his chest and replied in a loud voice.

Carlisle, who only opened the door a little, waved to Jacob and signaled him to leave.

Jacob pretended to glance casually into the dark room.

But from his point of view, he couldn't see anything.

He couldn't even see if there was anyone in the room.

He thought to himself:"Why does the room smell like burning and blood? Could it be that someone is there?" Fighting inside?

However, it is rumored that Carlisle likes to suck human blood and eat human flesh.

Maybe this guy is running a small stove inside again.

Seeing Jacob's eyes staring at the door, Carlisle asked angrily:"Why, do you have anything else?""

"No... nothing happened."Jacob just came back to his senses.

He knew that although he was the leader of the armed organization, the people who actually held power were these mutants.

And Carlisle was the most powerful mutant, and he was not someone he dared to provoke..

So he quickly said:"Sir Carlisle, I'm leaving first."

"Well, go ahead." Carlisle waved to Jacob.

After Jacob left, Carlisle suddenly turned around and knelt on the ground, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Sir, I have done as you asked, what are your next orders?"

Chen Yu no longer concealed his figure, but brought Carlisle into the dimensional space.

Seeing that he had come to this magical space again, Carlisle's Adam's apple moved involuntarily.

"Sir, please don't... don't kill me."

"Who said I'm going to kill you now? I still have a use for keeping you."Chen Yu pulled a chair in front of him from a distance, sat down and said,

"Carlisle, give us an overview of all the bases in the United States."

"Yes, my lord. Carlisle swallowed his saliva and told the general situation of all the bases. After hearing this

, Chen Yu fell into deep thought.

According to Carlisle, there are more than twenty existing bases in the United States!

The size of this base is no less than that of the island country's Sakura Base, and the armed forces of the American base are much stronger than those of the island country.

In addition, many of the mutants in the base have even reached level six!

This is mainly because the United States has not only annexed neighboring countries, but also spared small countries thousands of kilometers away.

The United States, which was already powerful, would have almost become the overlord of the West.

If it were not for the arrival of Chen Yu, they would annex them. It was only a matter of time before

Chen Yu became interested in those foreigners from the United States.

If he could devour most of the foreigners from the United States, Chen Yu would be confident of reaching level eight or even higher. The speed is not too fast. Because Chen

Yu's abilities are too many and too powerful, the energy consumed for upgrading is more than ten times that of ordinary aliens.

This also determines that he is fully capable of leapfrogging.

When he was about to discuss the battle plan with Hong Yi and others, there were bursts of crying from the bedroom next to him.

The sound was from the American woman named Ji Ruola.

Chen Yu got up and walked to the door of the bedroom, only to hear Ji Ruo. La cried and said:

"Sisters, please help me, I really don’t want to die!

Hong Yi's voice came:"Don't worry, since the master didn't kill you right away, it means you are still of some use.""

"Yes, I do have a use."Girola seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and said excitedly,"I am very good at fighting... In the future, I can help you fight."


Dr. Li looked at Girola as if she were a fool.

Sure enough, the saying"big breasts and no brains" applies to women from any country.

Girola saw Dr. Li's eyes and hurriedly explained:"I said It's all true. I am the third most powerful person in the United States, and I have very strong fighting ability."

"What's the use of fighting? Brother Yu still lacks your fighting ability?"

After hearing this, Ji Ruola lowered her head in despair.

Dr. Li looked at the Western woman in front of him and changed the topic:"However, you don't have to despair. You are not worthless to Brother Yu."


Girola was overjoyed

"Please give me some advice from this sister.

Dr. Li's lips curled up and he said softly:"Isn't your body your greatest value?""

Jirola's face changed slightly after hearing this, and then she said dejectedly:"I know what I should do. Doctor

Li clicked his tongue and said with a smile:"Brother Yu is happy again this time."

Hongyi on the side asked with some confusion:"Dr. Li, as the master's woman, shouldn't we hope that the master has as few women as possible?""

"Hongyi, this is your fault. Dr. Li smoothed his hair and explained patiently,"As women, in addition to doing our duties, we should also share the worries of our men."

You should also have discovered that the more women around Brother Yu, the stronger he becomes.

In this case, we should solve more problems for Brother Yu and help her find a suitable target.

Brother Yu has become stronger, so we can survive better.

And Brother Yu is so good, what’s wrong with having so many women around him?

Hongyi nodded thoughtfully, gave a thumbs up and said,"Keke, you still have a big plan.""

At this moment, Chen Yu pushed the door open and walked in.

Ji Ruola, who was kneeling on the ground, turned around and saw Chen Yu, bit her lip gently, and said tremblingly:"Please accept me as yours. Be a slave. As long as I live, I can do anything."

Chen Yu looked at Ji Ruola who was shaking like chaff, and said expressionlessly:"If you want to live, come with me."

After saying that, she walked towards the next room.

Ji Ruola stood up and followed, feeling a little helpless and a little scared.

She had seen Chen Yu's power today and knew that Chen Yu's strength was definitely far beyond that of a seventh-level alien.

She could Can you bear his anger?

And I heard that the corpse emperor named Hongyi was also the woman of the man in front of me.

Is she going to be poisoned? When she came to the next door, Ji Ruo was afraid.

La pulled his clothes down, took a deep breath and said to himself:

"No matter so much, let’s survive first!"

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