It is not difficult to bind the killer whale that has been beaten dizzy.

In just a moment, a system prompt sounded in Chen Yu's ears.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully binding a mutated creature."

After the killer whale was bound, it surfaced and said very piously:

"Master, my killer whales are at your disposal."

Chen Yu hovered above the killer whale's head and glanced at the killer whale, which was like a hill.

He saw that the shocking wounds on its body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Yu asked slightly in surprise:" Killer whale, you actually have the ability to heal yourself?"

The killer whale hurriedly replied:

"Returning to the master, I developed a lot of cancer cells in my body after the mutation.

These cancer cells have integrated with me and can take over the work of normal cells.

Moreover, cancer cells can multiply faster.

Not only does it allow me to overgrow, it also allows my wounds to heal quickly."

Chen Yu couldn't help but secretly marvel that these rapidly multiplying cancer cells can almost keep the killer whale immortal.

Chen Yu continued to ask:"How did you discover me?"

"Returning to the master, I smelled the strong smell of aliens in the Pearl Harbor dozens of nautical miles away, as well as the smell of alien blood. I thought there must have been a large-scale battle here, so I rushed over."

"I see."

At this moment, the little eagle carried Hong Yi and others across the night and flew quickly to Chen Yu.

On the eagle's back, Hong Yi asked worriedly:"Master, what happened here just now? How come it seems like it happened? A big war?"

"Nothing, I just tamed a killer whale"

""Master, where is the killer whale? Why can't I see it?" The little eagle glanced at his feet and said to himself curiously.

"Hey, why did a small island suddenly appear here? It just so happened that I wanted to find a place to stay for convenience."

While speaking, the eaglet landed on the killer whale.

After hearing this, the killer whale said angrily:"Chicken, open your eyes and take a good look! I am not an island, but the overlord of the ocean - a killer whale!"

Little Eagle was startled when he heard the sound coming from under his feet.

After seeing the huge head of the killer whale clearly, Little Eagle stammered and asked:"You, you, you... what are you? Why are you so big!"

""I just said that I am the overlord of the ocean. Can you respect me a little?" The killer whale said helplessly.

The man in red released a bolt of lightning from his palm and threw it into the sky. With the help of the light, everyone could see the full picture of the killer whale.

Its body is more than 300 meters long, which is no less than a large aircraft carrier!

The little loli looked at the killer whale and couldn't help but sighed:"Master, you caught such a big fish. How big a pot must be used to put it in?"

The killer whale snorted coldly after hearing this, and said unhappily:"I am the little brother that the master just conquered. If it weren't for the fact that you were also conquered by the master, I would have eaten you up long ago!"

"Damn it! Dried small fish, what a mouthful!"After hearing this, Xiaoying immediately became energetic, flapped his wings and said,"Today I will let you taste the power of [Arrow Feathers in the Sky]!"

"And my [Double Blade Whirlwind Slash]! Today, I want to eat killer whale sashimi!"

The little Loli also got ready to attack the killer whale.

"Okay, you two, stop talking nonsense here.……"Chen Yu shook his head helplessly and said speechlessly,

"The killer whale in front of you has already reached the middle stage of level eight. If you really fight, neither of you can defeat it."

"What?!!"Little Loli had a question mark on her face and looked at the killer whale at her feet in disbelief.

"Master, are you saying that this smelly fish is already level eight...eighth?"

"That's right. Chen Yu nodded,"I just conquered it, but it took me a lot of effort and I almost sweated." After hearing this

, the killer whale looked at the little Loli with some pride and said:

"So, are you dumbfounded? To tell you the truth, I am the most powerful being in the entire East China Sea. All marine creatures in the entire East China Sea have to call me big brother when they see me!"

Then, the killer whale looked at the little eagle again and said:"And you bald chicken, I can knock you over with just a sneeze, but you still dare to talk so shamelessly in front of me!"

The little eagle, which had just experienced a battle, was so angry that its nose was crooked when someone called it a bald chicken.

The little loli suddenly stepped on the killer whale's back and said,"You stinky Fish, since you are now subdued by your master, you are the lowest in terms of seniority! No matter how weak we are, we are still your big brothers and sisters!"

After hearing this, the killer whale was stunned.

It did know that when accepting disciples in the human world, seniority is arranged according to the time of apprenticeship.

Similarly, the status of subordinates in the heart of the master should also be related to time.

From this point of view, It is indeed the lowest status.

Seeing that the killer whale hesitated, Xiaoying hurriedly added:

"Xiaoyugan, let me tell you the truth, the status of the Loli sister in front of you is not ordinary. She is the master's woman. Even I who followed the master earlier have to treat her as half a mistress."

When the killer whale heard this, he hurriedly apologized and said with a smile:"Brother and sister, I'm really sorry. It was my younger brother who offended you two carelessly. Please put aside the past grudges and forgive me for my unbridled words just now."

"Huh, that's pretty much it, so I'll reluctantly forgive you."Little Loli puffed up her chest and waved her hands generously.

Xiaoying also flapped her wings and said casually:"We are all working under the master, and we have to help each other in the future. From now on, I will be in charge of the sky and you will be in charge of the sea. Together, we can help the master become bigger and stronger and create greater glory."

"Okay Brother Ying, I will do a good job, little brother!"The killer whale nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of expectation.

Chen Yu stood aside and watched the farce, but did not stop them from bickering.

After all, this could be regarded as adding some fun to his invincible, lonely and boring life.

At this moment , after the killer whale hesitated for a moment, he finally plucked up the courage to say to Chen Yu:"Master, I have something to ask of you, and I hope you can agree to it.

Chen Yu asked,"What's the matter?""

"I am also the big brother in this sea area, so I have taken in many younger brothers during this period. I want the master to take in my younger brothers as well, please help me!"

Just when Chen Yu was hesitant, the killer whale added hurriedly:"Please rest assured, my younger brothers are all level 6 or 7 marine mutant creatures, they all have strong combat power and will not embarrass you."

Chen Yu nodded:"Call them all over"

"Thank you, Master!"After hearing this, the killer whale excitedly shouted towards the sky.

""Bing, ing, ing!"

Not long after, the sea surface suddenly shook violently.

A dozen huge marine creatures appeared on the sea surface a few hundred meters away.

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