Before the last number came out of Chen Yu's mouth, Carlisle knocked his head heavily on the ground and said in panic:

"grown ups! Don't... don't kill me! I agree to call everyone else over!"

Carlisle's strong heart has been completely defeated.

At this moment, he is like an ordinary person who is pointed at a gun by a murderous maniac.

Although he knows that he has a high probability of escaping death, he still holds on to a sense of luck. Dare to resist at all.

The only thought in his mind was: What if the young man in front of him showed kindness and spared himself?

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:"Carlisle, in order to prevent you from escaping, I have to let you go." Take something with you."

While speaking, Chen Yu began to absorb the energy in Carlisle's body.

After a long time, Carlisle, who had almost been drained of all his powers, collapsed on the ground like a dead dog.

At this time, he had completely become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Even He didn't even have the strength to escape.

Just when Chen Yu had just absorbed the energy in Carlisle's body, news came from Hongyi and others that the entire American people in Pearl Harbor had been eliminated.

In a short time, Chen Yu had left the dimension. Then he came to Hongyi and others.

"You guys did a great job."

Hearing Chen Yu's praise, the little girl jumped up and said,"Master, you are too kind... The main reason is that they are too weak. I can deal with them alone."

Doctor Li looked at Chen Yu and praised him,"You are worthy of being Brother Yu. You solved all the American aliens without any injury."

At this time, the little girl who had been attached to Chen Yu interrupted and said:

"The master has not eliminated all the strangers in the United States. In addition to a guy named Carlisle, the owner also left behind an American woman named Girolera. Dr. Li was stunned for a moment, then joked:"Can't there be so many beautiful women that can't hold Brother Yu's heart?" I wonder if Brother Yu wants to ride a Ocean Horse in the name of learning English?……"

After hearing this, the little girl asked in confusion:"Sister Hongyi, what is a foreign horse?"

Doctor Li lowered his head and whispered in the little girl's ear:"A foreign horse is actually……"

After hearing this, the little Loli couldn't help but blush.

He glanced at Chen Yu cautiously, then bit his white teeth with his red lips and said,"Master, don't be a fan of foreigners and ignore us because of that foreign horse.……"

Chen Yu gently patted the little Loli's head, and said with a smile:"We won't discuss this anymore. I'll put away these treasures at the port first."

After that, Chen Yu flew into the air with a"swish" sound.

Looking around, the entire port and the ocean are densely packed with various advanced aircraft and ships.

Not only are there top-notch stealth fighters like the F25, but there are also 6 aircraft carriers!

There are countless other battleships, destroyers, and cruisers.

It can be seen that Pearl Harbor is much richer now than before the end of the world.

Chen Yu ignored everything and directly collected these aircraft and ships into the space one by one.

Even the two large gunpowder magazines were not spared.

Although these may not be useful, they are better than nothing.

And just when Chen Yu flew to the depths of the ocean, preparing to collect the last ship.

In the dark and deep ocean, a monster larger than an aircraft carrier suddenly emerged.

A huge hole was torn open in the water like a curtain in an instant.

What followed was raging waves and deafening roars.

The roar seemed to carry some huge energy, so much so that the water surface trembled violently.

Chen Yu hurriedly opened the [Space Domain] and flew high into the sky, only to block the sound wave attack.

Then he opened the [God's Eye] and began to observe the monster just now

【Species: Mutated killer whale】

【Level: Level 8 (mid-term)】

【Ability 1: Orca roars (uses its own roar to cause damage to the target)】

【Ability 2: Waterspout (can use the water around you to form a rotating water column, causing tons of damage to targets caught in it)】


Chen Yu closed the [God's Eye] and looked at the huge killer whale with some excitement.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a mutant killer whale that had reached level eight. When I conquer it, I will have control over the land, sea and air at the same time."

When the killer whale saw Chen Yu flying into the air, it angrily sprayed a water column with a diameter of more than three meters and a length of dozens of meters at him.

The water column was rotating and spinning faster and faster in the air.

In the end, it could only be seen.

Needless to say, this was the [Waterspout] of this mutated killer whale.

When the [Waterspout] was only 1 meter away,

Chen Yu activated [Time Stop] with a snap of his fingers. , imprisoning it in mid-air

"Huh, just these two moments? Let me be a fishing expert today’"

As he spoke, Chen Yu threw a huge"electric grid" at the killer whale.

The sea, which was already turbulent, was now blown up by lightning into waves tens of meters high.

At the same time, there were continuous thunder explosions.

The sea surface within a radius of five kilometers was illuminated as if it were daytime.

Before the killer whale could react, it was hit by countless thunderstorms on its armored body.

However, the effect of that layer of armor was limited and could not completely block the power of the [thunderstorm].

Deep cuts that could be seen to the bone instantly blew up on the killer whale's body.

The blood gradually dyed a large area of the sea red.

"Damn humans, don’t you know that electric fish is illegal?!"

The killer whale didn't expect that the little human in front of it had such a powerful power, and it became a little angry for a while.

It slapped the water surface violently, and then flew to the location of Chen Yu.

And once again used its own unique voice Used the ability [Orca Roar]

"Ying Ying Ying!"

You heard it right. The sound made by such a giant creature is as joyful as a dolphin.

But if you underestimate the sound of this mutated killer whale, you are totally wrong.

Its sound is more powerful than cannonballs. Even more powerful.

However, this was nothing to Chen Yu.

When the killer whale was about to get close to Chen Yu, it suddenly opened its big mouth and planned to swallow Chen Yu directly. whale's belly

"Haha, stupid human, you actually dare to fight with your whale master!"

The killer whale fell into the water with satisfaction, ready to find a place to digest it.

After Chen Yu was swallowed by the killer whale, he felt a darkness in front of his eyes.

So he opened the [Eye of God] to explore the way.

He saw that the killer whale's stomach was full of corpses of various marine animals.

Many of them were mutated marine creatures.

Chen Yu was secretly amazed:"This guy is so greedy, no wonder he reached level eight so quickly!"

After sighing, he slowly stretched out his right hand and threw out a bolt of lightning

""Boo, boo, boo!"

A cramp came from the killer whale's abdomen, making it unable to help but turn over in the water.

Chen Yu saw that [Thunderstorm] could exert greater power in the killer whale's belly, so he threw out lightning one after another.

After a while, the killer whale, who was tortured like Princess Iron Fan, floated to the surface of the water with its belly turned upside down.

White foam kept coming out of its mouth.

Chen Yu saw that the time had come, passed through the killer whale's belly and came to the air, and began to bind the killer whale.

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