"Yes, Master!"

Ah Li hurriedly stepped aside.

Chen Yu slowly walked to the door and used [God's Eye] to look towards the door.

At this time, there were dozens of island soldiers behind the door monitoring the situation outside.

There was a hint of nervousness on their faces, but also a bit of fearlessness.

Because their location is the strongest place in the entire base.

Chen Yu snorted coldly and did not choose to use [Space Shuttle].

He just wanted the islanders to watch him destroy the door and then die in despair.

Chen Yu's eyes darkened and he activated his [Metal Control] ability.


The titanium alloy door, which was strong enough to withstand ordinary artillery shells, slowly cracked open at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The islanders behind the door all widened their eyes.

"what's the situation?! Which guy looking for death is opening the door?"

"It wasn't me, I didn't open the door... and there was no one at the console!"

"Something seems wrong! Everyone, look at the cracks in the door. It’s not our people who are opening the door, it’s the door that is opening by itself!"

Everyone looked at the door carefully and found that the door had begun to deform.

It did not look like it was opening normally, but more like it was being forcibly opened by some external force.

Combined with Chen Yu who suddenly appeared at the door, it was easy to guess This is some kind of his special ability.

The one-eyed man at the head couldn't help but swallowed and whispered:"Why does this ability look so like Master Yamano's [Metal Control] ability?"

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and was trembling all over.

He pointed the rifle in his hand at the door and shouted at the top of his lungs:"Everyone, be careful!

Since these people can enter the base, it means that Master Yamano and Master Nanami may have been killed!

The kid outside probably took away Mr. Yamano's [Metal Control] ability and then destroyed the door.

Everyone, cheer up and avenge these two adults!"


Having said that, the one-eyed man kept slowly retreating.

After hearing this, the surrounding island soldiers all pointed their various weapons at the door.

Even rocket launchers and recoilless rifles were used.!

However, they were retreating in their hearts.

After all, Yamano 16 and Qigong Zhiyin were dead, how could they resist Chen Yu's use of [Metal Control] outside the door ? The gap in the alloy door grew bigger and bigger, and finally it was as big as a fist.

Chen Yu put his hands into the gap, and then with a force, the door was torn in half.

"Brothers, open fire!"

The moment the door was destroyed, the one-eyed man said a word and ran away.

The other unknowing soldiers opened fire on Chen Yu.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Countless bullets and shells flew towards Chen Yu in an instant. Come over. Chen

Yu didn't change his expression and directly activated the [Time Stop] ability.

He saw densely packed bullets and shells in front of him, floating motionless in the air as if they were frozen by the camera.

The flames were still, of course, the soldiers and the one-eyed man were also frozen in place.


Chen Yu flicked his fingers, turning the direction of the bullets like playing a piano.

The bullets instantly released their static state and shot towards the island soldiers at high speed. The

[Metal Control] ability combined with [Fire Power Gain] not only made it easy to control These bullets also allow the bullets to exert greater power.

Every ordinary bullet is several times more powerful than a Barrett bullet, so that the bullet hits the island soldier's head instead of killing them. Pierced.

Instead, it was smashed into pieces like a watermelon!

Bang! Bang!

The white and red splashed onto the wall next to him, looking particularly disgusting after finishing the attack. Finally, he looked at the one-eyed man who was still running away.

"You kid has no martial ethics, we have to use artillery fire!" As soon as the voice fell, the shells all flew towards the one-eyed man.

Boom, boom, boom!

One after another, the shells directly blasted the one-eyed man into pieces.

Even the walls cast with titanium alloy were left with pits.

For a long time, the smoke did not dissipate.

Chen Yu used [Space Field] to disperse the smoke, and then slowly walked forward.

Hongyi and others hurriedly followed Chen Yu.

Several people stepped on the corpses lying on the ground and walked into the next room.

The next room is very spacious.

There are more than a dozen black solid wood altars in it.

On the altars, there are tablets that look a little gloomy and terrifying.

Chen Yu pointed to a tablet placed in the"C position" and said:"Under this tablet, there are more than a dozen crystals. You can divide them up."

The little girl took the lead and walked forward, throwing the tablet aside.

There was a black box with white edges underneath.

On the box, there were also some patterns of island gods carved on it.

When I opened it, I saw that there were indeed 13 level 5 crystals lying inside.

"Wow, it’s really a crystal.……"

Little Loli walked to Hongyi carrying the box and handed the crystal to Hongyi.

Hong Yi smiled, waved his hand and said:"Chun Xia, I'll leave it to you. I'm one level higher than you now."

Dr. Li also said calmly:"I have also reached level six. , I don’t need these crystals."

The little Loli was very happy after hearing this, and said with two little tiger teeth:"Thank you, Sister Hong. In this case, give these crystals to me and Ah Li."

After that, she gave them one. Put a crystal into your mouth.

Then he handed Ahri 6 more crystals and said vaguely:

"Sister Ahri, it was hard to divide it just now, but it is much easier now."

Ahri took the crystal, gave a thumbs up and said,"Sister Chunxia is really smart, it is much easier to divide it this way."

The little girl laughed secretly, chewing the crystal while casually looking at the tablets.

When she saw the names on the tablets clearly, she said in surprise,"Look everyone! These...are actually the tablets in the Yasukuni Shrine's toilet!"

"The tablet in the Jingguo Sacred Toilet?"After hearing this, Hongyi also stepped forward and observed the tablets carefully, and suddenly realized,

"It turns out that the owner brought us here mainly because of these tablets."

Chen Yu nodded:"I have been wandering around the base in the past two days, and I accidentally discovered these tablets, and learned the origin of these tablets from the soldiers guarding here."

Little Loli blinked her eyes and whispered:"I heard that the people of the island country worship these tablets in order to summon the souls of the war criminals of the island country. Therefore, the Jingguo Divine Toilet was also called the Soul-Calling Toilet in the past. Unexpectedly, they are still worshiping these tablets now that it is the end of the world. Dr.

Li snorted coldly and said angrily:"It seems that they are unrepentant and unwilling to admit their mistakes." I think we should kill them all."

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