Chen Yu didn't expect that Dong Wushuang could reach level five in a place where zombies were scarce.

This shows that Dong Wushuang has not been idle and has been hunting those low-level zombies all the time.

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't speak, Dong Wushuang thought he was scared by him, and continued:"Master, I have reached the level of zombie king and can protect you.

When you go out next time, remember to take me with you.

Now, it is estimated that Hongyi and Datou combined are not as powerful as me.

Master, I want you to know that what Hongyi can do, I Wushuang can do as well."

After hearing this, Chen Yu did not tell her that Hongyi had become a level six zombie king.

Otherwise, Dong Wushuang would not only be shocked, but also be hit hard.

However, Chen Yu would leave a portion for Dong Wushuang every time he killed a zombie.

It was enough for her to upgrade to the zombie king.

This can be regarded as compensation for her loyalty.

While Chen Yu was stunned, Xiao Hui said hesitantly:

"Master, there is something Xiao Hui wants to report to you.

Chen Yu then came back to his senses and asked in a low voice:"What's the matter?""

Xiao Hui said softly:"That's it, I can now control ten million rats at the same time, so the patrol range has also been expanded a lot.

During the inspection, there was one thing that made me feel strange.

Half a month ago, I discovered a shelter that had just been built.

I heard from Sister Wushuang that it was the Yiyuan Community where the owner once lived, and the owner planned to use it as a hiding place, so I secretly sent some mice to patrol the Yiyuan Community day and night.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, I discovered that a group of armed forces and mutants had entered Yiyuan Community, seemingly looking for something. Chen

Yu was stunned for a moment, and then asked:"What's the strength of those people?""

Xiao Hui responded:"Those armed forces are fully armed and equipped with sophisticated weapons.

In comparison, those mutants are not very strong, and the highest level is only level four.

I didn't think it was a big deal, so I didn't tell you.

But I thought they were a little suspicious, so I sent my little brother to follow them secretly."

"Well done, Xiao Hui."Chen Yu said with a serious face,"Keep an eye on that group of people and find out their location and purpose of going to Yiyuan Community. In addition, I will tell you another place. You send more mice there and keep an eye on the situation there day and night."

Then, Chen Yu told Xiao Hui the place where Daxia's zombies disappeared.

"Yes, Master!"Xiao Hui replied righteously

"Well, report to me in time if there is any important situation."

Chen Yu cut off contact with Dong Wushuang and Xiao Hui, turned to look at Dr. Li and said:

"I just asked Wushuang and Xiaohui, and they said everything is fine at the base and nothing major happened in Daxia. However, the Yiyuan Community where we used to live was targeted. Dr.

Li asked anxiously:

"Was it that time when Hong Yi and Da Tou went around killing zombies, and someone followed Hong Yi and others’ footsteps and found Yiyuan Community? Chen

Yu thought for a moment and continued:"Probably not."

After all, our people have already gone to Doomsday Manor and Longyuan Base.

If someone is really targeting us, there is no way we would go to Yiyuan Community just now.

But no matter what, you have to guard against them.

Of course, what I need to worry about most now is whether the zombies that disappeared will come back."

After hearing this, Dr. Li finally understood why Chen Yu had never stopped even though he was already very powerful.

It turned out that he had been trying his best to make himself stronger to cope with possible crises in the future.

Thinking of this, Doctor Li patted Chen Yu's back gently and comforted:

"Brother Yu, you don’t have to worry too much. If there are troubles in this world that you can't solve, then this world can only be destroyed. If that happens one day, I will also accompany you to destruction."

Chen Yu lowered his head and looked at Dr. Li who was serious, and said with a smile:"I don't want to destroy him. There are still many people in this world waiting for me to save them. Brother Yu, I have a long way to go.……"

Dr. Li was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes and said:

"Brother Yu, it is undeniable that you can indeed make those who follow you stronger. But your rescue method is really special... Hey, I wonder which little girl will be unlucky again. No, it’s not necessarily a little girl, maybe it’s a zombie like Hongyi.

Chen Yu rolled his eyes at Dr. Li and said angrily:"How come such a great thing as saving Blue Star changes its taste when it comes to your mouth?""

""Okay, okay." Doctor Li shrugged helplessly,"Let's end this topic quickly and go to the base to see if there is anything we can use. After all, these islanders owe us too much!"

"Yeah, I think so too."

Just as Chen Yu was about to leave, he heard the sound of the little eagle coming from a distance.

"Master... I am coming……"

Chen Yu looked up and saw the little eagle swooping down from the sky.

On its back, Hong Yi and Xiao Loli sat.

After Xiaoying landed smoothly, Chen Yu pretended to be angry and asked:"Xiaoying, why did it take so long to come here? Are you lazy on the way?"

Xiaoying said aggrievedly:"Master is wronged! Hong and I Sister Yi and Sister Luoli are not in the same group. It took a lot of effort to pick them up." Chen Yu patted Xiaoying's wings and said sternly:"Thank you, Xiaoying." A mutant who is good at speed and defense, please absorb the energy in her body."

As he spoke, Chen Yu threw Qigong Zhiyin's body in front of Xiaoying.

What Xiaoying didn't know was that most of the energy in this man's body had been absorbed by Chen Yu.

The remaining energy is mainly used to maintain abilities.

However, this is just right for the little eagle, so as not to burst it.

After all, mutants of the same level are much more powerful than mutant creatures.

Little Eagle excitedly picked up Qigong Zhiyin and said vaguely:"Thank you master for the reward. Little Eagle will never forget your kindness even if it has no teeth!"

Chen Yu said to Hongyi and Little Loli:"You two come with me to the base first. I have one more important thing to do."

Little Loli asked doubtfully:"Master, what's the matter?"

Chen Yu said with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes. :"You'll find out when you get there."

Xiao Loli and Hong Yi looked at each other and then at Dr. Li.

Dr. Li shrugged and said he didn't know what happened.

The three of them followed Chen Yu and walked towards the base together.

At this time, the base was already covered in blood.

Chen Yu and others stepped on the blood all the way to the bottom floor.

Ahri, covered in blood, was standing in front of a door in a daze.

After seeing Chen Yu, Ah Li's scarlet eyes recovered, and he said softly:"Master, I have killed everyone in the base. But I can't open this door. I don't know if there is anyone inside." People."

Chen Yu squinted at the heavy alloy door in front of him and said quietly:

"Ahri, stand behind me and let me do it."

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