At the entrance of the Sakura Base, several guards were chatting leisurely.

One of the tall guards said with some dissatisfaction:"Hey, we are all human beings, why can we only guard outside? If we encounter powerful zombies or aliens, it will be troublesome."

"Who makes our status low, we can only stay outside."Another guard agreed.

"Everyone, shut up."The squad leader glared at the two of them and scolded,

"Lord Uehara regularly sends people out to clean up zombies and strangers, so we will not be in danger. Of course, I also know that everyone has worked hard. I will catch two first-level female zombies for you to play with tonight, but remember to protect yourself."

""Thank you, Captain!"

The two guards rekindled their fighting spirit.

However, just when the three of them were looking forward to it, an invisible bone knife cut across their throats in the blink of an eye.

Of course, all this was done by the invisible Chen Yu.

After dealing with the three guards, Chen Yu locked onto a patrolling Japanese in the base through the heavy titanium alloy door.

He threw two grenades at his feet, and then activated his [Stand] ability.

The unlucky Japanese appeared at the gate of the base and was blown to death by the grenade before he could react to what happened.

After Chen Yu entered the base, he killed those Japanese with overwhelming force.

A few minutes later, the entire third floor above ground was already a river of blood.

Those low-level mutants were all absorbed into his space.

Of course, Chen Yu knew that the core members of the entire base were all in the underground floor.

The next step was the highlight.

Chen Yu repeated his old tricks and entered the underground floor.

At this time, a big-headed fourth-level mutant came forward and shouted loudly:"How did you get into the Sakura base? Tell the truth!"

Chen Yu snorted coldly and said calmly:"I want to come to the Sakura Base. Do I need to sneak in? The defense of this base is like paper to me."

"What a loud tone!"

The big head held up a hammer, rushed over quickly, and smashed it at Chen Yu.

At some point, Chen Yu had already snatched the hammer and slammed it into the head of the big head.


One piece at a time. The big round head split open instantly.

After putting away the remains of the big head, four more level 4 mutants came forward and pointed at Chen Yu.

"Boy, I admit that you are strong. But against us four powerful strangers at the same time, you have no chance of winning, right? What's more, Lord Ryūya Uehara is about to break through to level five! After hearing this

, Chen Yu said calmly:"Tell me where the transformation potion is, and I can make your death more pleasant."

A foreigner wearing armor said in surprise:"Boy, how do you know about the transformation potion?""

"Stop talking nonsense!"Chen Yu said impatiently,"If you don't say anything, I will kill you all and then look for you myself!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!"The armored man pointed his samurai sword at Chen Yu and said,

"Judging from your face, you should be from Daxia, right? You really won't cry until you see the coffin! Wait until I kill you, and then I will conquer your Daxia."

As he spoke, the armored man rushed up.

Chen Yu knew that he was just an alien who was good at fighting.

Apart from his strong combat ability, he didn't have any special abilities to show off.

So he didn't use any fancy moves, but just took a step forward and threw an uppercut.


The armored man was hit on the chin by Chen Yu and flew directly into the air.

The next second, Chen Yu suddenly appeared above the armored man.

Chen Yu, who was in mid-air, kicked up his right leg and then slashed at the armored man.

The armored man was chopped to the ground by Chen Yu, and he was no longer able to breathe.

Of course, this move of kicking up to the sky was learned when he was learning dance with Zhao Beibei.

Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh: A teacher is a teacher. He is still teaching himself"fighting" skills at the end of the world.

"Damn it, you actually dared to kill my men!" Uehara Ryuya looked at Chen Yu angrily, and then commanded the other two men and said,"Follow me!"

As he spoke, three aliens formed a triangle and rushed towards Chen Yu together.

A ball of fire suddenly rose between the palms of one of them.

And the color of the flame was not red, but light blue, which looked particularly weird.

Seeing this, Chen Yu opened his mouth slightly and said:"It turned out to be a fire alien. It's useless to me. Why don't I leave you to Xiaojuan."

The other person's body swelled several times in an instant, and his muscles were very strong, like a behemoth.

He raised a samurai sword and rushed towards Chen Yu.

Of course, the strongest one here is Uehara Ryuya.

He gathered the energy between his hands and threw it at Chen Yu fiercely.

"As expected of a mutant close to level five."Chen Yu took a step forward, shouldered the energy wave forcefully, and said with a joking face,"It's a pity, it's still far behind me!"

While speaking, Chen Yu directly activated his [Time Stop].

The three strangers were instantly frozen in mid-air, like a picture.

Even the flame was frozen.

Chen Yu suddenly flashed in front of Uehara Ryuye , knocking him to the ground.

The remaining two people were taken into the space by him.

Then, Chen Yu lightly snapped his fingers, and

Uehara Ryue was suddenly released from the stillness, struggling in pain on the ground. Just as he was about to fight back again, he was hit by a lightning bolt and couldn't move.

Uehara Ryūye realized that he was so vulnerable in front of Chen Yu, and he no longer had any fighting spirit, so he knelt down and begged for mercy loudly:"This. Sir, please spare me!"

Chen Yu walked up to Uehara Ryue and asked coldly:"Tell me, where is the transformation potion?

Uehara Ryūye trembled and said,"Sir!" Transformation potion in the laboratory……"

"Take me there quickly!"

"Yes, my lord……"

Under the leadership of Uehara Ryuye, Chen Yu came to a spacious laboratory.

At this time, the scientists in the laboratory were still unaware of the danger.

They are still doing various experiments.

The moment they saw Ryuye Uehara, many scientists were stunned.

Immediately, a scientist took off his mask and said to Uehara Ryue:"Sir, the man behind you looks like he is from Daxia. Is he today's experimental subject?"

"Damn thing!"Uehara Ryūye walked up and gave the scientist a slap in the face, then angrily scolded,"You blind thing, can't even recognize my elder brother? Go and get the transformation potion!"

Chen Yu looked at the groveling Uehara Ryuye in front of him and couldn't help but mocked:"I didn't expect you to know how to survive."

Uehara Ryūye said with a smile on his face:

"Sir, there is an old saying in Daxia, which is that those who know the current affairs are heroes. I know that islanders are like dogs in front of adults. So I want to follow adults and be their dog."

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