When Ah Tu saw Chen Yu appear, he escorted three strangers from the island country and came forward and said:"Master, these three little devils sneaked into our place, so I arrested them.""

"Well done, Atu."

"Thank you master for the compliment. Ah Tu touched his head in embarrassment and bared his teeth and said,"Actually, it was Sister Ying who discovered these three people first and then told me.""

"Little Eagle?"

Chen Yu looked at the little eagle beside him and found that it had reached level 4.

So he couldn't help but praise:"Little Eagle, I didn't expect you to reach level 4 so quickly."

Little Eagle said respectfully:"This is thanks to the master who rewarded me with so many crystals, and I am about to reach level 4, so I am a little faster than others."

"Good. You continue to monitor the surrounding situation."

"Yes, master!"

The little eagle flapped its wings and constantly inspected the situation on the ground in the sky.

Chen Yu slowly walked up to the three strangers from the island country and said coldly:"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

"I...we just happened to pass by here."The thin man said with a smile on his face.

Chen Yu did not speak, but gently raised his finger.

The thin man's head was instantly struck by a bolt of lightning, and he lay on the ground with an expression of disbelief.

The old man saw that Chen Yu actually acted lightly He killed a second-level mutant and immediately fell to his knees and said,"Sir, spare my life! I say anything! We came here to look for corpses……"

"Oh, why are you looking for zombies? Is it also to level yourself up?"

"Upgrading is only one aspect. The main purpose of our coming here is to prepare for capturing the two corpse kings alive."

When Chen Yu heard this, his expression became solemn.

Generally, aliens capture zombies alive for only one purpose, and that is to use the zombies for themselves.

Could it be that aliens from the island country also have ways to control zombies?

Chen Yu looked at the old man and continued to ask :"What is your purpose in capturing the Corpse King alive?

The old man paused and seemed a little embarrassed and said:"We captured the corpse kings alive in order to transform them.""

"Reform? How?"

"My lord, that's it. Scientists at our base have invented a transformation drug that can transform zombies into zombies that can reproduce with humans while retaining their original abilities."

"What, there is such a potion?"

After Chen Yu heard this, he couldn't help shouting out in surprise.

The brain circuits of the people of this island country are really weird, and they can actually come up with such an idea.

The key is that their idea was successful.

It is truly a weird country..

Seeing Chen Yu's interest, the old man continued:"The effect of the transformation potion is extraordinary. If an alien and a modified zombie combine, the child born will become a super alien that combines the abilities of the alien and the zombie."

"So are there any super aliens in your base?

The old man shook his head and said:"As far as I know, there is not yet." One is because only zombies above level four can withstand the transformation potion.

However, more than half of the high-level zombies have slowly degraded their internal organs and are unable to give birth to offspring at all.

The second reason is that even if zombies are modified, their bodies are still very strong. If the descendants of mutants are too weak, it will be difficult for them to survive high-level zombies. unless……"

"Unless what?"Chen Yu asked

"Only a mutant with excellent physical fitness would be able to succeed. But such people are so hard to find. Because even level four mutants may not be far superior to ordinary people in that respect.……"

After hearing this, Chen Yu had an imperceptible smile on his lips.

If you get the transformation potion, give it to Hong Yi and the others to use.

Does that mean that I can also be with Hongyi and others...

I get excited just thinking about it.

Of course, Chen Yu just wanted to get rewards from Hong Yi and others, and didn't have too many other ideas.

But there is another point. I wonder if the"zombie exception" rule originally mentioned by the system will still be effective for the transformed red clothes?

As for the question the old man said... haha.

Compared with Brother Yu, there is no one in the entire Blue Star who can beat him.

Even if the robot woman entered Chen Yu's dimensional space, she would probably have to leave in smoke.

Chen Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart, pulled the old man's collar and asked:"Tell me, where is your base?"

The old man pondered for a moment, and then said:"Our base is called Sakura Base, right... right in Edo The center of the city. If you promise to let me go, I can take you there."

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man, thinking to himself:"It turns out to be Sakura Base again, so we have to put the zombie hunting mission aside."Let's go to this base first."

Chen Yu looked at the old man and said expressionlessly:"Okay, you are no longer useful. It's time to go see your wife."

Then he waved his hand to the three. All the aliens were absorbed into the space and their powers were absorbed.

A Tu stepped forward, lowered his head and said,"Master, why don't you let A Tu lead his men to Sakura Base and kill all those Japs first?"

Chen Yu shook his head and said,"Since they dare to send people to look for the Corpse King, it means that they There are ways to deal with the Corpse King. If you go there yourself, you may not only be caught by them, but you may also be able to alert them."

"The master was right, Ah Tu became a little blindly confident after following his master."

Chen Yu thought for a moment, and then said to Atu:"Atu, you and Xiaoying and the others go to meet Datou, and then you go to the Sakura Base together. Your task is still to continue to clean up the zombies and islanders along the way. If you encounter strangers, try to capture them alive."

Chen Yu has now reached the fifth level, and his strength is quite terrifying.

If he is to deal with zombies and low-level aliens, he will be overqualified.

In order to save time, the best way is to split up.

Atu nodded, full of confidence Said:"Master, please rest assured, we will definitely live up to your expectations."

Then, Ah Tu led his men down to meet Da Tou.

"Dabai, Xiaoying, you two should go together too."

"Yes, master!"

Dabai turned over and jumped on Xiaoying's back, and disappeared into the sky in a short while.

After Dabai and others left, Chen Yu also disappeared and flew towards the Sakura base.

At this time, his fastest flying speed was already It has reached 2 times the speed of sound.

In its ultimate state, it can fly 40 kilometers in one minute!

In just a few minutes, Chen Yu came to the sky above Sakura Base and saw the scale of the entire base. It is about the same size as Longyuan Base, with three floors above ground and one underground floor.

But unlike Longyuan Base, there are many powerful aliens in the three floors above ground alone.

There are even 5 level 4 mutants in the core area.

It seems that the large number of zombies in the island country does have certain benefits, allowing the mutants to upgrade faster.

After figuring out the situation in the base, Chen Yu quickly headed towards it. Fly to the base entrance.

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