After everyone heard this, they hurriedly picked up the hot weapons on the ground.

Even the 60 zombies, under the control of Datou and Hongyi, picked up weapons such as rifles and rocket launchers.

Chen Yu took out the Barrett sniper rifle and opened his analysis glasses.

After looking around, there seemed to be no zombies nearby.

Chen Yu couldn't help but mutter to himself:"Why is there not a single zombie? Isn't that impossible?"

Chen Yu thought for a while and expanded the scope of his observation.

Only then did he realize that several containers thousands of meters away were densely packed with zombies.

One of the zombies was looking at him with a telescope.

Chen Yu was slightly surprised.

Zombies who know how to use telescopes have become very smart, at least at the level of zombie generals.

Chen Yu began to analyze the zombie using the telescope.

【Zombie level: Level 4 Zombie General]

Chen Yu took another look at the other zombies.

Most of them are first- and second-level zombies.

There are also two level four corpse generals.

Chen Yu couldn't help complaining:"Have zombies learned to form a group?"

After carefully observing the zombies, Chen Yu withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Hong Yi and said,"Hong Yi, you just said you felt a Powerful zombie, is that zombie a level 5 zombie king?"

Hong Yi shook his head slightly and said,"I don't know what level this zombie is, I just know that its ability should not be lower than mine."

"In this way, the zombie has reached level five at least. Even level six……"

"It should be like this. Otherwise I wouldn’t have a sense of crisis"

"I never thought, Hong Yi, you could actually feel the powerful zombies around you."

"I don't know when I had this ability."

Although Chen Yu and Hong Yi have been chatting and laughing, he has been closely observing the zombies in the distance.

After all, level four zombies are rare in the entire Great Xia.

And except for Hong Yi who is controlled by him, he has no I have seen another level 5 corpse king.

I just arrived in the island country, and I saw three corpse kings. It is very likely that there is even a level 5 corpse king hiding in the dark.

Of course, this is also the same as Daxia. It was related to that mysterious power.

Most of the zombies were attracted to a certain place by that power.

There were too few zombies left, which caused the zombies to upgrade slowly

, trying to find out. The zombies were only hiding in the dark.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and shouted to everyone:"Everyone, be careful where you step! That zombie is probably hiding underground……"

Before he finished speaking, a level three zombie bound by Chen Yu was suddenly dragged underground.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the level three zombies and were suddenly surprised.

I saw that where it was originally located, there was a pit like a sewer.

Dr. Li couldn't help but shouted:"What...what is going on? Is there a monster that can escape from the ground?"

Chen Yu said with a solemn face:"I just glanced at the zombie, it was a The fifth-level zombie king, and its special ability is to escape from the ground."

After hearing this, everyone pointed their guns at their feet, as if waiting for the zombies to show up again.

Chen Yu thought for a while and decided to bring everyone into the space first.

After all, they have no effect here.

Hongyi seemed to have guessed what Chen Yu was thinking, and took the initiative to say:"Master, please leave me here. It and I are both at level five, and even if it drags it underground, it won't be able to kill me for a while. Moreover, I can also provide you with a perspective."

After hearing this, Chen Yu thought this was a good idea.

Then he put all the others into the space, leaving only one person in red, and hid his figure.

At the same time, the underground zombies were suddenly stunned and couldn't help but said to themselves:"What's going on? Why did they suddenly disappear?"

The eyes of the underground zombies looked carefully through the thick soil. Observing the situation on the ground, I saw only one person in red.

"Humph, you must be invisible, right?"The escaping zombie said jokingly,"You think you can deal with me like this? Then I will deal with this beauty in red first, and then I will deal with you slowly."

The escaped zombies no longer hesitated and rushed towards Hong Yi.

Suddenly, a pair of rough hands passed through the soil, grabbed Hong Yi's slender and tender ankles, and dragged her into the ground.

Hong Yi did not He was not surprised at all, but calmly activated his ability [Thunder and Lightning Confinement].

The ground-escaping zombie seemed to be immobilized and could not move for an instant.

According to the vision obtained by Hong Yi, Chen Yu jumped from the position where Hong Yi disappeared. After entering the ground, he saw that the underground was densely filled with tunnels, which seemed to have been dug by the zombies. At this time,

Chen Yu came to Hongyi, and the zombies had recovered and were ready to escape.

"Where to run!"

Chen Yu directly hit the back of the escaping zombie with a bolt of lightning, electrocuting it to pieces.

Then he took it and the red clothes into the space.

After reaching the ground, Chen Yu sneaked his consciousness into the space , and bound the Earth-Escape Zombie.

The Earth-Escape Zombie stood respectfully in front of Chen Yu, lowered his head and said in the island Mandarin:"Master, I am at your disposal."

Of course Chen Yu couldn't understand the bird language spoken by Ula Ula, so he sneaked his consciousness into the points store.

Among the second-level products, there is a product called"Language System".

After purchasing this product, not only can you understand Various languages (including but not limited to human language) can also be used to teach zombies and mutants controlled by themselves the Daxia language, and it only costs 200 points.

Chen Yu bought this product without hesitation, and then took a closer look. Chen Yu looked at the ground-escape zombie covered in mud.

Then he discovered that this zombie not only had the ability to escape from the ground, but it could also see the ground clearly through the mud.

This also explained why it could accurately navigate underground.

Chen Yu thought of the zombies on the container and asked directly:"Are those zombies on the container your men ?"

"Yes Master."The escaped zombie replied,"My men and I were originally on the container at the port. I just found a huge eagle carrying you and landed on the coast, so I quietly rushed over."

Chen Yu was pleasantly surprised.

He didn't expect that the zombies on the container were actually the subordinates of the zombies who escaped from the ground.

This saved some trouble.

Chen Yu slipped his consciousness out of the space, and then quickly flew towards the container.

Those The zombies saw Chen Yu flying over and immediately prepared to fight.

However, Chen Yu calmly released the ground- escape zombies from the space. One of the zombies was confused when he saw the ground-escape zombies appearing out of thin air. Said:"Lord Corpse King, what on earth is going on? How come you are with a human being? Has he been conquered by you?"

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