Chen Yu was not in a hurry to leave, but took out a teleportation talisman from the space and handed it to Jiang Xueer.

Jiang Xueer took the teleportation talisman and asked curiously,"Brother Yu, what is this?"

Chen Yu explained,"This is one of the two teleportation talismans. The other one is with me. If you encounter danger that you cannot solve, gather around the teleportation talisman. Just tear off the teleportation talisman and you can be teleported to my side."

Liu Shishi said excitedly,"Great! If we miss Brother Yu, we can just teleport to him." After hearing this

, Chen Yu's mouth twitched and said,"There is only one teleportation talisman, which is used to save lives. Don't use it indiscriminately."

This teleportation talisman was purchased by Chen Yu from the points store on the way to Longyuan Base, and he spent 3,000 points!

Zhao Beibei took a look at the teleportation talisman and asked in confusion,"How many people can this talisman teleport at one time?"

Chen Yu explained,"It can teleport up to 20 people. Anyone within ten meters of the teleportation talisman can be teleported. Of course, this talisman also applies to Wushuang."

Jiang Xueer put away the teleportation talisman and said seriously,"Brother Yu, please rest assured. We will not use this talisman unless it is absolutely necessary."

Chen Yu nodded and said goodbye to Jiang Xueer and others.

This time when he went to the island country, Chen Yu brought Dr. Li, An An, Datou and Hongyi and their zombie subordinates.

There are also two"divine beasts" Dabai and Ali.

These are basically Chen Yu's strongest combat power at present.

This trip to the island country is a long journey.

Fortunately, Chen Yu has the ability of [flying], which is much faster than driving or taking a boat.

In the sky, the invisible Chen Yu flew all the way east in the air, just like a small plane.

After flying for seven or eight hours, Chen Yu finally arrived at the seaside.

He planned to rest on the ground first, and then continue on his way.

However, at this moment, a huge bird suddenly appeared in the clouds thousands of meters away.

"Holy shit, what kind of bird is this? Why is it so big?"

Chen Yu almost didn't hesitate and sped up to catch up.

When he got closer, he realized that it was actually a huge eagle, more than ten times larger than the average eagle.

"This must be a mutated eagle!"

Chen Yu opened his analysis glasses excitedly and carefully checked the eagle's information panel.

【Species Category: Mutated Eagle】

【Level: Level 3】

【Superpower: Arrow Feathers in the Sky (the feathers can be used as arrows to attack the enemy, and the lost feathers can be regenerated within 10 days)]

Chen Yu stared at the mutated eagle and thought to himself:"It just so happens that I can tie it again Bind 3 mutated creatures. Mutated creatures are really hard to find, so let’s bind this eagle first."

As he spoke, Chen Yu had already landed on the eagle’s back.

The eagle seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly rotated 360 degrees in the sky, and activated its own power [Arrow Feathers in the Sky]】

"Huh, what a trivial skill, nothing worth mentioning!"

Chen Yu directly activated his power [Dragon Scale Armor].

Under the action of the thick armor and invisible protective clothing, those iron-like feathers could not cause harm to Chen Yu at all.

On the contrary, it was as comfortable as a massage.

The eagle was shocked and was about to activate his power again, but Chen Yu had already grabbed the eagle's neck tightly.

"Little chicken, stop struggling needlessly and just be bound by me."

The eagle's eyes suddenly widened, as if he was dissatisfied with the name"Chicken Cub".

However, it could do nothing to Chen Yu.

While Chen Yu was speaking, he had already begun to bind the eagle. After all

, this eagle was only at level 3, and it was not enough to be seen by Chen Yu at level 4.

In just a moment, the eagle was successfully bound by Chen Yu.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully binding one mutant creature. Two more mutant creatures can be bound."

After being bound, the eagle turned his head and said piously:"Master, I am at your disposal."

Chen Yu was no longer invisible, and passed the location information of the island country to the eagle's consciousness, then sat on its back and said:"Little eagle, fly in the direction of the island country."

"Yes, master."

The little eagle flapped its wings that covered the sky and flew towards the island country.

Chen Yu sat directly on the back of the eagle and enjoyed the food.

Although he flew faster than the little eagle, it was not as labor-saving and comfortable as it is now. ?

After arriving in the island country, there is no need to adjust the state, and you can start working directly.

When Chen Yu finished eating and was about to lie down for a while, Ali's voice came from the space.

"Dear master, Ahri has been upgraded.(#^.^#)!"

Chen Yu was immediately surprised, released Ahri from the space, and looked at Ahri's information panel.

【Name: Ahli】

【Level: Level 3】

【Power 1: Amplification (Amplification effect 40%)】

【Power 2: Escape (when in danger, she can transform a tail into her own appearance and successfully escape. Note: the tail cannot be regenerated)]

In addition, the biggest change is her appearance.

Because she looks more mature now than before.

And, it's even...bigger.

Ah Li crossed his hands in front of him, swayed slightly and said coyly:"Zhu Yin, what are you looking at?"

Chen Yu finally came back to his senses, bared his teeth and said with a smile:"Ali, you have been promoted. The level 1 change is quite big."

"Hehe, I think so too."While speaking, Ahri couldn't help but release his tail from behind, spun it around and said,"I think my tail looks better too."

Chen Yu glanced at Ahri's nine fluffy white tails and felt a little moved.

"Come here, let me take a good look."

After hearing this, Ah Li put away the extra tails with a shy look, leaving only two


Xiaoying, who had just been subdued by Chen Yu, shook his head helplessly, as if he wanted to complain, but did not dare to say anything.

After two days of flying, Chen Yu and others finally arrived at the island country.

The little eagle landed slowly on the beach and crawled on the ground.

Chen Yu jumped off the eagle's back and released Dr. Li and others from the space.

Dr. Li stretched his body, yawned and said,"It's finally here... I have been eating and sleeping for the past two days. It's so boring."

Ah Li glanced at Chen Yu and said with some resentment,"I'm so bored these two days." It's been a fun day, but my tail feels a little uncomfortable."

Hong Yi looked around and said with some surprise,"Everyone, please be careful. Why do I feel like there is a very powerful zombie staring at us? Even I was affected by it."

After hearing this, Chen Yu took out a large number of thermal weapons from the space and said:

"As I expected, the zombies from the island country should be more powerful than those from Daxia. Everyone, be prepared for the battle."

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