After Chen Yu obtained the [Flying] power, he had no time to test it, so he looked at other powers.

The rest of the abilities include attack, defense, and various other types of abilities, such as escape.

Most of the attack abilities in it are not as powerful as [Thunderstorm].

So Chen Yu didn't take a fancy to it.

In terms of defense, Chen Yu is not very interested in defensive abilities because his physique is far superior to that of ordinary people and he also has an invisible protective suit.

Finally, his eyes fell on the [Invisibility] ability, and he couldn't help but look at the detailed information of this ability.

【Invisibility: After the target obtains this power, it can hide its traces. At the same time, the target can hide its own clothing and small items in contact with itself】

【Price: 5,000 points]

If you can become invisible anytime and anywhere, Chen Yu will have a qualitative improvement in both offense and defense.

After much thought, Chen Yu finally purchased this ability.

However, while gaining the two abilities of [Flying] and [Invisibility], Chen Yu almost became a pauper again.

There are only a little over 2,000 points left in the account.

If you want to buy more abilities, you won’t have enough points.

Chen Yu had no choice but to give up.

After closing the system store, Chen Yu couldn't help but activate the [Invisibility] ability.

Suddenly, Chen Yu disappeared from where he was.

He looked down at himself and found that he was completely invisible

"Find someone to give it a try in a while and see how this ability works."

While speaking, Chen Yu slowly walked towards a villa not far away.

In the past few days, while Chen Yu was earning points, Dong Wushuang had divided the houses in the manor according to Chen Yu's instructions.

This will facilitate Chen Yu's daily activities.

Soon, Chen Yu arrived in front of the villa.

This villa is a two-story structure. Although it is not luxurious, it is quite good in the Doomsday Manor. There were eight celebrities living in this room, including Yang Meiyi.

Chen Yu walked to the door of the villa and knocked hard on the door.

Yang Meiyi's voice came from the villa.

"Please wait!"

After a while, the door of the villa was opened.

Chen Yu took the opportunity and walked in quickly.

Yang Meiyi stretched out her head from the villa, looked around a few times, and said to herself curiously:

"It's really strange, why is there no one here?"

After saying that, she closed the door again.

On the sofa, Gulireza turned her head and asked,"Sister Meiyi, was it Brother Yu who knocked on the door just now?"

"I don't know who knocked on the door. I just went out and didn't find anyone"

"Maybe someone is playing a prank"


While speaking, Yang Meiyi sat back on the sofa again.

At this time, Liu Feifei, who had finished her manicure, stretched out her hands and showed everyone the results of her two hours of labor with excitement.

"Sisters, how about my manicure?"

Gu Lireza glanced at Liu Feifei's manicure and couldn't help complaining:

"The manicure is really good, but it is a little inconvenient"

"What's not convenient? Liu Feifei asked with some doubts.

"What do you think?"Gulireza approached Liu Feifei and said with a wicked smile,

"Think about it, Brother Yu will definitely not be able to cope with so many women around him. So from now on, we women are just like being alone and have to rely on ourselves for everything. You do look good with your manicure, but Brother Yu can’t see it. Moreover, with manicure, when I think about Brother Yu in the future,……"

Liu Feifei was stunned for a moment, and then knew what Gulireza meant.

She blushed, pretending to be angry and said:

""Oh, Reza, what are you talking about? It's so annoying!"

Chen Yu was speechless after hearing this.

He didn't expect that the conversation between these seemingly serious women would be so explicit.

It was even worse than the dirty jokes told by boys when they were drinking.

Chen Yu glanced at Yang Meiyi, who had been silent on the sofa, and walked over to touch her quietly.

Yang Meiyi suddenly trembled all over, covering her front and said:

"What's going on? Someone seemed to have touched me just now. Gulireza was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said:

"Meiyi, I think you are obsessed with Brother Yu. It's not good to keep going like this, you will get sick. Anyway, you have the best relationship with Brother Yu, why don't you go and have a good chat with Brother Yu? By the way, I would also like to ask if you mind taking me with you."

"Hey, take me with you too……"A plump woman with stunning looks echoed.

"ah! It seems like someone is hiding in the dark……"As soon as they finished speaking, Liu Feifei suddenly screamed.

Yang Meiyi looked at Liu Feifei and lowered her voice and asked:"Feifei, did you just say that you also felt someone?"

"I……"Liu Feifei looked around in horror and said in disbelief,

"I just felt someone pinch me there. If you don’t believe it, take a look……"

While talking, Liu Feifei took off his coat without any concealment.

There were several bright red fingerprints on her body.

It looked like he had just been arrested.

At the same time, a woman sitting on the sofa had her legs shaking involuntarily.

She hesitated to speak, as if she was enduring some indescribable pain.

The girls were startled and looked around cautiously.

After Yang Meiyi thought about it again and again, she said to her woman:

"I thought there must be someone in this room, maybe a mutant who could become invisible. Let’s report this matter to Brother Yu quickly."

"Yes, tell Brother Yu about this quickly, otherwise we will be in danger!"Liu Feifei said anxiously.

As he spoke, several women were about to run out of the villa.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yu no longer concealed his traces, but blocked the front of the women. The one who ran at the front Yang Meiyi suddenly felt as if she had bumped into someone.

She screamed and backed away while covering her head.

When she saw that the person she bumped into was Chen Yu, she asked in surprise:

"Brother Yu, why are you here?"

Chen Yu chuckled and said:

"I've always been in this room."

Yang Meiyi suddenly realized

"It turns out that it was you who was hiding in the dark and attacking us just now?"

"Yes, it's me."

After hearing this, the women breathed a sigh of relief.

When Guli Reza saw Chen Yu, she ran over in a few steps, threw herself into Chen Yu's arms and said:

"Brother Yu, you just scared people to death. You said you wanted to do it openly, why not do it secretly?"

"exactly……"Liu Feifei pouted, pointed at the red mark on her body and said,

"Brother Yu, look at the good things you have done. Everyone was red."

Chen Yu shrugged and said with a smile:"I'm sorry, I just got the invisibility ability. I don't want to test it on you."

At this time, Gulireza quietly walked to the door of the villa, locked the door, squinted and smiled:

"Brother Yu, since you are here, how can I let you go so easily?"

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