Girl representative

Gulireza was a little stunned after following Chen Yu to the opposite room.

This room had just been transformed into a bedroom by Chen Yu.

There is not only a large bed inside, but also a large wardrobe.

There are even some auxiliary chat facilities.

Gulireza couldn't help but swallowed.

Chen Yu sat on the bed, waved to Gulireza and said:

"Time is running out, so I won't bother you anymore. Let’s get right to it."

Gulireza was slightly surprised.

"This is too fast, I am still a little uncomfortable with it."

However, having said that, Gulireza took a set of uniforms from the closet very sensibly, then twisted his waist and leaned over.

Chen Yu squinted at Gulireza's move, which was so smooth. operation, he said with a smile:

"I didn’t expect you to understand my feelings quite well. Gulireza said very relaxedly while changing clothes:

"In our line of work, can we survive if we don’t know how to do it?"

After a while, Gulireza changed her clothes.

Chen Yu carefully looked at the beauty in front of him, slightly absent-minded.

At this time, Gulireza was wearing a black hollow gauze evening dress.

That The looming white skin and flat belly are very attractive.

The lower body is wearing a thin heather silk dress, paired with a pair of pointed leather shoes, which perfectly sets off her slender and straight thighs.

Talk about it, if you just look at looks, Gulireza is indeed better than the average A-list star.

"Brother Yu, what are you looking at?"

Gulireza slowly walked up to Chen Yu, blinking his big watery eyes.

Chen Yu then came back to his senses and took Gulireza into his arms.

"I didn't expect you to be so suitable for this dress."

"Of course, I fell in love with this outfit at first sight. Only this outfit can show off my figure."

"It's a pity that the clothes were ruined very quickly."

While talking, Chen Yu pulled Gulireza and started chatting with her.


In the next room, Liu Feifei heard the sound of Chen Yu chatting and couldn't help but mutter:

"I really don’t notice it usually, but Reza is too proactive, right? Yang

Meiyi hugged her chest and complained with a smile:

"Not to mention you, even I who often deal with her have been deceived by her. I didn't expect that she would be more proactive than me when chatting."

Several people around also echoed:

"It seems that this man named Chen Yu is quite capable."

"Yes, I really didn’t expect that he looks so thin but has such good physical strength.……"

"Wow, listening to them chatting, I want to give it a try"


More than an hour passed leisurely.

Gulireza carried a large bag of food and dragged his tired body to Yang Meiyi and others.

Several good friends gathered around and asked each other:

"Reza, I'm a little scared. What exactly did you experience there?"

"Tell us quickly, is that Chen Yu a pervert?"

"I heard that when you were chatting just now, your voice was a little loud. Could it be that he used some perverted means? Gulireza shook his head gently and said helplessly:

"Things are not what you think. In short, you won't regret chatting with him. If you don’t believe it, ask Sister Meiyi.

After hearing this, Yang Meiyi nodded with a smile and said,"Didn't I tell you earlier?" Now you believe it. Moreover, it is probably that Chen Yu deliberately compressed the time this time, so that Reza could come out so quickly. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to get out for two hours."

After hearing this, the other girls looked in the opposite direction with fear and expectation.

Gulireza looked at the crowd and reminded:"Whoever wants to go now, hurry up and go. You have to go through it sooner or later anyway."

At this time, the attentive Liu Feifei saw the food in Gulireza's hand and said in surprise:

"Wow, he gave you so much delicious food!"

"Yes." Guli Reza looked at the food in her hand with some satisfaction and whispered,"I didn't expect that he had so many fresh foods. It seems that following him is not a bad thing. However, there is one thing I need to remind you.……"

"What's up? Liu Feifei asked curiously

"After chatting with him, he will put a bracelet on everyone. What he means is that as long as you are with him after wearing the bracelet, you will gradually become stronger."

"This is a good thing!"

"But I always feel that things are not that simple. This bracelet is more like a restraint, preventing us from doing anything detrimental to him."

At this time, Yang Meiyi interrupted:

"In any case, even without this bracelet, our fate is completely in Chen Yu's hands. He wants us to die and none of us will survive. As long as we focus on doing our part, I think we can live a good life. Liu Feifei nodded and whispered:

"In this case, I will pass. Just like Reza said, sooner or later he won't be able to run away anyway."

After that, Liu Feifei no longer hesitated and walked towards Chen Yu's room with firm steps...

In the following days, Chen Yu's main task every day was to eat, sleep and chat.

But for some reason, chatting later became He could only get store points and loyalty bracelets.

After a busy week,

Chen Yu chatted with a total of 101 girls, and he earned a total of 10,100 store points. There are a total of 11,310 points!

In addition, he has obtained one quota for binding animal zombies and four quotas for binding mutant creatures.

This surprised Chen Yu, plus he obtained a binding animal from Yang Meiyi. With the quota of zombies, he can now bind 2 more animal zombies. And the 4 quotas for binding mutant creatures made him realize that there should be not only mutants in the world, but also mutant creatures.

Yu became a little excited.

However, now was not the time to think about that.

The most important thing now was to go to the points store to buy something.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu couldn't help but dive into the space.

At this time, the store was already open. After looking at the third -level products

, Chen Yu couldn't wait to look at the fourth-level products.

Most of the fourth-level products were supernatural products, which made

Chen Yu a little excited.

A new ability.

After scanning through the dazzling array of products, Chen Yu finally settled on the ability [Flying].

【Flying: With this ability, you can fly freely in the sky】

【Product price: 4000 points]

Chen Yu was a little excited when he saw the introduction of [Flying].

But the moment I saw the price, my blood ran cold.

After much thought, Chen Yu finally spent a huge amount of money to buy this superpower.

Then, he looked at other abilities.

Ps: Starting from today, normal updates will resume. There were fewer incidents during the Chinese New Year. I’m really sorry to everyone. Of course, I was also punished accordingly and my data dropped seriously. I hope you all can support me more. The editor is here to kneel down and thank you.

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