The picking garden is not far from the agricultural greenhouse park, and it only takes a few minutes to drive there.

Before approaching the gate of the picking garden, you can see a lot of zombies wandering around. Obviously, no other survivors have come here.

Song Chen drove the heavy truck directly into the gate of the picking garden. The violent sound instantly attracted all the zombies nearby.

Song Chen took a rough look and estimated that there were about a hundred zombies gathered.

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This number is enough for the new members to practice. When they are exhausted, Lan Ya and I will take action again.

"Prepare for battle according to the previous training method."

In order to better ensure the safety of everyone, Song Chen specially trained the new members before carrying out this operation. After receiving Song Chen's instructions, everyone quickly stood in the training formation.

The so-called training formation is naturally that the superpowers with higher melee ability such as strength and earth are in the front, and the fire and other long-range attack abilities are in the back.

As the only nurse, Tang Yunke naturally stood in the last row.

"Wind and speed classes, pay attention to controlling the number of zombies. If there are more than 20 zombies at the same time, you will be responsible for leading some of them away."

"The front row will hold on, and the back row will look for opportunities to output. Be careful not to hurt your teammates."

Song Chen stood in the back and directed in real time.

Chang Minghao and Yang Qian each led their team members to kill zombies.

After this period of training, they were no longer as panicked as they were at the beginning when facing zombies. With mutual cooperation, they cleaned up the zombies with extremely high efficiency.

The speed and wind class members were responsible for leading away the zombies attracted by the sound to prevent the number of zombies from gradually increasing and exceeding the maximum number that the team could bear.

Looking at everyone's orderly movements, Song Chen said he was quite satisfied.

At least it was no longer like the beginning when skills were flying all over the sky. Everyone's superpowers could hit the zombies accurately. Although the power was still a bit unsatisfactory, on average, each zombie required three to four skills to kill, but it was a good improvement compared to before.

The most surprising ones are Chang Minghao and Yang Qian.

Yang Qian's ability level has been upgraded to level 2, and her attack power is also very strong when facing zombies of the same level. Two fireballs can easily kill a zombie.

Chang Minghao, whose level has also been upgraded to level 2, has a special way of fighting.

Under normal circumstances, the combat power of psychic ability users is very weak in the early stage. Except for the partial strengthening of the body, there is basically no difference from ordinary people in other aspects.

But Chang Minghao somehow learned a very cheating skill.

He can control zombies with mental power.

The zombies, which are relatively weak in this aspect, are easily controlled by him, and then turn against the zombies rushing behind to attack. The pain degeneration of zombies, which was originally extremely difficult for humans, has become an advantage at this time.

The zombies controlled by Chang Minghao, even if their arms and legs are all broken, will bite other zombies with their full teeth.

Song Chen had originally thought of sitting with Lan Ya nearby and helping anyone who was in danger, but he didn't expect that they would be completely useless. The members cooperated with Cheng Siyuan and killed all the zombies in a short time.

After successfully dealing with the zombies at the door, Song Chen led everyone to continue exploring the picking garden.

It seemed that when the incident happened, everyone in the picking garden was desperately running out. The group didn't encounter too many zombies in the garden, and the few that occasionally appeared were easily dealt with by Cheng Siyuan.

Everyone soon came to the picking garden inside.

The situation was the same as the agricultural greenhouse. All the plants growing in the soil in the picking garden withered and withered for unknown reasons, and the fruits that were produced were rotten and dried under the scorching sun. Looking around, the park was barren.

There was no warehouse-like building nearby, and this trip to the picking garden seemed to be a wasted trip.

Just when everyone was a little frustrated and ready to go back, Lan Ya suddenly barked and ran towards the depths of the picking garden.

"Lan Ya?"

Song Chen hurriedly followed it.

Lan Ya must have discovered something, otherwise it would not have made such an abnormal move.

Song Chen followed Lan Ya all the way to the inside of the picking garden, and finally stopped in front of a withered vegetation.

"Is this... a grape rack?"

Song Chen looked up and down at the surrounding vegetation. Although he had never seen unripe grapes with his own eyes, he had never eaten pork, hadn't he seen pigs run?

Combined with the film and television pictures he had seen on the Internet, Song Chen quickly recognized that the withered vegetation on the rack in front of him was the grape vine.

But why did Lan Ya bring him here?

There were no surviving plants here, and no zombies were found.

Suddenly, Song Chen's sight was attracted by an inconspicuous corner.

He walked over quickly and pulled away all the withered vines covering it, and a bright green vine was suddenly exposed.

"Mutated grape vines?!"

Song Chen's face was full of surprise.

I didn't expect to find a mutant grapevine here. Not only did it survive tenaciously, but it was also full of grapes.

You know, it's not even June yet. Normal grapes mature between July and October, but this mutant grapevine has already produced so many fruits.

The most important thing is, I don't know if this grapevine is full or if it's not aggressive.

It did not make any aggressive moves in the face of Song Chen and Lan Ya.

If they took it back and planted it in the field, wouldn't they be able to eat freshly picked grapes every day?

Moreover, the fruits of mutant plants have special effects.

After eating, the superpowers can improve a small amount of superpowers, and it can also help quickly restore the superpowers in the body. Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies after eating it.

Thinking of this, Song Chen couldn't wait to pick a grape and wipe it clean and throw it into his mouth.

Sweet and juicy, it tastes better than the grapes before the end of the world.

Although the feeling is not obvious, Song Chen can also vaguely feel that the superpowers in his body have been restored and increased a little.

It can make a superpower like him who has reached the third level have this feeling. The mutant grape vine in front of him is at least a second-level plant.

Cultivate it well in the future. When its level is raised, it can be used to help members improve their superpowers.

What a good thing!

Song Chen was so excited that he rubbed his hands and quickly took out tools from the space to start transplanting.

"The environment on the road may not be suitable for your growth. Be patient for a while. I will build a rack for you when we get back. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Regardless of whether the grapevine can understand or not, Song Chen comforted it and then put the whole plant into the bag.

Fortunately, the grapevine was also honest after entering the bag and did not show any abnormal reaction at all. Song Chen was completely relieved and turned around to call others to return immediately.

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