The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 98 Why does this person pull down someone's pants when they don't agree with him?

Chang Minghao pushed the remaining five people who were captured to Song Chen, waiting for Song Chen to order how to deal with them.

In response, Song Chen waved his hand without thinking and said: "Kill them all."

From the moment these guys chose to oppose him, their fate was doomed, and there was only one way left.


Chang Minghao decisively raised his machete and prepared to give them a quick death, but when these people heard that Song Chen was going to kill them, they immediately struggled frantically.

"Why do you want to kill us?"

"We have surrendered, you should let us go!"

Hearing this, Song Chen couldn't help laughing as if he heard a joke.

"Should I let you go if you surrender?"

Don't talk about moral kidnapping. If Chang Minghao and others were caught by them, these guys would definitely kill them without hesitation, and they might even use them as fun to humiliate and oppress them.

And now these guys are so embarrassed to say that they must be let go if they surrender?

It's really funny!

Facing Song Chen's teasing and playful eyes, the man who just spoke dodged his eyes and felt a little weak in his heart.

He didn't expect Song Chen to be so decisive in wanting to kill them.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of all of them awakening their superpowers, shouldn't Song Chen provide them with good food and drink and beg them to join his team?

It was because of this thought that he decided to give up resistance after Cui Sheng was killed.

After all, Cui Sheng was the strongest among them. Even Cui Sheng was killed, so they naturally couldn't be Song Chen's opponent.

But now why are things developing differently from what they thought?

Fang Qing, the female fire superpower who started the fight, suddenly pushed away the others and approached Song Chen with a careful and flattering smile.

"This little brother, if you want to kill them, just kill them, but please spare their lives, I am willing to do anything for you."

As she said that, Fang Qing slowly reached out her hand and touched Song Chen's waist.

Although there were other people watching around, she was not panicked at all because she had experienced big scenes. As long as she could save her life, she could handle more people.

Song Chen was shocked.

Why did this person pull down someone's pants when he didn't agree with her?

Song Chen raised his foot and kicked Fang Qing away, saying in disgust: "Get out of here, I don't want to get any dirty diseases!"

Fang Qing fell to the ground and looked at Song Chen pitifully, as if Song Chen was a scumbag who hurt her deeply.

And Fang Qing's teammates all showed resentful expressions and couldn't help cursing.

"Stinky bitch! You were still praising us yesterday, but now you are f*cking kneeling and licking others. I should have killed you earlier!"

Fang Qing cursed back.

"What's the use of your guys who are not even as thick as enoki mushrooms? In the end, you still rely on my acting skills to satisfy you!"

Chang Minghao and others had never heard such a powerful speech before, and their eyes were wide open. The other girls were so embarrassed that their faces turned red, and they didn't know what expression to make.

Is this really something they can listen to?

Song Chen was too lazy to listen to their dog-eat-dog fight, and directly ordered Lan Ya to quickly deal with them.

After killing them, he did not forget to take out the crystal cores in their heads.

In addition to the second-level wind crystal core that had been awarded to Lan Ya, Song Chen had an additional third-level ice crystal core, a second-level fire crystal core, and two first-level power crystal cores and two water crystal cores.

After washing all the crystal cores and putting them into the space, Cheng Siyuan also recovered a little from the exhausted state of exhaustion of superpowers.

Song Chen walked over and handed him a bottle of water, and asked with concern: "How do you feel now?"

"I feel much better." Cheng Siyuan smiled, "I didn't expect that I would use up all my superpowers just now."

Song Chen heard the words and earnestly instructed: "Remember the feeling of using superpowers just now. In the future, you can use the lightning trick just now by following that feeling, and maybe you can change it into a new skill."

After awakening superpowers, the skills that can be used need to be studied by the superpowers themselves.

In addition to the ability of the psychic to think about it, the new skills can also be developed in actual combat.

This is why Song Chen never took action in the battle between Cheng Siyuan and Cui Sheng, and also stopped Lan Ya from helping.

The powerful skills used are all in battle, or even at the moment of life and death.

For example, Cheng Siyuan used to use light purple lightning skills, but in the face of Cui Sheng's giant ice cone, it condensed into a more powerful dark purple lightning, which greatly improved both the attack power and speed.

As long as he remembers the feeling of using dark purple lightning at this time, Cheng Siyuan can master this attack method and transform it into a new skill.

Of course.

Song Chen couldn't just watch Cheng Siyuan being killed. He had already condensed the power of space. Even if Cheng Siyuan failed to take Cui Sheng's attack, he would keep Cheng Siyuan safe.

Cheng Siyuan thought carefully about what Song Chen said, and recalled the feeling of using purple lightning just now according to what he said, and remembered it firmly in his heart.

After treating the wounded members, Song Chen asked them to rest for a while and walked into the cultivation shed.

Just as he expected, each cultivation shed was equipped with a generator, which was still running even after the apocalypse, and the environment in the shed was not affected by the high temperature outside.

However, due to unknown mutations, all the plants rooted in the soil withered, and only the seedlings cultivated in pots were still growing.

This seedling is more valuable than materials, so Song Chen hurriedly and carefully put it away.

Then he did not let go of other facilities in the greenhouse, and put all the generators and cultivation equipment into the space.

After finishing all these, Song Chen's space has added dozens of surviving seedlings that have not been affected by mutations.

These seedlings are likely to play an important role in the future.

Thinking of this, Song Chen couldn't help but curl his lips with joy.

All the material warehouses in the agricultural greenhouse park have been walked through, and Song Chen and his members continued to rush to the picking garden next to it.

The harvest in the park made Song Chen full of confidence, thinking that he might be able to get some fruit seeds or fruit tree seedlings in the picking garden.

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