"Brother Hao, if you ask me, we can just agree to Brother Chen to join his team. It's rare to get such an opportunity to be recruited by such a strong person!"

In the boys' dormitory, Li Haichuan was dancing with excitement.

Yang Qian and other core members of the team were sitting in their own seats, and many of them had the same idea as Li Haichuan.

Now that Chang Minghao is back alive, they have been recruited by Song Chen. In their eyes, this is a double happiness. There is nothing more joyful than this.

But Yang Qian thought differently from them.

Except for Song Chen's kindness to them, all the supplies in the school have been exhausted. Even if there is food hoarding in other places, it can be seen from the completely rotten food in the cafeteria that most of them will definitely not be able to eat.

If they want to survive, they must leave school and find other ways.

This sounds easy to say, but in fact Yang Qian has no clue what to do.

The end of the world came too suddenly, and she had no idea where to go next. The appearance of Song Chen at this time brought her a new direction like rain from the sky.

"I also agree to join Song Chen's team." Yang Qian expressed her position. "With our current capabilities and understanding of the outside world, if we want to find a new place suitable for survival, we must pay a lot of lives first. I don't want to watch it anymore. Watching my classmates die.”

Yang Qian's words caused everyone present to fall into silence.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, they have lost count of how many classmates have died tragically in front of their eyes, including their best friends and brothers. If there is a chance to reduce the number of deaths, they naturally do not want to miss it.

Chang Minghao felt complicated.

No matter from any aspect, joining Song Chen's team was their best choice at the moment, not to mention that Song Chen also saved his life, so he had no reason to refuse, both emotionally and rationally.

But he missed his parents who were still in the country.

Before, he could not abandon the school due to various reasons such as other classmates and his girlfriend Yu Xixi, but now that Song Chen appeared, the students could safely follow Song Chen and leave, so he began to think about returning to the countryside.

Regardless of whether his parents are still alive or not, he should go back and see them.

But before Chang Minghao could tell everyone his decision, the bedroom door was suddenly kicked open with force, and it hit the wall with a loud bang.


Chang Minghao and others immediately became alert and looked in the direction of the door.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yanting was seen swaggering into the room, followed by more than a dozen students, and they were dragging several classmates in their hands.

"Brother Hao, Sister Qian, I'm sorry we couldn't stop them."

The students looked at Chang Minghao, Yang Qian and others with guilty faces.

All of them were beaten with bruises and swollen faces. They had obviously been repaired by Chen Yanting's people. At this time, they had no room to resist when they were grasped by the opponent.

Seeing her classmates being beaten so miserably, Yang Qian suddenly became angry.

"Chen Yanting, what do you mean when you came here in the middle of the night and injured our people?"

Chen Yanting didn't take the angry Yang Qian seriously at all, and looked her up and down with a smile.

"What can I mean? It's just that the people under my command have nothing to eat. They have been really hungry these past two days. I happened to hear that you went to the canteen today and wanted to beg for food."

"Ha! That's quite polite of you." Chang Minghao sneered upon hearing this, "I think you guys must be hungry and have no good intentions when you come here!"

Chen Yanting completely ignored Chang Minghao's yin and yang annoyance and said directly: "Hand over all the food you plundered from the canteen today, otherwise these guys' lives will be at stake!"

As he said that, the person behind him threw the classmates to the ground threateningly and stepped on their throats. As a superpower, he could directly break their necks with just a little force.

Li Haichuan quickly explained: "We didn't bring back any food at all! The hot weather has lasted for so long, and the food and drinks in the canteen have already gone bad!"

But Chen Yanting didn't believe it at all.

"Don't treat me like a fool! My people heard you say with your own ears that you haven't eaten in a long time and are as full as today. How can you not have anything to eat?"

"That is……"

Li Haichuan opened his mouth to explain, but Yang Qian next to him raised his hand to stop him.

"There is no need to explain so much to them. This guy has been coveting our manpower for a long time. He will not let us go regardless of whether there is food or not."

Chen Yanting laughed when he heard this.

"The vice-president is indeed a sensible person! Chang Minghao was seriously injured, wasn't he? Otherwise, we would have been discovered when I led people into the dormitory building, and it would have been impossible to let us go upstairs."

Chang Minghao pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

Chen Yanting didn't pay attention, and took him as his acquiescence, and then continued: "In short, your strength is not as good as ours now, not to mention that we still have hostages in our hands. I advise you to just surrender and hand over the food!"

"The food is not here with us." Chang Minghao suddenly said, "I advise you to put everyone down and leave. We can pretend that what happened tonight never happened."

After hearing this, Chen Yanting immediately laughed as if he had heard some joke.

"How dare you say something like this when your powers are overstretched and you are seriously injured? I won't let you go, but I want to see what you can do to us?"

Suddenly, Chen Yanting seemed to have thought of something and looked at Yang Qian with a smile.

"Is Ji Lu still in school? He is not in this building. Is he in the girls' dormitory?"

Hearing this, Yang Qian could not help but sneer.

"You dare to have the idea of ​​​​hitting Ji Lu? You simply want to die. Let me tell you, there are people in the girls' dormitory who are much stronger than us. You are not a scumbag who can afford to provoke."

"You dare to be stubborn when you are about to die!"

Chen Yanting's last patience has been exhausted. He is too lazy to continue talking nonsense with them. He directly calls out to the people behind him: "Tie up all these people and take them back. Take good care of them for a few days. I don't believe that no one knows where the food is hidden!"

I didn't expect Chen Yanting to be so tough. Yang Qian was thinking about the fish and the net, but Chen Yanting directly pushed the injured classmates in his hands forward.

"Be obedient and follow me, otherwise I might do something."

Yang Qian and others were so angry that their faces turned red. In the end, they could only throw away the daggers in their hands angrily and let Chen Yanting's people tie them all up and take them away.

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