The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 81 Feeling a little excited?

"Brother Chen!"

Seeing Song Chen run out of the building safely, Ji Lu immediately threw himself into his arms excitedly.

"It's great that you're okay."

Song Chen was exhausted, and subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to push Ji Lu away, but noticed the choking in her tone, and finally just sighed, put his hand on her head and rubbed it gently.

"Sorry for worrying you, I'm fine."

Ji Lu wiped his eyes twitchingly, and pulled Song Chen to check carefully twice. Only after confirming that he was really uninjured did he feel relieved.

The rest of the people also gathered around, and Song Chen even found among them the surviving students who had been hiding in the classroom with Zheng Ye.

"They followed us when we evacuated the teaching building. Since they didn't do anything bad, I took them out together." Ji Yumo explained.

Song Chen nodded slightly when he heard this.

Yu Xixi, who hurt Chang Minghao, has been eaten up by the space zombies. The rest of the people have nothing to do with him. As long as they do not interfere with his actions, he will rely on his own actions to fight for life or death. He will not interfere.

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"Stop standing around here and leave quickly."

Seeing the zombies being attracted by the sound of the explosion, Song Chen quickly led everyone away from the teaching building and towards the dormitory building.

Along the way, many zombies wandering around were attracted by the smell of blood remaining on Chang Minghao's body, but without exception, all of them were harvested by Lan Ya and Ji Yumo to harvest the life-plus crystal cores.

It didn't take long for the group to return to the boys' dormitory.

Li Haichuan, who was guarding the first floor, saw Song Chen and others from afar. He quickly opened the door and welcomed them in. When he saw Chang Minghao still alive behind Jiang Sen, he almost jumped with excitement.

"Brother Hao, you are indeed still alive!"

The other students who were guarding the building also gathered around excitedly, talking about this.

Chang Minghao was helped to sit on the chair and looked at everyone with relief and guilt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't care about everyone's thoughts and insisted on running to the teaching building, which made you worry."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can come back alive."

Everyone did not pay attention to Chang Minghao's previous risky actions, but turned around to comfort him, which made Chang Minghao feel warm in his heart.

After checking Chang Minghao's condition, Li Haichuan walked up to Song Chen and bowed sincerely and solemnly.

"Brother Chen, thank you for rescuing Brother Hao."

Other students behind him also imitated his actions and bowed to Song Chen to express their gratitude.

Song Chen smiled and waved his hands, "It's just a small matter, nothing."

Chang Minghao also solemnly thanked you at this time, "Thank you for your life-saving grace. I will definitely find an opportunity to repay you."

"You were lucky enough to be able to survive until I rushed to the scene despite being seriously injured. As for repaying..." Song Chen chuckled softly, "To be honest, with your ability, you can't help me much at the moment."

Hearing this, Chang Minghao touched his nose in embarrassment.

He didn't feel ugly or humiliated at all. After seeing Song Chen's explosive strength in the teaching building, he clearly knew that what Song Chen said was the truth. With his current ability, even self-protection was a problem. How to talk about repaying Song Chen?

Unexpectedly, Song Chen changed the subject.

"But if you are willing, you can join my team. I will do my best to ensure your safety and life."


Chang Minghao was stunned.

Song Chen was actually inviting himself to join his team?

Hearing Chang Minghao's rhetorical question, Song Chen was also confused, "Didn't I make it clear enough?"

"No, no, no! No!" Chang Minghao waved his hands repeatedly, "I just didn't expect that you would invite us to join your team. After all, judging from our current strength, even joining you will only be a hindrance."

He had never expected to join Song Chen's team.

Even if all the students in their dormitory were put together, they would probably only have one dog.

Why would you want to join someone with such strength?

He still has this bit of self-awareness.

Song Chen smiled when he heard this, "Strength is not the most important thing to me. I am very optimistic about your spirit of unity and never giving up. I happen to be preparing to establish a base. There is a lack of manpower in the team. You just need to be obedient and work hard." It’s enough to complete the work I assigned you.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present looked at each other.

Build a base?

Nowadays, even self-protection is a problem for them, but Song Chen has already started preparing to establish a base?

The gap between people is too big!

"I will stay in the school until tomorrow. You can discuss it carefully during this period. I will take people away at dawn tomorrow."

After saying that, Song Chen turned around and walked towards the girls' dormitory building opposite without any hesitation, leaving space and time for Chang Minghao, Yang Qian and others to discuss.

As for why he went to the girls' dormitory instead of staying in the boys' dormitory?

He doesn't want to live with these gentlemen!

Do you feel a little excited when you think about sleeping in the girls' dormitory at night?

While Song Chen was still choosing which dormitory to sleep in in the girls' dormitory, the gymnasium in the school was completely blown up.

"What did you say?!"

Chen Yanting looked at his men in disbelief and repeated in a deep voice: "You said Yang Qian and the others not only rescued Chang Minghao alive, but even collapsed the teaching building?!"

The boy who came to report the news in front of him was excited, "Yes, Brother Ting! I saw Chang Minghao being carried out of the teaching building with my own eyes, and Yang Qian and the others were following them. I curiously went to the teaching building to take a look, and found that the side door had collapsed, and there were many zombies buried inside!"

After hearing the boy's words, Chen Yanting's expression became more and more ugly.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity that Chang Minghao and Yang Qian died in the teaching building to go to the dormitory building to grab all the supplies they looted from the cafeteria, but now he was told that Chang Minghao and Yang Qian were back alive?

It was simply against him!

Looking at Chen Yanting's gloomy expression, a boy next to him asked tentatively: "Brother Ting, now that Chang Minghao and Yang Qian are back, can we still implement our plan to go to the dormitory building to grab supplies?"

They can ignore other people in the dormitory building, but they dare not despise Chang Minghao and Yang Qian.

They had suffered from the two of them before. Yang Qian's scorching flames combined with Chang Minghao's mental attacks made them miserable. So when they heard that Chang Minghao and Yang Qian were back, some of them had already started to back off.

But Chen Yanting snorted coldly.

"Go! Of course we have to go! If we don't take the supplies from them, what will we eat and drink in the future? But since Chang Minghao and Yang Qian are back, we naturally need to change our action strategy."

"Brother Ting, what do you mean?"

Chen Yanting showed a sinister expression.

"Chang Minghao is still injured, right? Then we will start from the boys' dormitory building!"

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