Song Chen nodded calmly in Zhao Yu's eager eyes.


Then he opened the car door and released Lan Ya.

Open the door and release the dog.

Under normal circumstances, Song Chen would never meddle in other people's business, but he admired Zhao Yu's practice of preferring death to abandoning his brothers. He could have abandoned the other two and escaped, but he didn't do so, and even retained the will to fight at the moment of death.

Such people are not common.

Cheng Siyuan also respected the brotherhood between Zhao Yu and the other two, and jumped out of the car to help, but he didn't find a chance to do anything. Lan Ya got out of the car and solved those low-level zombies in a few moves, which stunned Zhao Yu and others.

Oh my goodness!

How can this dog be so fierce? !

And what shocked them even more was that Lan Ya actually used his claws to dig open the zombie's skull in a very humane way, dug out a gray-white crystal core from it, and sent it to Song Chen.

"Are you all right?"

Cheng Siyuan helped Zhao Yu to support his injured friend, his tone concerned.

Zhao Yu shook his head, followed Cheng Siyuan to the front of the heavy truck, bowed deeply to Song Chen through the car window, and spoke with some sobs.

"Thank you for saving us. If you need anything, just ask. I will repay you even if I have to work like a cow or a horse."

The other two people behind him also bowed with gratitude.

Looking at the three people with a sincere attitude, Song Chen thought for a moment and asked: "Are there only three of you traveling together? What did you encounter on the road?"

Zhao Yu naturally would not hide it and answered truthfully: "There are only three of us, all of us are neighbors who grew up together. Because the supplies are running out, we want to go out and find some to go back. We have been out several times and are already familiar with the surrounding environment, but we don't know where a group of zombies came out and surrounded us. We finally broke out, but we couldn't get rid of the remaining zombies because we were injured."

Zhao Yu and the other two grew up wearing the same pants. Although they are not related by blood, their feelings for each other are better than brothers.

When the apocalypse broke out, they were studying in a fencing hall not far from home. When they realized what was happening, they rushed home as soon as possible, but they were still a step too late. Their parents and relatives at home had all turned into zombies, or were bitten to death by their family members who had already turned into zombies.

In the end, only the three of them were left to depend on each other.

After listening to Zhao Yu's description, Song Chen looked at them with more satisfaction, and said with a chuckle: "So what are your plans next?"

Zhao Yu looked up at Song Chen when he heard it, and happened to meet Song Chen's smiling eyes, and he seemed to understand something immediately.

"If you don't mind, can you let us join your team? We can kill zombies and endure hardships, and we can find supplies by ourselves. We just ask you to help us when we are in trouble."

After that.

Zhao Yu took out ten low-level zombie crystal cores from his pocket and handed them to Song Chen carefully.

Song Chen raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this.

He just thought that it was the initial stage of expanding the base, and there was a lack of manpower in all aspects. These three people looked pleasing to the eye and were loyal, so they were good choices to recruit as teammates.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yu was quite sensible and even handed over his crystal cores.

Song Chen was not surprised that Zhao Yu and others knew about the zombie crystal cores.

As long as you have the courage to kill zombies, you will always have the opportunity to discover the existence of crystal cores.

However, it was a bit unexpected that Zhao Yu could take out ten crystal cores at once.

"Okay, since you have chosen to join us, it is right to help each other." Song Chen smiled and waved his hand, "As for these crystal cores, you can keep them for yourself."

It was just ten low-level zombie crystal cores, and Song Chen didn't take these things seriously at all.

Seeing that Song Chen was not being polite to him, but really looked down on these crystal cores, Zhao Yu put the crystal cores back into his pocket with some complicated feelings.

Although he didn't know how strong Song Chen and others were, they were definitely not at the same level as them.

Didn't you see that the dogs they raised could kill seven or eight zombies in an instant?

Which ordinary person can raise such a powerful dog!

This is definitely a big shot.

Not to mention that Song Chen saved their lives, even if he didn't, being able to team up with such a person would greatly guarantee their safety.

The most important thing is.

Song Chen's team has a harmonious atmosphere, and the team members don't look like criminals, so being able to help them can also be affirmed.

Zhao Yu couldn't think of any reason not to join Song Chen's team.

He was just a little worried.

These zombie crystal cores were treasures they had obtained by killing zombies with great effort, but in Song Chen's eyes, they were not worthy of others, which made him doubt himself. Are they really worthy of joining such a team?

Song Chen saw what Zhao Yu was thinking, but he didn't try to comfort them.

Because only with this idea, Zhao Yu and others would be more eager to become stronger and try to catch up with the team.

"Get in the car first." Song Chen said, "I'm just preparing to build a base, so you can just follow us back. Is there anything else you need to take from your original home? If there is nothing particularly important, don't bother."

Zhao Yu shook his head.

Their home had been destroyed when the apocalypse broke out, so there was nothing worth reminiscing about.

After placing Zhao Yu and the other two in the back carriage, Song Chen drove the heavy truck back to the villa.

Ji Lu hugged Ji Yumo's arm and analyzed with a smile: "These three people do look good. Unlike others who just stay at home waiting for rescue, they dare to go out to find supplies and kill zombies, find their own way out, and do not abandon their friends at the moment of life and death."

Song Chen nodded, "The character of teammates is far more important than strength."

Fatal injuries often come from people around you.

Some ungrateful people will stab you in the back even if you are kind to them at the critical moment of life and death, so Song Chen does not value the level of strength, and good character is the most important.

Besides, with his current level of supernatural power, he can't easily meet an opponent.

After returning to the community smoothly, Song Chen greeted Zhao Yu and others to get off the car, and then pointed to the single-family villa next door.

"The survivors in the community have gone to the temporary base with the official team. Now there are no residents in the entire villa area. You can just find a villa you like nearby to live in."

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