Song Qing's face was full of worry.

Chu Ling lay quietly beside her, her face was pale due to excessive blood loss, and there was still no sign of waking up.

After Song Qing's emergency treatment, her injuries had been temporarily suppressed, at least she stopped bleeding, but the situation was still not optimistic.

"Captain Chu's injuries are quite serious, and his spleen may have been damaged to varying degrees. My ability can only treat some of the external injuries, and the rest is useless!"

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Song Qing's forehead was covered with sweat beads, and his face was also pale, as if his ability had reached the bottom.

Now is only the beginning of the end of the world, and the true value of healing ability has not yet been reflected. Most healing ability users can only treat simple wounds or stop bleeding, and are completely helpless against Chu Ling's injuries.

After listening to Song Qing's words, the expressions of others also looked ugly.

Chu Ling's injury would have required emergency surgery even before the outbreak of the apocalypse, but now there is a shortage of medicine resources, not to mention surgical instruments and environment, there is no way to treat it.

The members of the Suzaku team were all dejected.

The captain was injured like this just to cover for them. If Chu Ling really had any problems, they would never forgive themselves.

"Isn't it just medicine? I'll go find it now!" He Chengji suddenly shouted.

Although Chu Ling's injuries were serious, if there was corresponding medicine support, combined with Song Qing's healing ability, there would always be a way to hold on.


Yang Lin hurriedly stopped him.

"Chu Ling's condition is serious. Even if we go to find medicine now, we may not be able to make it in time."

"What should we do?"

"First, split into two teams." Yang Lin commanded calmly, "The people of the Suzaku team will take Chu Ling back to the temporary base. There are still some emergency medicines and doctors there, which can at least help Chu Ling delay her injuries. The rest of the people will collect medicines and return as quickly as possible."

Although everyone was very anxious, they knew that Yang Lin's command was correct, so they began to act according to the distribution.

At this moment, Song Chen, who was squeezed outside, suddenly spoke.

"I have medicine here."

As soon as the words were spoken, the eyes of the others instantly focused on him.

Song Chen didn't say much nonsense and asked Song Qing directly, "What medicines do you need?"

Song Qing hurriedly reported the names of the medicines that might be needed.

Song Chen searched around in the space and found that there were still a lot of stocks, so he took out some of each and handed them to her.

"Are these enough?"

Looking at the complete range of medicines in front of him, Song Qing was a little stunned.


Are you Doraemon?

How come there is everything in his pocket?

But there is no time to think so much at this moment. The most important thing now is to save Chu Ling.

"Thank you!"

Song Qing thanked him sincerely and accepted all the medicines given by Song Chen.

Now that the medicine is available, the most urgent thing is to hurry back to the temporary base and find a special doctor for treatment.

Everyone did not dare to delay any more time, and got on the car to prepare to return as quickly as possible. Before leaving, Yang Lin looked at Song Chen.

"Xiao Chen, do you want to go back with us?"

After these two times of getting along, Yang Lin now completely regards Song Chen as his own brother. Thinking about the future doomsday environment, he invited Song Chen again.

Others may not know, but as the captain of an elite team, he knows some news that ordinary people don't know. The desperate doomsday may continue for a long time. If Song Chen is willing to go back with him, at least he can live more comfortably than outside.

But Song Chen shook his head and refused without hesitation.

Yang Lin was worried about himself because he didn't know how much supplies he had stored in his space.

Everyone in the world may worry about supplies, but Song Chen is the only one who cannot have such survival worries. The things stored in the space are enough for him to live for several lifetimes.

"Thank you for your kindness, Brother Yang, but I still prefer to be unrestrained and act according to my own ideas."

Seeing Song Chen's firm attitude, Yang Lin did not persuade him much.

I think with the ability shown by Song Chen, even if he does not join the official team, he can get along well in this doomsday, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Okay." Yang Lin sighed lightly, "Then we will leave first. If you need it in the future, you can come to the official base to find me directly."

"No problem."

Song Chen agreed with a smile and watched Yang Lin and others drive away.

When the convoy completely disappeared from sight, Song Chen and the others were ready to set off to return.

"Brother Chen, the healing ability is really useful! Should we also recruit a teammate with healing skills?" Cheng Siyuan jumped to the co-pilot.

After Song Qing's healing technique, the injury on his ankle has basically healed, and he can jump around again.

After seeing the magic of healing ability, he couldn't help but start to look forward to having a healing ability user in the team.

Song Chen nodded slightly, "If I can meet a suitable one, I can consider recruiting one."

Healing ability users are indeed of great help to the team. Song Chen has long wanted to recruit one, but he doesn't want to recruit just anyone, and he has never met a suitable candidate.

Moreover, recruiting people is not urgent, and other requirements can be put aside. The character must be good.

If untrustworthy people are recruited into the team, it is easy to cause trouble.

Back to the heavy truck, Song Chen sat in the driver's seat and prepared to return to the villa.

It won't be long before this heavy truck can only be used to transport goods.

The survivors are not fools. No one will stand there stupidly and let you hit them.

The zombies also began to evolve faster. There will be fewer and fewer low-level zombies that can be easily crushed like before. Most zombies will have improved defenses. Standing on the road is like a roadblock. Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo can only get out of the car to kill them and collect crystal cores.

The lowest-level crystal cores are no longer useful for Song Chen, but they are still very useful for Cheng Siyuan and others. Before the first wave of zombie evolution comes, they have to use this low-level crystal core.

Song Chen drove steadily. When he encountered zombies on the road, he asked Cheng Siyuan and others to deal with them. It was also a kind of daily training.

Ji Yumo seemed to be shocked by Song Chen's previous method of killing level 4 zombies. Every move became very sharp, completely different from before, and he began to have some shadows of the late Ice Queen of the End of the World.

When he was about to pass a bend, a sad cry suddenly came.

"Brother Yu, don't worry about us, run!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's die together. Do I look like the kind of person who abandons his brothers and runs away?"

After his ability broke through to level three, Song Chen's senses became sharper than before.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw three young men with dusty faces supporting each other, looking quite embarrassed.

Seven or eight zombies were chasing after them. Two of the young men seemed to be injured. The remaining one was waving a wooden stick that he had picked up from somewhere. No matter how the other two begged him, he refused to turn around and left, blocking the zombies.

Because of the fighting spirit shown by the young man, Song Chen subconsciously slowed down the car.

Just then, the man called Brother Yu saw Song Chen passing by, and his eyes full of despair suddenly showed a light of surprise.

He waved desperately in the direction of Song Chen and shouted with all his strength: "Brother, can you save us? I, Zhao Yu, will definitely repay you for saving my life!"

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