The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 37 Kill them all without mercy

Song Chen was so angry at Tan Sheng's shameless words that he laughed.

Could it be that these people thought he was a fool and couldn't see what they were up to?

Too lazy to waste words, Song Chen gave an order to Lan Ya directly.

"Go to the door and watch. If they keep gathering at the door and don't leave, just deal with two of them as a warning to the monkeys!"

The power consumption of the high-voltage power grid is too high. Unless necessary, it will only be turned on when there is no one guarding the villa. Song Chen chose to let Lan Ya deal with these people.


After receiving the order, Lan Ya jumped directly onto the wall of the villa and stared down at the people outside the door.

Tan Sheng was frightened by Lan Ya's sudden appearance and took two steps back, but soon he had a bad idea again.

The guy inside refused to open the door, and they couldn't get in.

But he hadn't eaten or drunk anything for three days, and he was thirsty, hungry, and dizzy. He felt that he would starve to death if he didn't eat. But if he could catch the dog in front of him, he could at least hold on for a while.

Tan Sheng was not the only one who had this idea. The guy behind him had picked up a brick from the roadside and threw it at Lan Ya.

The brick came head-on, but Lan Ya, who had the wind power, was not panicked at all. He casually raised his claws and broke the hard brick into pieces, then bared his teeth and looked at the person who threw the brick with a fierce look.

Everyone didn't expect that a dog could make such a humane move, and even easily smashed the brick. Everyone was stunned.

The man who threw the brick was frightened by Lan Ya's fierce eyes and retreated again and again, turned around and fled.

But how could Lan Ya let him go?

Raising his claws, a green wind blade shot at him.

The defenseless man was hit directly, with a bloody wound piercing his chest. Until he fell to the ground and breathed his last, he still didn't dare to think that he was killed instantly by a wind blade from a dog.

Seeing someone dead, the crowd panicked.

Although they wanted to enter the villa, they didn't want to pay with their lives.

Zhang Jiashi, who was mixed in the crowd, didn't expect that even in the face of so many people, Song Chen would order to kill without hesitation, and he didn't expect that the dog raised by Song Chen was so powerful. He was a little scared for a while.

But he calmed down quickly.

Others may not know, but he clearly understood how much supplies Song Chen had. As long as it wasn't him who died, he would not give up even if Song Chen killed more people.

"Don't panic!" Zhang Jiashi shouted in the crowd, "As long as we unite, it's okay. With so many of us, can he kill us all?"

But everyone was running for their lives, and no one paid any attention to him.

What a joke.

The dogs that other people raise casually are so powerful. In addition to the advantage of numbers, they don't even have anything to defend themselves. If they stay here, won't they be slaughtered?

Even Tan Sheng, who wanted to eat dog meat at first, ran away without looking back.

Looking at the people who fled in panic, Zhang Jiashi couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"What a bunch of cowards! You deserve to starve to death!"

Although he said so, he didn't dare to stay around the villa alone.

After all, he had seen how powerful Song Chen's methods were before. He originally thought that there were many people, even if he was killed, it would not be his turn, but now that everyone else had run away, he didn't dare to stay any longer and turned around to walk towards the villa where he was hiding.

Song Chen took in everything outside the door through the surveillance, and did not miss the fierce expression that flashed across Zhang Jiashi's face.

This person can't stay.

Although the others have selfish ideas, they are ordinary people after all. They will be afraid to run away when they see a murder scene, and they will not easily have the intention to kill.

But this person behaved obviously differently and had already targeted them.

Song Chen couldn't let this dangerous factor exist.

Any factor that may threaten him, no matter how small the probability is, must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Watching Zhang Jiashi walk into the villa across the street, Song Chen said to Cheng Siyuan: "Lan Ya seems to have gained some weight recently. I'll take it out for a walk first. You guys can have breakfast first, no need to wait for us."

Lan Ya:?

I work so hard all day long, it's lucky that I didn't lose weight, but you say I'm fat?

This figure is the most standard even in the Deha world!

Woo woo woo, my breakfast!

Song Chen patted it soothingly, "I'll cook for you when I'm done."

Lan Ya immediately became energetic after hearing this, and signaled Song Chen to leave quickly.

Taking Lan Ya out of the door, Song Chen went straight to the villa where Zhang Jiashi entered.

At this time, Zhang Jiashi returned to the villa where he was hiding.

"Brother, our plan failed again."

After finding that they could not enter Song Chen's villa by other means, in order not to miss this batch of supplies, they spread the situation in Song Chen's villa and secretly gathered other survivors to ask Song Chen for supplies.

Song Chen could kill one or two people, but he would not dare to be so arrogant when facing dozens of people!

But they were wrong.

Song Chen really dared.

Who cares about these in the end of the world?

Song Chen's purpose is very clear, as long as you dare to block my way, you will be killed without mercy!

Zhang Gang stood by the window and took in the situation outside. Naturally, he understood that their plan had failed again, and his face became more gloomy.

He looked like a young boy, but he was so hard to deal with!

Zhang Jiashi looked around in the room, "Brother, why don't you see the second brother?"

Zhang Gang replied: "I went out to look for supplies."

The supplies they collected had been completely used up, and Song Chen was still unable to get them, so he could only ask Zhang Cheng to look for the supplies.

Zhang Jiashi understood, "Brother, what should we do next?"

The three plans against Song Chen have failed. Not only did a brother die, but supplies are now at their lowest. If they can't find a way to deal with it as soon as possible, their next days will become very difficult.

Zhang Gang naturally understands this truth.

"If it's not easy to talk and discuss, then just do it hard."

Zhang Jiashi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother, what do you mean..."

Zhang Gang sneered and said: "Find an opportunity to get that kid out of the villa. Then find a few helpers and we will kill him directly! Aren't the villas and supplies still ours by then?"

"Brother, you have to find a way!" Zhang Jiashi said with a smile, "But brother, can you keep the two women around this boy? My brother, I haven't eaten meat yet!"

"That's easy to say! When the time comes, I'll catch those two women and give you a taste." Zhang Gang showed a lewd smile.

Ever since he saw the Ji sisters yesterday, he has been itching in his heart.

After living for more than thirty years, this was the first time he saw such a beautiful woman, even more beautiful than the stars on TV, so naturally he couldn't let her go easily.

Just when the two brothers were still enjoying the good life after taking over Song Chen, the door of the villa was suddenly kicked open.

Zhang Gang and Zhang Jiashi immediately looked back in panic.


A figure slowly walked out with backlight.

"The people who are here to take your lives!"

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