The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 36 Just helping to look after the house

Everyone looked at each other.

Lan Ya also tilted her head to express her doubts.

Song Chen could only patiently explain to them the rumors about the superpower in his previous life.

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The superpowers awakened by the survivors are all kinds of strange and varied. The most common one is naturally the physical enhancement type. In addition, there are also elemental ice, fire, lightning, and the space system superpowers awakened by Song Chen are classified as a branch of the spiritual system.

Ji Lu's awakened superpower is called the enhancement superpower.

Unlike the healing nurse, the healing superpower can only act on living things, while Ji Lu's enhancement superpower can only act on the crystal core, but it also belongs to the spiritual system.

Song Chen took out the third-level crystal core he got when he killed the mutant dog king before.

"You try to absorb this crystal core. Remember, it is not to strengthen it but to absorb the energy in it."

Ji Lu was a little overwhelmed with the crystal core and tried to do it according to what Song Chen said.

After a moment, Ji Lu suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"I feel it! I seem to have the same energy as this crystal core in my body."

Song Chen smiled and nodded, "Now slowly guide the energy inside to transfer to your own body, absorb and assimilate it."


Ji Lu closed her eyes again and focused on absorbing the energy in the crystal core.

It was not until a few minutes later that she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened her eyes.

"It's reached the limit." Ji Lu returned the crystal core to Song Chen, "I can feel that I have been filled up and can't absorb it anymore."

"That's good, too much effort will cause negative effects."

Song Chen took the crystal core and looked at it.

Ji Lu absorbed about one-fifth of the energy in this crystal core, which is equivalent to five low-level crystal cores, which is already a good qualification.

"This crystal core is for you." Song Chen handed the crystal core to Ji Lu again and instructed, "Absorb it once a day, remember not to force it."

Ji Lu looked at the crystal core in his hand and was a little flattered.

After Song Chen's knowledge popularization, she understood that this crystal core was far more precious than other low-level crystal cores. Wasn't it a bit of a waste to give it to her like this?

Song Chen smiled and shook his head.

"You don't need to worry about anything, just work hard to improve your ability level."

Ji Lu's ability level is only level one now, but he can increase the energy in low-level zombies by about 50%. When his ability level is improved in the future, the improvement effect will become stronger.

Although zombies will awaken their abilities like psychics and break through very quickly, high-level zombies are rare and difficult to deal with. When their ability levels are all improved, low-level crystal cores will not have any effect no matter how much they absorb.

At that time, with Ji Lu's strengthening artifact, the situation of insufficient high-level crystal cores can be perfectly solved.

After listening to Song Chen's words, Ji Lu did not refuse and solemnly held the crystal core in his hand.

Being valued by Song Chen, she was determined to work hard to improve her ability level, and must be useful to the team and not drag them down!

After all the things that needed to be discussed were concluded, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

In the villa with a complete defense system, they didn't have to worry about zombies attacking, and they could finally sleep well.


The next morning.

Song Chen was still fighting in his dream, and a roar suddenly came from outside the villa.

"Open the door!"

The door of the villa was slammed loudly, and Song Chen, who was disturbed from his good dream, climbed out of the bed with an angry face.

Who on earth is looking for death so early in the morning!

Cheng Siyuan and others also heard the sound and walked out of the room one after another.

And Lan Ya was staring at the door vigilantly, making a low roar from his mouth, ready to attack at any time.

"Open the door!"

The people outside were still knocking on the door frantically. Song Chen signaled everyone to stay calm and let Ji Lu make breakfast first. Eating is the most important thing in the world. No matter what happens, he can't be delayed from eating breakfast.

Then he took out the tablet and turned on the monitoring.

I saw more than 20 survivors gathered at the door of the villa at some point. It seemed that they had discussed in advance and came to the door together. At this time, they all stared at the villa aggressively.

Song Chen saw a few faces that were not unfamiliar among them. He guessed that these people might be survivors in the community.

"What's the matter with you knocking on the door early in the morning?"

Song Chen's voice was transmitted to the ears of everyone at the door through the monitoring equipment, which scared everyone, but then they reacted and showed a surprised look.

I knew that the power system was paralyzed shortly after the outbreak of the apocalypse. This villa can still use the monitoring system. Obviously, there are independent power generation facilities inside. The news they heard was indeed correct. There must be a lot of supplies here!

Even if there are no supplies, as long as there are power generation equipment, they can help improve their living environment. At least the refrigerator can be used.

Although they don’t have food to store in the refrigerator, in this hot weather, freezing some clothes can make them feel better.

“Brother, we are all residents of the community.” Tan Sheng, the property manager of the community, stood up and looked at the surveillance camera at the door and said, “The situation is special now. There are zombies eating people everywhere outside. We need to unite together. Do you think it’s convenient to open the door and let us all in?”

Song Chen answered without thinking: “It’s not convenient.”

Tan Sheng did not expect Song Chen to answer so neatly, and his smile froze on his face.

The others behind him reacted quickly and accused Song Chen through the surveillance.

"How can you be so selfish? Do you know what is going on outside now? Everyone is almost dying without food and water, and you are still eating alone. You really have no sense of public morality!"

Song Chen and others had indescribable expressions on their faces.

These people can't live without food and water, what does it have to do with Song Chen?

The supplies in Song Chen's space were either bought with money before the end of the world, or they worked hard to collect them outside. They didn't snatch a grain of rice from others, but now they are scolded for having no sense of public morality?

Too lazy to talk to these people anymore, Song Chen directly issued a warning.

"The life and death of all of you has nothing to do with me. If you make trouble in front of the door again, I will kill people."

Hearing the word "kill", everyone at the door was shocked.

"Don't be impulsive, let's talk it out!" Tan Sheng said quickly, "We are all neighbors, shouting and killing will hurt the harmony, and we are not here to cause trouble on purpose, we just want to unite everyone, this will also add a little more hope!"

Tan Sheng's words were unanimously agreed by everyone behind him.

They didn't do anything too excessive, they just wanted to go into the villa to use the air conditioning to use some electricity, eat something to fill their stomachs, and help Song Chen look after the house.

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