The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 24: Go for a walk with that idiot

The wholesale market is huge.

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However, due to the mutated dogs, most of the shops had been destroyed. Song Chen didn't even look at similar places and directly gave up the materials inside.

First of all, I'm not sure if the materials inside are still edible. Secondly, I think that these foods may have been touched by mutated dogs. Isn't it disgusting to eat them?

Anyway, there is already a lot of food in the space. Having this batch of supplies is the icing on the cake. Without it, there will be no loss.

After collecting all the shops he could see, Song Chen walked into the depths of the wholesale market.

There is a separate warehouse inside, which is specially used to store perishable fruits and vegetables. That was Song Chen's main goal when he came to the wholesale market this time.


Opening the door of the warehouse, Song Chen was surprised to find that there were two different warehouses, one for freshness and one for freezing.

First, he opened the fresh-keeping warehouse, which was full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Even the expensive fruits that Song Chen had not been willing to spend money to hoard before were piled together in boxes.

All the goods were stored in the space, even some vegetables that no longer looked very fresh were not left behind.

These things will all come in handy when the base is established in the future.

After all, this is the end of the world, and having a full meal is a luxury. Who would care about whether the ingredients are fresh or not?

After collecting the materials in the fresh-keeping warehouse, Song Chen turned around and opened the refrigerated warehouse.

The things here are more in line with Song Chen's needs.

A whole pork chop?

It's perfect for making braised pork ribs. It's full of meat and delicious!

A whole little lamb?

The roasted whole lamb also tasted good. One bite was full of the unique aroma of lamb. He remembered that Cheng Siyuan liked to eat it.

In addition to pork, beef and mutton, there are also chickens, ducks, geese, various poultry, various chicken feet, wings, duck heads, and clavicle. Don't waste all the storage space.

After holding it back, Song Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Look what he found?

There are a wide variety of aquatic products and seafood, covering almost most of the types on the market.

Steamed hairy crabs, boiled shrimps, spicy flowers...


Just thinking about Song Chen made tears flow from the corners of his mouth.

Don't miss it if you pass by.

Take it away, take it away, take it all away!

From working in the afternoon until it was getting dark, Song Chen put all the materials in the wholesale market into the space.

No way, there are just too many things.

Seeing that the space was instantly filled with many kinds of materials, Song Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It really deserves to be a wholesale market! Large inventory and complete range~

The sun is setting and night is coming.

It was not safe to drive a heavy truck back now, so Song Chen simply decided to rest in the wholesale market for one night and wait until dawn the next day before setting off.

Distribute the crystals collected during today's outing to Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya. It is estimated that after absorbing these crystals, Lan Ya's power level will reach level two. As for Cheng Siyuan, I am afraid that he will have to wait until tomorrow to absorb them again before he can break through.

Song Chen also took out the crystal and began to absorb it.

Today's encounter with the mutant dog king was a wake-up call for him.

Although he was reborn, his strength did not return with his rebirth. Apart from the information difference, he was no different from other superpowers. If he encountered a high-level mutant now, he would have no choice but to run away.


Song Chen scratched his hair.

It seems that after the matter is finished, he will have to get up and develop properly.

On the roadside in the early morning, two men were groping forward cautiously.

The sudden rise in weather temperature made them complain incessantly, and they could only bravely go out to look for supplies. However, in addition to being hungry and thirsty, they also had to be wary of zombies that might rush out from around them at any time. As a result, they still found nothing except being frightened.

"Brother Chuang, there is a heavy truck coming in front!"

Seeing the oncoming heavy truck, Tang Ping suddenly shouted with excitement.

Liu Chuang, who was standing next to him, immediately looked up when he heard the words. It turned out to be a heavy truck, and he looked surprised.

"Quick, quick, quick! Stop the car quickly!"

The two of them hurriedly ran to the middle of the road, waved vigorously in the direction of the heavy truck, and at the same time began to fantasize in their heads.

"Look at how impressive this heavy-duty truck has been modified! It must have been driven out by some big shot to look for supplies. Maybe there are a lot of delicious food in the truck now."

"It would be great if there were instant noodles. Now I feel that the person who invented instant noodles is really a fucking genius. Instant noodles are simply the most delicious thing in the world!"

"Ah! Then I want to eat ice cream. I really want to taste what the rumored ice cream assassin tastes like..."

It was fine when I didn't want to, but now I feel hungrier and thirstier when I think about them.

"No matter what we say, we must take down this heavy truck. If they dare to ignore us, Brother Chuang, use your super powers to force the car to stop."

Tang Ping looked at Liu Chuang with envy and fear.

The day before the high temperature outbreak, Liu Chuang suddenly developed a high fever and fell into a coma. When he woke up, he found that his body suddenly became lighter, and he could even control the air in a small area, and his speed and strength became stronger. .

This instantly reminded him of the superpowers in the movie.

Let’s just say, since some people can mutate into zombies, then it seems normal for them to awaken superpowers?

"Don't worry! If the other party dares not to stop, I will blow them away!"

Liu Chuang swore and patted his chest.

The heroes in the movie are all ridiculously strong. Now that he has also awakened his superpowers, he must not be much worse.

As expected, he is born to be the protagonist!

"Stop, stop now!"

Liu Chuang, who was blindly confident, shouted loudly in the middle of the road, with the momentum of forcing the heavy truck to stop.

Seeing this, Song Chen, who was sitting in the driver's seat, curled his lips. Instead of stepping on the brakes, he stepped on the accelerator more forcefully, and the heavy truck rushed towards the two people who were blocking the middle of the road.

If you dare to stop, I dare to hit you.

It's all about whether you die in the end!

Facing the heavy truck running at full speed, Tang Ping and Liu Chuang naturally did not dare to forcibly stop it, and quickly retreated to the side and cursed.

"Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

While cursing, Liu Chuang condensed a ball of blue-gray energy in his hand and chased after the heavy truck that passed by.

Song Chen was observing the situation behind the car through the rearview mirror. Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and grinned at Lan Ya in the back seat: "You haven't exercised after breakfast yet? Get out of the car and walk around with that idiot."

Lan Ya:?

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