Cheng Siyuan was startled, but his hands did not show any panic. He raised the pistol that Song Chen had thrown to him in advance, aimed at the dog king and pulled the trigger directly.

Bang, bang, bang!

The speed of the dog king was too fast. Cheng Siyuan fired several shots, but only one bullet hit the dog king's front leg.

The pain and blood stimulated the dog king, making it more fierce and violent, and it pressed Cheng Siyuan to the ground with its backhand.

Cheng Siyuan fought desperately, and the magazines of both pistols were empty. At the critical moment, he gathered all the superpowers in his body in his right hand, and the purple lightning flashed, hitting the dog king's head fiercely.

But the superpowers that were extremely useful in front of ordinary zombies lost their effect at this moment, leaving only a scratch on the dog king's forehead.

The dog king paused for a moment, and with red eyes, he bit down on Cheng Siyuan's throat.

"Lan Ya!"

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped out and snatched Cheng Siyuan directly from the dog king's mouth.

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Then Song Chen rushed towards the Dog King at a very fast speed.

The prey in his mouth was snatched away, and the Dog King was completely furious, especially Song Chen, a human who was extremely weak in his eyes, dared to rush towards him, which was simply a challenge to his majesty.


The Dog King roared and instantly burst into an astonishing speed and rushed towards Song Chen.

The thunder was swift, and it was unknown how many times faster than the previous speed. I didn’t expect that the Dog King had not used his full strength before.

"Lan Ya! Stop!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Siyuan anxiously slapped Lan Ya to make it stop, but Lan Ya didn’t listen at all, and ran all the way out of the wholesale market with him in his mouth.

Cheng Siyuan watched the Dog King open his bloody mouth to Song Chen.

In despair, Song Chen raised his lips, kept moving his feet, rushed towards the dog king, and then threw four grenades into its mouth.


There was a shocking explosion, and the flames shot straight into the sky.

The dog king was blown into pieces before he could react to what he was fed. The other mutant dogs were also submerged in the explosion, and thick smoke filled the surroundings.

"Brother Chen!"

Cheng Siyuan stared at the smoke and shouted Song Chen's name.

It's all because he is too weak!

If it weren't for saving himself, Song Chen and Lan Ya could have evacuated safely and would not have fallen into such a dangerous situation.

Just as Cheng Siyuan was falling into self-blame, Lan Ya next to him suddenly barked at the smoke, and then used his supernatural power to rush out.

A moment later, Lan Ya carried Song Chen out of the smoke slowly.

Cheng Siyuan jumped up when he saw this, and hurried over to catch Song Chen.

"Brother Chen? Are you okay?"

Song Chen smiled at him and waved his hand with difficulty.

"Nothing, just some side effects of overdrawing my superpowers."

Cheng Siyuan felt relieved when he heard this, but he still checked Song Chen inside and out. He was relieved only after confirming that he was not injured.


"I was really scared! Brother Chen, what did you do?"

He watched Song Chen and the Dog King rushing towards each other at the fastest speed. The Dog King's fangs even touched Song Chen. At such a speed and distance, it was simply a dream for Song Chen to escape from the explosion.

Especially, Song Chen didn't even have a scratch on his body, which was even more ridiculous than a miracle!

"Have you forgotten my space superpower?"

Song Chen smiled.

Since the Dog King appeared, Song Chen has been paying attention to its actions, always on guard against its sudden attack.

When the Dog King was able to influence their consciousness through his mental ability, Song Chen knew that the Dog King's ability level must be high, at least above level three. On the other hand, he had just broken through to level two, and Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya's ability levels were still at level one.

With their ability levels, they might be able to deal with ordinary mutant dogs, but it was obviously not enough to kill the mutant Dog King, and they had to use other things.

Song Chen immediately thought of the various weapons in the space.

Through the Dog King's swift movements, it was known that ordinary firearms would definitely not hit, and weapons of mass destruction were the way to go.

But if a bomb was used, Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya nearby would definitely be affected, so he had not figured out how to do it.

Until Cheng Siyuan was thrown to the ground by the Dog King and his life was in danger, Song Chen decided to take a risky approach.

He asked Lan Ya to rush forward and snatch Cheng Siyuan from the mouth of the dog king, and then he rushed towards the dog king to attract its attention and buy time for Lan Ya and Cheng Siyuan to evacuate.

Then, when the dog king was about to bite down, he took out the most lethal bomb from the space and shoved it into its throat.


He used up all the space energy and teleported as far as possible.

"This is too hard!"

Cheng Siyuan was still frightened after hearing this.

The plan made by Song Chen was linked together. If he was not careful, he would be bitten by the dog king or turned into ashes in the explosion.

"If you want to survive in the cruel apocalypse, you must be prepared to lose your life at any time." Song Chen said lightly, "Of course, it doesn't mean that you should give up your life easily, but you need the determination to die."

Song Chen's tone was indifferent, as if he was not talking about his own life and death, but was boringly discussing the weather.

Cheng Siyuan didn't know that Song Chen had survived in the apocalypse for many years in his previous life, and the boundary between life and death had long been blurred. He just silently pondered the deep meaning of Song Chen's words.

The dog king was dead, and even if the remaining mutant dogs escaped the explosion by chance, they would not pose any threat.

The side effects of extreme overdraft of superpowers were great. Song Chen lay weakly on the ground, unable to even lift his hands.

Cheng Siyuan didn't let him toss anymore, and left Lan Ya to look after him, and then consciously went to clean up the battlefield and collect crystal cores by the way.

About half an hour later, all the mutant dogs in the wholesale market were killed, and Cheng Siyuan handed all the crystal cores he collected to Song Chen.

The largest crystal core was as big as a quail egg, almost transparent and shining with a hint of golden light.

The dog king was indeed a level three mutant.

Song Chen's heart sank slightly.

It was only the third day of the apocalypse, and a third-level mutant had appeared. He had never heard of such a thing in his previous life. He didn't know whether it was because he was not well-informed or some things had changed because of his rebirth.

If it was the first case, it would be fine, but if it was the second case, he would need to consider re-planning the next action target.

After putting all the crystals into the space, Song Chen stood up and dusted off the dust.

"Let's go and collect supplies."

The wholesale market was occupied by the dog king as his own territory. Any creature that entered here would be attacked. At this time, the mutant dogs had been solved by them, and there should be no other dangers around.

If Song Chen came a few days later, he might not even see the zombies outside the wholesale market.

But to be on the safe side, Song Chen first asked Lan Ya to patrol around the market. If he found something approaching, he would issue a warning immediately, and then take Cheng Siyuan to collect supplies.

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