Zhang Qin didn't expect that Song Chen would dare to deal such a heavy blow. He was so angry that he wanted to fight back and struggled desperately.

But after twisting on the ground for a long time, Song Chen couldn't relax at all. On the contrary, the floor tiles were polished and he screamed in anger.

"Song Chen, why are you so crazy about riding a horse? If you can, let me go and see if I don't beat you to death!"

Song Chen was not afraid at all and looked at him coldly, "Next time I hear you being disrespectful to my parents, I will pull out your tongue!"

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Zhang Xinyang finally couldn't help but roared to stop, and looked at Zhang Qin with eyes full of disappointment.

He originally thought that Zhang Qin could beat Song Chen, but he didn't expect that even two of his teeth would be knocked out. It was a complete embarrassment to him!

However, after this farce, he calmed down.

Since the hard one is not enough, then use the soft one.

"Xiaochen, Zhang Qin did something wrong in this matter. You can fight him if you want, and my uncle won't argue with you. But you must give an explanation for the group's affairs. We are your only relatives in this world now. , you can’t do this to your uncle!”

Hearing this, Song Chen acted like he was being persuaded, but in his heart he felt great murderous intent.

Four years ago, his parents were involved in a car accident due to brake failure, and the mastermind behind it was Zhang Xinyang.

This was what Zhang Xinyang told him personally after the end of the world.

If it weren't for the fact that killing people before the end of the world was more difficult to deal with and easily caused other troubles, he would have chopped up the father and son and fed them to the dogs.

But now this guy has the nerve to say that he is his only relative in the world?

It was really the old lady who got into bed and made me laugh!

"Uncle is right." Song Chen smiled, "I regretted it right after the board meeting, but after all, it was the result of joint discussion among the directors and I couldn't regret it, so I decided to sell the shares to you."

"Sell it to me?" Zhang Xinyang was confused.

"That's right." Song Chen nodded, "I will sell you 40% of my shares and make you the largest shareholder of the group. As for the price, just follow the lowest price in the market. How about two billion?"

After hearing this, Zhang Xinyang was completely confused.

Ever since Song Chen entered the group, they have been incompatible with each other. Although they still maintain a harmonious appearance on the surface, privately they all know that no one can be tolerated, otherwise Song Chen would not have made some achievements just now. Then I tried to kick him out.

But what did he hear now?

Song Chen actually wanted to sell him all his shares, even at the lowest price!

This is even more outrageous than the sun rising from the west!

You must know that the group is now on its way up, and the stock price will only rise, with no possibility of falling in price. And at this juncture, Song Chen sold the shares to him at the lowest price in the market, which was almost the same as giving it away for free.

Such abnormal behavior made him suspect that there was something fishy going on.

There was no way, he had been tricked by Song Chen too many times over the years, and it had left him with a psychological shadow.

Seeing Zhang Xinyang's hesitation, Song Chen decided to push him again.

"Uncle, to be honest, the partner this time values ​​my abilities very much and invited me to develop abroad, so I decided to transfer my future development center abroad. Unless something unexpected happens, I won't come back again."

"If you don't buy these shares, then I will have no choice but to sell them to others, but to be honest, this is an industry created by my parents after all, and I don't want to hand it over to outsiders who are not related by blood."

As he said that, Song Chen showed a reluctant expression.

So that’s it!

After Zhang Xinyang heard Song Chen's words, he felt a little relieved.

He just said it!

How could Song Chen, a wolf cub, be so kind as to sell his shares to him? It turned out that I had found a better way out and had to abandon the domestic group.

Sure enough, family ties are this kid's weakness. So what if he wins? In the end, won't these shares still have to return to his hands?

But even at the lowest price, two billion cannot be obtained casually.

"Xiaochen, you said so, so I definitely can't let the group fall into the hands of outsiders, but isn't the price of two billion a bit too high?"

Song Chen shook his head, "Two billion is already the lowest price, and my overseas projects also need this money. If my uncle can't get it, then forget it, I will contact other people."

Laughing to death!

After fighting for so many years, how could he not know how much money Zhang Xinyang had?

Although two billion sounds a bit too much, it is exactly all the funds that Zhang Xinyang can currently use.

Seeing that Song Chen wanted to contact others, Zhang Xinyang suddenly panicked.

"No, no, no! Two billion is only two billion, but can you give me two days to raise funds?"

"No." Song Chen said firmly, "I will see the funds arrive within an hour, otherwise I will contact others to take action."

There was only more than a month left before the doomsday broke out. He didn't have that much free time to mess with Zhang Xinyang. The most important thing was to get the money quickly. After all, there were still many things to be busy with.

Seeing Song Chen refusing to let go, Zhang Xinyang finally had no choice but to compromise unwillingly.

"Okay! I'll contact the person to make the payment now."

after an hour.

Two billion funds were successfully received, and Song Chen readily signed the contract.

After successfully getting the shares, Zhang Xinyang was unwilling to stay any longer and stood up to leave immediately.

Song Chen did not stop them, but silently watched them leave.

In their previous lives, Zhang Xinyang and his son were lucky. Not only did they not turn into zombies, they even awakened some good supernatural powers and established a small force in the apocalypse. They were doing pretty well.

But there is no such chance in this life. They will die on the day of the apocalypse. Letting them live one more second would be disrespectful to their rebirth.

After leaving Song Chen's residence, Zhang Qin approached Zhang Xinyang.

"Is this kid crazy? He actually sold all the shares to us!"

"What else can he do if he doesn't sell it to us? He can't just throw the group founded by his parents to outsiders!" Zhang Xinyang sneered, "After all, he is still too young and thinks that going abroad is good, but it may not be as good as in China!"

Zhang Qin looked around and made sure that there was no one around. Then he leaned close to Zhang Xinyang's ear and said in a low voice: "Dad, now that the shares have been obtained, will we continue with our previous plan?"

"Continue." Zhang Xinyang's eyes were slightly cold, "Two billion is not a small amount. Let him know that not everyone's money is easy to take. If you eat mine, you have to spit it out for me!"


Zhang Qin looked proud.

As long as Song Chen died, the two billion they just spent on buying shares would be back.

Who made them Song Chen's only relatives!

"Song Chen, Song Chen, letting you end up dying the same way as your parents is the last thing I, your uncle, can do for you."

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