The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 1 Rebirth, what are you barking about?

In the sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Song Chen stepped on countless zombies, and his clothes were soaked with blood. The fresh smell of blood made other zombies even crazier, and they rushed towards him regardless.

"It seems that this is the end."

Song Chen showed a self-deprecating smile, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp. He used up all his strength and rushed towards the zombie king hiding behind the zombies.

Even if he died, Song Chen had to drag the strongest zombie with him!


A deafening explosion sounded, and the area within a radius of ten miles was engulfed in flames.

The zombie king was completely reduced to ashes before he could even react from the shock.



Song Chen suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had just escaped from suffocation, and gasped heavily.

"What happened? Didn't I die with the zombie king?"

The hellish scene and the pain of the body shattering when the superpower exploded reminded him that everything in his memory had really happened.


Song Chen looked around at everything familiar and strange.

Isn't this the house he used to live in?

Suddenly realizing something, Song Chen quickly picked up his phone, and the date on it was April 20, 2054.

"I'm reborn?!"

Song Chen was surprised and happy.

I didn't expect that after dying in the apocalypse, he was miraculously reborn!

On May 30, 2054, the end of the world came to Blue Star.

For some unknown reason, 70% of the world's human beings suddenly turned into zombies.

Before the remaining humans recovered from the accident, many of them died at the hands of zombies and mutated plants and animals, and the number of survivors was less than one in ten.

Fortunately, humans gradually began to evolve and developed various superpowers.

But after the biological mutation, the ecological environment of Blue Star was also seriously affected. The temperature changed like bungee jumping, and various natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis could suddenly occur at any time.

Even if humans rely on superpowers to have the hope of surviving in front of zombies, everything seems so insignificant in front of nature.

In the end times with such a harsh living environment, humans need great luck and effort to live one more minute.


Almost all humans in the world died, and Song Chen survived as a lone wolf.

When facing the dense army of zombies and the powerful zombie king, Song Chen suddenly realized that it would be useless even if he survived alone to the end.

From the moment other humans died, his life had entered the countdown.

He alone could not defeat the zombie swarms of hundreds of millions.

With the idea of ​​killing one without loss and killing two to make a profit, he killed in the encirclement of countless zombies for several days and nights. He could not count how many zombies he had killed. In the end, he detonated his superpowers and died together with the zombie king.

But he did not expect to accidentally travel back to a month before the outbreak of the doomsday!

"Why am I reborn?"

Song Chen subconsciously thought of the zombie king who forced him to self-destruct.

It has the ability of time.

It is said that the time ability that has evolved to the top level can not only stop time at will, but also travel through the past and the future. The reason for his rebirth may be related to it.

"It's useless to think more." Song Chen shook his head, "The most important thing now is to find a way to deal with the impending doomsday."

It's not easy to get the chance to be reborn. This time he must not leave in a mess like in his previous life!

And if you want to live comfortably in the end of the world, the most important thing is supplies.

Thinking of this, Song Chen concentrated on feeling the energy in his body.

In his previous life, he awakened the ability of space, and stored a lot of supplies in the space. If the space came back with him, it would save him a lot of trouble.

After a while, Song Chen opened his eyes with a little disappointment.

The ability did come back with him, but only the ability space came back. Both the ability level and the ability energy have been reset to zero.

It seems that he can only start over.

At this moment, a frantic knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Song Chen, I know you are at home, don't hide inside and keep silent! You have the ability to rob the company, why can't you open the door?!"

"Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly!"

The force of the knock on the door became stronger and stronger. Fortunately, the door was strong enough, otherwise the people outside would have broken in long ago.

Hearing this familiar shout, Song Chen's eyes flashed, and he hurried forward to open the door.

The people outside the door didn't seem to expect that Song Chen would actually dare to open the door. They were stunned for a few seconds before they reacted.

"You kid actually dared to come out?!" Uncle Zhang Xinyang pointed at Song Chen's nose and gritted his teeth, "You'd better give me an explanation for the removal of the director!"

Song Chen picked his ears indifferently.

Four years ago, when his parents passed away, they left him 40% of the group's shares. In order to prevent his parents' half-life hard work from falling into the hands of others, Song Chen, who had just become an adult, took over the identity of the group's largest shareholder.

At that time, the second largest shareholder was his uncle Zhang Xinyang.

Compared to Song Chen, who had just reached adulthood, other shareholders were obviously more willing to trust the older Zhang Xinyang.

But just when everyone thought that Song Chen would soon be kicked out of the group by Zhang Xinyang, Song Chen withstood all kinds of difficulties and tests, and even helped the group successfully reach new heights.

After that, he reorganized the company with thunderous means. Yesterday, Zhang Xinyang was dismissed from his position as a director.

"The articles of association stipulate that only shareholders with more than half of the voting rights can dismiss a director. I don't have the final say on this matter."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Qin, who came with Zhang Xinyang, became anxious.


"You hold 40% of the shares of the group in your hands. If you don't agree, can those old guys dismiss my father?!"

"Even your own uncle is targeted and calculated. I think your parents who died early are not good people!"

Song Chen was walking into the house. He paused when he heard the words and looked back at Zhang Qin with murderous eyes.

As an uneducated young man, Zhang Qin couldn't bear Song Chen's death gaze. He suddenly felt as if he was locked by the god of death, and his momentum could not help but weaken.

After coming to his senses, he was angry and embarrassed, and he still stiffened his neck and said hard.

"What did I say wrong? You dare to stare at me, I will beat you to death!"

After saying that, he raised his fist in a bluffing manner, but he didn't dare to really attack Song Chen. After all, if he really fought, he wouldn't be able to get anything good from Song Chen.

But he didn't expect that Song Chen was not afraid of his threat, but walked towards him.


A crisp and loud slap sounded, and Zhang Qin, who was 1.8 meters tall, was slapped to the ground, and two back teeth flew out at the same time.

Before Zhang Qin could get up from the ground, Song Chen stepped on his head and looked down at him.

"What are you barking about?"

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