The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 107 I will teach you slowly tonight

"Brother Chen, I like you, can you be my boyfriend?"

After saying this, Ji Lu's face turned completely red, and he lowered his head shyly, not daring to look at Song Chen at all.

With her character, it’s hard to imagine how much mental preparation she had done to be able to say something like this.

Thanks to Yang Qian for waking up Ji Lu.

Now is the end of the world, and the peaceful days are no longer the same.

Each of them might die in the mouths of zombies at some point, or be killed by other people with powers.

Even if Song Chen is strong enough, with Ji Lu's own strength, no one can predict what accidents will happen in the future. If some words are not spoken quickly, it is very likely that he will never have the chance to say them again.

Facing Ji Lu's affectionate confession, Song Chen didn't say much and chose to respond directly with practical actions.

Two and a half minutes later.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Ji Lu looked at the various props in front of him and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Brother Chen, what are these..."

Song Chen grinned like a wretched villain and said, "You don't know what these are? It doesn't matter, I will teach you slowly tonight."

Ji Lu held Song Chen tightly, feeling like he was floating in the water like duckweed.

The moon, which rarely showed up in the night sky, hurriedly hid behind the clouds, and only the faint moonlight poured down through the thin clouds.

Song Chen didn't expect that the things he had collected in pharmacies and underwear stores would be put to use so quickly. As expected, he had to stock up on whatever type he wanted, otherwise he would just stare blankly if such an emergency happened again next time.


Thanks to my wit!

Early the next morning.

Song Chen walked out of the room refreshed. As soon as he arrived at the restaurant, he saw Cheng Siyuan sitting at the dining table eagerly.

"Siyuan? What's wrong with you?"

Cheng Siyuan looked up at Song Chen and sighed heavily.

"Brother Chen, it seems that Xiaolu hasn't gotten up yet. We have nothing to eat this morning."

As he spoke, Cheng Siyuan's stomach grumbled in unison.

Song Chen looked away with a little guilt.

My dear brother, I'm so sorry.

Cheng Siyuan got up and was about to go to the cafeteria to find Aunt Liu in exchange for some food, but Song Chen quickly held him down.

"Don't worry, I still have some inventory in my space!"

Immediately afterwards, delicacies appeared out of thin air in Song Chen's hands, and they did not stop until the dining table was filled.

"That's enough, that's enough!" Cheng Siyuan waved his hands repeatedly, "Brother Chen, we can't eat even if you bring out so much!"

"It doesn't matter!" Song Chen waved his hand, "If you can't eat it, just keep it for lunch."

After all, the chef at home cannot leave the bed in a short time.

Cheng Siyuan didn't know about this, and thought Song Chen was telling him not to waste it, so he nodded in agreement and began to pick out his favorite meals and start eating.

Seeing that he was eating well, Song Chen also sat down and had breakfast together.

Just when both of them were about to finish eating, Ji Yumo walked downstairs with a pair of thick dark circles under his eyes.

"Good morning!"

Song Chen said hello cordially, but in exchange for a glare from Ji Yumo, he walked out without saying a word.

"Hey! You don't want to have breakfast?" Cheng Siyuan quickly stopped her.

"I'll go to the cafeteria to eat!"

After speaking, Ji Yumo turned around and left the villa without even looking at the two of them.

Looking at her angry back, Cheng Siyuan was a little confused.

"What happened to her? Did she take gunpowder so early in the morning?"

Song Chen talked.

I'm afraid the noise made last night was a bit loud and Ji Yumo, who lives next door, heard it.

But seeing as she looked like she hadn't slept well, she must have been listening in the corner all night, right?

I have to say that Song Chen found out the truth.

Ji Yumo sat on a chair in the cafeteria, stuffing steamed buns into his mouth angrily.

Damn Song Chen!

Ji Lu has just turned twenty!

Although Ji Yumo had long known that Ji Lu liked Song Chen, he still felt like his good cabbage was being taken over by a pig.

But she couldn't say anything.

Who told this pig to be Song Chen?

Even if it's not yesterday, it might be today or tomorrow. Anyway, it's sooner or later.

Although he understood this truth, Ji Yumo was still so angry that he didn't want to see that hateful guy Song Chen at all, so he could only bite the steamed bun in his hand as if it was Song Chen!

Song Chen, who was clearing the dining table, felt a chill on his back for no apparent reason.

"No one will scold me behind my back, right?"

Inside Chenxi Base.

Since Song Chen did not announce any outings, the members patrolled the area inside and outside the base according to pre-set groups to deal with zombies wandering from other places.

The members who have not yet arrived for their shift are enjoying a rare peaceful time in the villa.


Chang Minghao's serious voice came from the intercom.

"Attention! There is a group of convoys approaching the base in the distance. There are ten vehicles in total and a rough estimate of fifty people."

However, only core members in the base are eligible to be equipped with walkie-talkies, and there are many people who have not received Chang Minghao's warning.

But then, a sharp horn sounded, completely breaking the tranquility.

"Open the door!"

"Everyone inside, come out!"

Chang Minghao was leading a team to patrol around the base. When he saw the convoy approaching, he happened to walk to the main entrance of the newly built base. They were the first team to rush to the scene.

"Are these people crazy? Aren't they afraid that the sound of the trumpet will attract all the zombies around them?"

Chang Minghao hurriedly led him in the direction of the motorcade.

At the same time, other members in the base also heard the sound and came out one after another.

"what's the situation?"

After hearing the news from the intercom, Song Chen immediately put down the game console and ran outside the villa.

There are only thirty people in the base at full capacity. If the other party has malicious intentions, the team led by Chang Minghao alone is simply not enough. If there is a conflict, the members are likely to be injured or killed.

As for why a convoy suddenly appeared, Song Chen was not surprised.

A month has passed since the outbreak of the apocalypse, and smart and capable survivors have already organized manpower.

After finally surviving the hot weather, the supplies in hand are not sufficient, so I will definitely conduct a carpet-like search in areas where there are not many zombies as soon as possible.

Except for Song Chen, no one knows what will happen in the next second of this damn apocalypse.

A convoy of ten vehicles stopped at the gate of Chenxi Base.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got out of the car, and they all looked at the scene in front of them in amazement.

The stone gate made of building materials such as cement and bricks looks like a territorial gate of a certain country that only appears in games and movies.

In particular, there are iron fences similar to the community fences around, which look incompatible with the stone gate in front of you. It is not difficult to guess that this gate was probably built later.

But in the apocalypse, which smart guy would build a gate here?

Wang Jinlong also got out of the car at this time and couldn't help frowning when he looked at the stone door in front of him.

"Zhang Chao, are you sure the group that killed Cui Sheng is here?"

Zhang Chao, who had had an encounter with Song Chen in the clothing store, stood behind Wang Jinlong and nodded quickly to answer the question.

"That's right, Brother Long, the stronghold of those guys is right here!"

"I've done some research in advance. There are no more than thirty survivors here. Most of them are brats who look like they are still young. They will definitely not be our opponents."

Wang Jinlong looked slightly relaxed after hearing this.

Until he saw a familiar figure, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Why is this kid here?

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