The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 106 Brother Chen, are you asleep?

It is no secret that Song Chen and others have a rich meal.

After all, everyone lived not far away. When Ji Lu cooked, the aroma would spread out, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

None of the members had any objections to this.


After all, these were supplies that Song Chen had hoarded in his own space, and they had nothing to do with them. What's more, Song Chen had been a life-saving benefactor to most of them, and he often gave them food on weekdays.

Everyone understands that it is very good to have a stutter in the last days. As long as you can eat enough, you will naturally not care about who eats well and who eats badly.

Ji Lu thought for a moment and then replied: "As usual, we will make eight dishes and one soup with meat and vegetables, but Brother Chen said before that he wanted to eat fried eggplant boxes, so I am going to make it for him today."

After hearing Ji Lu's answer, everyone present showed envious expressions.

"Wow! Fried eggplant boxes, I used to love eating them too!"

"Whether you go to a restaurant or buy fried skewers, this is a must-eat dish, okay!"

"Oooh! I'm so greedy that tears are about to flow from the corners of my mouth."

"I'm so envious that you have eight dishes and one soup for every meal. I don't know what Aunt Liu will do tonight. I heard it seems to be potatoes. I really want to eat meat too!"

Looking at the envious expressions on everyone's faces, Ji Lu looked a little complicated.

Since meeting Song Chen, she has never been thirsty or hungry. Every meal consists of eight vegetables and one soup, and every meal includes meat.

Compared to others, she lived a magical life.

Just as Ji Lu was thinking wildly, the girls' conversation turned back to Song Chen again.

"Brother Chen has a lot of supplies."

"After all, Brother Chen is very powerful. He must have collected a large amount of supplies when the apocalypse first broke out."

"The most important thing is that he is handsome, and his figure is incredible! Didn't you see how Brother Chen was wearing a black vest before? The hormones he exuded were like a volcanic eruption!"

Speaking of this, one girl couldn't help but fantasize.

"It would be great if I could become Brother Chen's girlfriend."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Although it has never been stated clearly, everyone can guess that of all the girls present, including Yang Qian, who dares to say that he has not been attracted to Song Chen?

Especially in the current dangerous apocalypse, powerful and handsome men are simply a rare species.

Coupled with the sense of security that Song Chen brought to them and the sense of responsibility and ability he showed, all the girls fell in love with him.


Song Chen was accompanied by two top beauties, Ji Yumo and Ji Lu. Even if they wanted to, they were embarrassed to compare with them. They were even guessing who would become Song Chen's girlfriend.

Sensing the probing gazes of everyone, Ji Lu suddenly blushed.

"What do you think I'm doing? Brother Chen and I are innocent, and..."

Ji Lu's voice became softer and softer as he spoke, and when the words finally came to his lips, he was too shy to say them out.

What could she say?

You can't say that you have a crush on Song Chen in front of so many people, but don't dare to confess it!

Seeing her like this, the other girls all showed meaningful smiles.

We are all girls, what don’t you understand?

Seeing that Ji Lu was about to turn red under everyone's teasing eyes, Yang Qian stood up understandingly.

"Okay, okay! It's getting late. Let's go back and clean up quickly. Aunt Liu will call us for dinner later."

As soon as these words came out, everyone let Ji Lu go and left, preparing to go back and take a good bath first.

Yang Qian also turned around and prepared to leave, but before leaving, she leaned into Ji Lu's ear and whispered: "Now is different from before. Cherish the days and people in front of you more. Say what you want to say in time. Don't give it to me." Leave your own regrets.”

Ji Lu suddenly raised his head when he heard this.

Yang Qian just smiled at her, then turned and left, leaving Ji Lu standing there alone in deep thought.


The sun gradually sets in the west.

After everyone had eaten and drank, they gathered together to play games for a while, and then returned to their rooms.

Song Chen has already drawn up a rough plan for the early stage of the base, but most of the buildings are not in use yet. They will consider putting them into use after the number of people joining the base increases.

What needs to be put into use most initially is the office area for receiving tasks and exchanging supplies.

After all, we can't always let the members come to the villa where Song Chen lives to do things. It's too inconvenient.

In addition, medical clinics need to be established.

Although there are very few injuries at present, and most of the time Tang Yunke can handle it alone, medical equipment is a necessity, especially when there are more people in the future, who knows when they will be needed.

In short, the sooner it is perfected, the better.

As soon as Song Chen put down the drawing in his hand, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Chen, are you asleep?"

Song Chen raised his eyebrows and subconsciously looked at the time.

It's getting late now. If Ji Lu girl doesn't go back to her room to sleep, why would she come to see him at this hour?

"I haven't slept yet. What's wrong?"

Song Chen stepped forward and opened the door, and saw Ji Lu standing at the door wearing a cool nightgown. His cheeks were slightly red, and his exposed skin was pink and translucent, and seemed to be emitting fluorescent light under the reflection of the light.

After just one glance, Song Chen quickly looked away.

I'll be a good boy!

What's going on?

As long as you are a man, you can't stand the scene in front of you, it's so exciting!

Ji Lu seemed to be completely unaware of Song Chen's abnormality. He took two steps forward and stood in front of Song Chen. The distance between them was less than ten centimeters.

Song Chen could even smell the fragrance of shower gel emanating from Ji Lu.

"Brother Chen, I have something to tell you."

Ji Lu slightly lifted the hair by her ears, blushed and lowered her head slightly, too shy to look directly at Song Chen.

"What is it?"

Song Chen swallowed subconsciously.

Then, he heard Ji Lu tentatively asking in a low voice: "Brother Chen, I like you, can you be my boyfriend?"

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