The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1578: [Guiqiu monthly pass]: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (116

Chapter 1578 [Kneeling for a monthly pass]: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed at the world (116)

The handwriting is clear and upright, like bamboo, it is indeed Yang Tao's unfamiliar characters, written by Shaoyang!

"Shaoyang is alive--"

Yang Tao's smile just showed up half, and after seeing the words above, he froze halfway.

Qian Su asked, "Master, does Shaoyang want ..."

Although Qian Su thinks that Yan Lin is very unlikely to persuade Yang Tao to surrender, at present it seems that this is the only possibility.

"On the letter,‘ you must not bow down to the villain for the sake of your mother ’...’ ”

Yang Tao was very confused. He was very depressed for the past two days, and he was fighting with each other in his heart. He planned to surrender An An for his wife and children.

If he could, he wanted to fight to the end, but it didn't make sense.

There are still more than 20,000 disabled soldiers behind him. How can he resist the rebels outside with almost all his injuries?

If the battle ends, not only will they lose their lives, the wives, children, and sister's nephew will be used as sacrifices and sacrifices by the enemy—

Yang Tao didn't know how to choose the right one. Yan Lin wasn't around. He could only judge by himself.

Qian Sudao said, "What does Shaoyang mean by that? What are some people who really want to give up on their mother?"

Yang Tao shook his head. "Impossible, Shaoyang is not that kind of person. He definitely has his reasons for doing this."

Qian Su asked, "But ... the letter may have been copied by someone under Liu Ye's account."

Yang Tao shook his head again, "Shaoyang has a bad habit of writing. If it is fake, there will be flaws. Shaoyang's handwriting may be counterfeited, but that habit is not a person who is very familiar with him and is unlikely to notice. This letter It should be written by Shaoyang himself. "

Qian Su: "..."

He has a good relationship with Shaoyang. Why doesn't he know that Yan Shaoyang has bad habits in writing?

This shows that their friendship has not reached a certain depth?

"Then ... what do you want to do?"

Yang Tao said, "It is natural to believe in Shaoyang. He cannot be wrong."

Qian Su: "..."

If Yan Lin has a meter thickness of Yang Tao ’s fan filters, then Yang Tao ’s fan filters for Yan Lin are about twice his.

Probably too keen to die, Yang Si went to Yan Linxuan when something was all right, and by the way extracted the connotation of the letter from his mouth.

Yan Lin was calm at first, but Yang Si came to report for seven or eight days in a row, disturbing his rest, he couldn't help it.

"Although Yan is a prisoner, shouldn't he be treated like this?"

Just after lunch, I ran for a bit. I do n’t know if the hottest afternoon is the easiest to lose sleep?

Yang Si pretends to be deaf and dumb. Anyway, he has enough manpower, so he is discouraged by "people" and he is not afraid of Yan Lin's "threat".

In the end, Yan Lin was so helpless that he revealed key information.

Yan Shuzheng and Yang Roujia, because of the relationship between their elder brothers, they are handkerchief friends in the boudoir, and their hobbies are similar.

Before leaving the cabinet, they basically took care of the industry in their home.

Most of the clan families have a lot of industries, such as rice shops, wine shops, restaurants, and more profitable fabric and rouge gouache businesses.

Yang Roujia has a lively temperament, but Yang Yan has stricter control over her daughter. In order to be able to go out to play smoothly, she and Yan Shuyu talk about the "easy method" in the book. Yan Lin wanted to tell the two sisters that the so-called Yi Rongshu was compiled by rivers and lakes rangers to deceive.

Unexpectedly, they actually touched a little bit of essence.

The pile of rouge gouache smeared on his face, and the whole face changed.

Of course, the real effect of makeup cannot be compared with the real face, but it is extremely deceiving when the sight is dim.

After hearing this, Yang Si felt incredible, "How much has changed?"

Yan Lin said quietly, "Neizi was naughty and dressed as the main character. Even at dusk, even Yan was almost deceived."

Yang Si temporarily accepted the setting and said, "Do you delay the time to give them time to help themselves?"

"The two women of Yang Yan are by no means weak and incompetent." Yan Lin calmly said with relief, "the more the protagonist values ​​them, the more valuable they are in the eyes of the Nansheng rebels, the more vulnerable they will be. Keep a close watch. Conversely, the greater their chance of getting out. "

Yang Sidao said, "If you miscalculate ..."

"There is still a way to go, you can only wait for death if you do nothing." Yan Lin quietly said, "The Nansheng rebels are so easy to be countered by An Zhuo, do you think they will have goodwill towards the principal? Even if the principal is willing to surrender, they Nor will it be easy to expose the matter, and any excuse can be used to remove people. What about outsiders knowing that it is their poisonous hand? Why they must not-- "

Taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to intercept the prisoner's family as a threat, this kind of behavior is extremely successful!

Can you even do such a shameless thing, and expect them to have basic morality?

The princes in troubled times can do whatever they want. Which shameless one will aim at innocent women, children and children?

Yan Lin said with emotion, "This thing cannot even be done by Lan Tinggong Liu Yan."

Yang Si: "..."

Is there any ambiguity in this statement, and it is too much to ridicule his protagonist in front of him?

Has his protagonist eaten Yan Lin's rice?

"Huh, my gentleman, gentleman and gentleman, can't do anything about animals."

Facts have proved that Yan Lin has a deep understanding of her sisters and wives, neither of which is a weak inner house girl. When they were deceived by the rebels, they realized that something was wrong, but they didn't dare to expose it directly, lest the mob kill.

Because there are still children to take care of, the rebels did not separate them, anyway, the two women could not make any waves.

They tempted the rebels and found that the other side's tolerance for them was quite high. As long as they did not leave, many requirements could be met.

Yan Shuzheng and the two together made an idea.

What rouge gouache is today, and what satin is tomorrow? If it is not upsetting like a vixen, what a curse is wrong.

"The two women are really disgusting. I really don't know if the eyes of Yang Zhengze and Yan Shaoyang are blind, but they look like such vulgar and rude women." The clans were disgusted and ridiculed. They waved their hands to send beggars and said, "Anyway, there are few days to live, they have satisfied all the requirements, just let them close their mouths."

As a result, the lives of the two in captivity were comfortable.

The mother-in-law who detained them also became scornful from the original sympathy. The husband's life and death are unknown, and the two prodigal girls are indifferent. They occasionally ignore the children crying to drink milk. I've seen it cruel, but I've never seen it so cruelly.

"What a sin!"

The servant woman muttered a few words.

Yan Shuying not only likes tossing her daughter's house, but also likes tossing servants, often calling them to her.

Several servants are going tortured crazy.

_ (: з 」∠) _ This chapter is also known as the beauty straight blogger AND imitation makeup world's straight man does not understand.

(End of this chapter)

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