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Chapter 1577: [Kneeling for a monthly pass]: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the

Chapter 1577 [Kneeling for a monthly pass]: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (115)

"This is not my sole decision. I need to discuss it with others and give a reply."

Yang Si did not respond directly, but he did not completely refuse, which meant that there was still room for bargaining.

After he left, Yan Lin raised his hand and covered the wound on his shoulder, his brows frowned, and seemed to be holding back.

He unbuttoned his placket a little and found that the wound had not cracked, and he couldn't help groaning. His own body was clear. He had followed Yang Tao as a ranger, and he had been injured intently. The injury was not as serious as this time, and he could survive for more than two months.

This time the injuries were multiple. He actually returned after turning around the gate of the ghost gate. After resting for less than 20 days, the wound healed almost. During this period, the wound did not ulcerate and ulcerate, and he did not repeatedly suffer from high fever and coma. It can be seen that medical treatment played a vital role.

He had previously heard that the female doctor under Jiang Yanji's account sewed people as clothes and felt terrible and abnormal.

After experiencing it for himself, he felt that the rumor was not completely true. The method of healing the hand trauma was unique. Apart from that, the hemostatic effect was more effective than usual. Looking at the wound on the shoulder, Yan Lin expected that when the wound healed, it would probably only leave a slender scar. It doesn't look like the scar on Zheng Ze's body, it's not only long but also thick, he looks like he's crawling.

"I don't know what happened to Roujia ..."

Yan Lin was thinking about his wife's girlfriend's name, and was worried.

Yang Tao sent them away in advance to protect them. Whoever expected An An to start was so extraordinary, and the clans of Nansheng were so snobbish. Not only did Yang Tao fall into crisis, but also her family members and children.

Although Yan Lin brought a one-meter-thick fan filter, he was not brainless to play CALL for Yang Tao.

According to the analysis of the current situation, Yang Tao has almost no possibility of turning over, and there is a possibility of accidentally leaving no place for death.

An An is a villain, and Hua Yuan under his account is even a lunatic.

Even if Yang Tao was willing to surrender for his wife and children's family members, they would not let Yang Tao go.

Yang Tao still has a chance to control the military power. Once he has surrendered the military power, he returns to Shun'an An, and there is no power to return to heaven.

In comparison, Jiang Yanji is much more reliable than An Yan.

Far from saying, the widow and orphan of the brothers Xu Pei and Xu Fei, she has not treated her badly, and never tossed.

Even Huang Song, who talks with her, is not alive, even though Huang Song has no sense of existence now.

According to the information sent back by the former spies, it seems that some people have seen Huang Song, a gradually growing horizontal song, listening to the bird listening to music.

Yan Lin didn't want Yang Tao to learn Huang Song's decadence, but the most important thing now is to save the lives of Yang Tao and his family.

When Huang Quan arrived in the next day, he met the founder, Yang Yan, and Yan Lin was able to make a deal with him.

Of course, Yan Lin didn't fully trust the information that Yang Si said. He planned this only for the worst.

If Yang Tao's game could still be alive, Yan Lin would not easily lose.

In the other compartment, Yang Si truthfully told Yan Lin's words to Fu Wang and others.

The protagonist is not here. This kind of thing requires everyone to vote and let Fu Wang get the idea.

What really happened is that the protagonist will be held accountable in the future, and none of them will be able to escape.

"What the military division means ... should help this?" Fu Wang was a bit confused. After all, the two were still alive and dead for more than half a month, but now they have to help Yan Lin send a message to Yang Tao. What do you think? How weird, "Aren't you afraid of Yan Lin's trick?"

Feng Zhen wasn't sure about Yan Lin's intentions, but he was convinced that Yan Lin was saving himself instead of trying to die. "Even if it was a trick? Yan Lin was already a prisoner, Yang Tao had only soldiers under his account, and the Nansheng gentry had gone all the way .What is Yang Tao doing?

"That's what it says, but ..." Fu Wangxin said with certainty, "I'm afraid of you, who are going to make eighteen turns. The ghost knows what's going on in Lin Lin's mind? Maybe it's the intention Disasters lead eastward, rescue Yang Tao in a roundabout way? "

Feng Zhen and Yang Si are speechless.

They don't remember Fu Wang being pitted. What does he mean by the expression "Lao Tzu is here, you can't lie?"

The counselor is also human, don't you demonize?

Li Yan, who was silent for a long time, opened his mouth. He said, "No matter how clever Yan Lin is, he is also a man. Sometimes he does his best. How can he help Yang Tao to survive while being trapped? If he had this ability, he would not have become I am in prison. What about sending a letter for him? What waves can Yang Tao set off now? If Yan Lin cheats, I will kill him in honor of the flag. "

Probably the psychological shadow of the pit was infinite, and Fu Wang was a little hesitant, but still couldn't hold the opinions of the masses.

Everyone can predict how delicate his mood was when Yang Tao received the letter written by his best friend.

Yang Tao has been very miserable in the past 20 days. First, he suffered a big loss in the hands of Fu Wang and others. He finally boarded the ship and returned to his place of governance under the cover of his close friend. Later that night, he received a soldier and horse rebel. News. He led another group of soldiers and horses that had not yet betrayed to make a living. After a short break, they received news that their wives, children, sisters, and nephew were being detained by the Nansheng clan.

A series of blows made Yang Tao exhausted, and she lost weight several times in a few days, her cheeks were thin, her eye sockets were sinking, and she looked at her vitality. He was worried about his close friends who remained in Zhangzhou after his death, while worrying about his wife and children who fell into the hands of the Nansheng rebels. Perhaps it is day to day and night to dream, and at midnight, he always dreams of a few people who are bathing in blood ...

"Master, there is news."

At this time, Yang Tao led more than 20,000 disabled soldiers to defend a pass, and used the advantage of the terrain to keep the enemy out. The rebels also knew about the dilemma of Yang Tao and others, knowing that they lacked food and grass and could not hold on for too long. They simply adopted the strategy of siege without attack and delay time.

Yang Tao just awoke from the nightmare, and heard Qian Su's voice in his ear.

"what news?"

Yang Tao was leaning against the tree, holding his arms in his hands, looking vigilant, and only relaxed when he heard Qian Su's voice.

Qian Su's voice was a little hesitant, "Look at this handwriting, Shaoyang passed it back."

Yang Tao understood what Qian Su was hesitant to do.

According to Yan Lin's situation at the time, he either died or was captured or hid.

If you can send a letter within a short period of time, the only explanation is that Yan Lin was captured or surrendered to the enemy.

Which guild hopes that when he is still alive, he will drop his enemies?

However, Qian Su still underestimated Yang Yan's relationship.

Hearing news from Yan Lin, Yang Tao's first reaction was to rejoice that his best friend is still alive, just to be alive, without complaining at all.

He almost snatched the letter from Qian Su and couldn't wait to unlock it.

_ (: з 」∠) _ Today's monthly ticket is rising slowly, it's still a hundred votes behind.

PS: This chapter is the fourth more yesterday. If the monthly ticket does not meet the standard at night, the mushrooms need only be two more chapters. After a while, I ’m going to go to the gym and go to the square dance. The square dance changed the track yesterday. However, the shiitake mushrooms and the little apples are not yet skilled. Who can tell me why it is a square dance track, it's 8012 years.

(End of this chapter)

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