Chapter 83: One-step secret method!

On the city wall, ten Tianjiao who stepped into the third floor gathered.

Lu Changqing felt Jiang Lan’s gaze and began to analyze in his heart.

Jiang Lan asked like this, it is very likely that he did not know the existence of the third-story bronze door.

The old woman also said that in the depths of the Cangxu secret realm, behind the bronze door, there is a great secret and opportunity.

It seems to be more precious than this opportunity to prove Taoism and become emperor.

Lu Changqing took a look and said Daoist, but found that this guy was also looking at himself.

Among the crowd, only this old Taoist priest was the most mysterious.

Even know the existence of bronze doors.

The hint given by Cang Xu’s secret realm only asked them to open the altar and summon the bronze door.

Above the sky, there is already a strong man trying to open a path.

For them, as long as the altar is opened, all these extraterritorial creatures can be suppressed.

These creatures can be exiled directly.

The white-haired Venerable stepped from behind the palace.

Many cultivators followed.

Lu Changqing hesitated and spoke slowly.

“I am going to the wasteland border.

Jiang Lan gave Lu Changqing a strange look.

The wasteland is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may fall.

Even if there are quasi-emperor and strong people walking along the way.

On the contrary, staying in this city and defending the city, it seems that the winning side is much greater.

Although those outside the domain 630 attacks fiercely.

But relying on the green lotus underground, it is not impossible to defend it.

What’s more, among the ten people, there are three emperor soldiers!

If you stay here to defend the city, the chances of passing the third level are extremely high.

After Lu Changqing spoke, the veteran also said with a smile.

“The old man, like this fellow daoist, has to go to the wasteland border to take a look.”

Everyone was silent.

The origin of this forced Daoist is mysterious, and no one knows his roots and feet.

In the battlefield, it showed even more impressive combat power.

Now that he wants to go with Lu Changqing?

Shengzi Nanli, his eyes flickered, and he took a step and said: “Go, Ben Shengzi!”

The eyes of everyone converged on him.

Nan Li Shengzi smiled and said, “Why, are you surprised that this Shengzi made such a decision?”

He turned his gaze to Lu Changqing and said: “I just believe that the saint son of Yaochi will not do things that are meaningless and sure.”

“Lu Shengzi Tianzong is a wizard, I don’t think people are bad.”

“Following Yaochi Shengzi, I feel that the winning side will not be small.”

His smile is somewhat meaningful.

The remaining five people were silent.

Jiang Chao glanced at a few (ahcj) people and said, “Well, since all of you are going to have a look, I am also curious.

“This altar, bronze gate, the secret realm of the past has never appeared.

Following Jiang Lan’s statement, the remaining four Tianjiao shook their heads.

They have been guarding the city here for a long time.

For those extraterritorial creatures, there is a bit of fear in their hearts.

Strength cannot be generalized with ordinary cultivator!

Staying here, even if the city is broken and the trial fails, you can still save your life.

If it is really above the empty wasteland, it is called that loss.

After a few people discussed, they rushed to Baifa Venerable with a group of cultivators.

The leader of the team, there are five quasi-emperors!

Northern Territory Sword Sovereign, Cang Emperor, White Haired Venerable, and the remaining two quasi-emperors were shrouded in the mist, making them unable to see their faces.

It’s just a horrible breath.

Everyone can only be determined to be a powerhouse at the quasi-emperor level.

Behind the five strong, there are thousands of cultivators.

Cultivation Base is the lowest Realm!

Lu Changqing and others followed.

With the five quasi emperors brazenly taking action, one after another stepped out of the lotus flower array!

“Whether the Daxu Pass can be held and whether the common people can survive this catastrophe, it’s up to me to wait today!”

The Cang Emperor sounded like thunder.

With a punch, a huge punch, and the ghost bat protoss in front of it emptied and evaporated!

Everyone turned into a stream of light, fleeing into the darkness!

And Lu Changqing was shocked!

What Emperor Cang said just now made him think of many things!

He said that the city behind it was called Dachengguan?

Is the common people behind?

He couldn’t help but think of the conversation between the old woman and the true spirit of Yaochi in the Pagoda of Climbing Dragon Enlightenment.

What kind of connection does this Cang Xu and Daxu have?

Lu Changqing is still thinking, the team has already surpassed for thousands of miles!

Walking through the endless darkness, you can’t see the edge everywhere.

An unspeakable feeling of heart palpitations came!

But the weird thing is that he rushed so far from Daduiguan.

But no extraterritorial creature came to stop them?

Always make people feel hairy!

Venerable’s face is gloomy.

Suddenly, with a wave of his sleeves, everyone was enveloped in the mysterious light.

“Be happy, I’ll wait for you, one step!”

Everyone’s heart was shocked, this is the emperor Zhun’s secret technique!

So, one after another relaxed their minds.

Let the profound light shroud.

Lu Changqing only feels that everyone is included in the sleeves of the white-haired Venerable.

There is profound light all around the world!

There is a roar from the outside world!

The white-haired Venerable stepped out, and instantly appeared thousands of miles away.

After that, it kept flashing and shifting for a while!

After a long time, the mysterious light in front of everyone disappeared.

A white-haired Venerable voice came in my ears.


When the words fell, Lu Changqing couldn’t help but look forward.

It was an altar comparable in size to Daxu Pass.

The structure is similar to the altar in the first secret realm!

But at this time, outside the altar, countless extraterritorial creatures gathered.

Some have three heads and eight arms, some have blue-faced fangs and wings on their backs.

All kinds, they look weird and hideous, as if they have entered the magic cave of The Underworld!

These extraterritorial creatures flock to the altar like a sea tide.

The voice of “click, click” came!

The five-color divine light outside the altar seems to be constantly being eaten by them!

The white-haired Venerable’s face sank, and he said, “Stop them!”

“Find a way to activate the altar!”

After all, outrageously shot.

Toward the tide of extraterritorial creatures!

But in the darkness, stepped out of a supreme existence.

Stopped in front of the white-haired Venerable.

Some strange syllables were spit out from his mouth, and he looked at the white hair Venerable negatively.

“Haha, extraterritorial evil spirits, looking for death!”

After the words fell, the white-haired Venerable fought against that supreme being.

And from the darkness, four powerful extraterritorial creatures appeared.

Entangled the remaining four quasi emperors respectively.

The quasi-emperor level battle, the fluctuations that spilled out were extremely terrifying.

Many extraterritorial creatures outside the altar were directly shaken to death!

On the other hand, Lu Changqing and others rushed towards the altar at all costs!

As people coming from the first floor, they have already observed it.

Those extraterritorial creatures cannot enter the altar.

Just like before, those Demonic Beasts dared not enter the altar!

They can’t get in, but that doesn’t mean they can’t!

Therefore, Lu Changqing and others rushed towards the altar almost desperately.

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