Chapter 82: The Bronze Door in the Altar

Under the towering huge city, the Sword Sovereign of the Northern Territory is holding a simple black long sword.

One person smashed into the army of tens of thousands of one-eyed demons.

The sword light rushed into the sky, and almost everyone could only see the flashing Sword Ray in the battlefield!

The battle above the sky is still fierce!

Lu Changqing looked up and saw the Tianjiao who had entered the third floor.

Nanli Shengzi stepped on the Lotus flower, and the colored purple lotus in his hand kept rising and falling.

With the supreme Taoist rhyme, directly kill the ghost and gods town that is rushing forward into a fan!

The ancestor of the Jiang family, holding a blood-colored spear, and counting points towards the void, countless ghost bat bodies actually burst out of thin air!

Encountered the unpredictable figure of the old Dao, the dirty dust in his hands waved out and turned into a huge mysterious light.

Kill countless ghost bats directly!

The appearance of these three people made Human Cultivator’s momentum suddenly lifted.

And in a corner of the city wall, a familiar wave suddenly surged.

Lu Changqing couldn’t help but look over.

A dark space door slowly unfolded.

What is strange is that no one seems to have noticed except him and Bai Hanyan!

A tall woman with a cold face and a Sacred face slowly walked out of it.

Lu Changqing’s eyes lit up.

It’s Yaochi Holy Maiden!


Lu Changqing quickly sent a message, and Holy Maiden was taken aback when he saw the vast battlefield in front of him.

Then he leaned over to Lu Changqing immediately.

Doubtful: “What is going on here?”

Lu Changqing explained the information Bai Hanyan had told her again.

Holy Maiden nodded.

“In this way, the test of the third layer of secret realm is the battlefield?”

Holy Maiden started thinking.

Lu Changqing shook his head and said, “I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

The third floor of the Cangxu secret realm is full of weirdness.

The white-haired Venerable, whose strength is comparable to that of the great emperor, was the invincible sword sovereign who became enlightened more than 100,000 years ago.

There is also a green lotus Venerable on the ground, the Lotus flower body, the emperor soldier, and oneself.

At the top of the tower, a shirtless middle-aged man stood with deep eyes and he did not make a move for a long time.

That was the Emperor Cang who had seen him on the second floor!

In the sky, there is a monster of the same age as the old woman.

The other one, he couldn’t see the depth of the encounter Daoist.

The things in front of these characters converge, and even Lu Changqing has no bottom in his heart.

As time went by, the battle on the battlefield became more and more fierce.

Countless ghosts and bats have already lost their minds, rushing towards the lotus flower!

Almost at the cost of life, it must die with the cultivator in front of him.

Many people were caught off guard, and the Lotus flower mask was suddenly torn!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a bloody skeleton!

“Bang bang bang!-

The ghost bats in the sky kept hitting the lotus flower array.

Many cultivators were shocked and coughed up blood!

The situation suddenly became critical!

Nan Li Shengzi’s face was gloomy, and the ghosts and gods rushing towards him covered the sky and covered the sun, like a sea wave, trying to drown him.


He snorted and flipped the colored glaze Lotus flower in his hand!

Suddenly a lotus flower phantom appeared in the sky, covering a radius of 100 meters!

Golden flames spit out from the Lotus flower!

Illuminate the entire night!

“Nan Li Shenghuo!”

Holy Maiden spoke slowly.

“It is said that the ancestor of Nanli Sacred Land was a fire spirit, and the Nanli Sacred Fire represents the will to purify all the filth in the world!”

“Even the soul is completely wiped out!”

Lu Changqing looked up at the sky, and as expected, the ghost bat protoss who were enveloped by the colored glaze Lotus flower roared sternly one after another.

In an instant, it was evaporated into air.

Jiang Lan was not to be outdone, and the blood-colored spear in his hand suddenly rose!

A strong desire to kill and kill has emerged!

Jiang Lan shot it out, as if the entire space had collapsed in a corner!

Time has frozen for a moment!


The words fall, many ghost bats, their bodies shattered out of thin air!

A little bit dissipated in the air!

Lu Changqing couldn’t help being solemn with such strange secret methods.

Jiang Lan was a monster from the same period as the old woman, but it was a little bit different back then. It was this guy who became the emperor.

Still can’t underestimate.

In the other place, Daoist was forced to hold the floating dust and looked forward with a smile.

Suddenly, his hands clasped together.


When the words fell, the ghosts and gods who had pounced at him suddenly stopped in the air!

One by one was sluggish, as if caught in some kind of wonderful Realm.

Seeing this, the heavenly cultivators naturally refused to miss this opportunity.

Killer one after another!

Cut down the ghost bat protoss!

“It’s Dharma in Xitu!

Holy Maiden’s face was solemn.

“This person is obviously wearing a Taoist robe, so how can he know the secret techniques of the monks of the Western King?”

There are four big domains in the world, the north and south are the most prosperous, Eastern Wasteland is the most ancient mysterious, and Xitu has not seen a cultivator for a long time.

There are Buddhist monks everywhere.

Lu Changqing looked at the sloppy old Taoist priest, only to feel that this guy became more and more mysterious.

The battle above the sky, as the trio showed their might, the situation eased somewhat.

After adding a batch of cultivator, the situation gradually stabilized.

At this moment, the entire Cangxu secret realm suddenly trembled!

In the wasteland, roars of shocking sky rose up!

It is as if the gods resurrected, the world would collapse!

Above the tower, the expressions of Emperor Cang and others suddenly changed.

He stared at the depths of the wasteland.

Lu Changqing and others suddenly felt a glimmer of enlightenment in their hearts!

If you want to pass the third level of trials, you must either defend the city from being attacked by extraterritorial creatures.

Either tens of thousands of wasteland borders, open the altar, and summon the bronze gate!

Lu Changqing’s heart is bright!

Cangxu’s secret realm reminder is finally here!

Above the ground, the Northern Sword Master with an indestructible sword body grinned!

Suddenly cut out a violent Sword Qi!

Sweep the entire battlefield directly!

He said with a face covered with blood on his back.

“Hahaha, the altar has been opened, it is hopeful to retreat from the enemy!”

“You dare to follow me to the border?”

The Sword Master of the Northern Territory laughed loudly.

In the words, there is already a determination!

At this time, Jiang Chao and others slowly retreated from the Cangqiang (Wang Hao) battlefield.

They all showed a thoughtful expression.

Defending the city and going out of the city, two roads!

They have fought with these extraterritorial creatures here countless times.

I have all experienced the horror of these creatures.

They stayed in the city, relying on the imperial rank formation, it seemed a bit difficult to defend the city.

Let alone fight all the way out and reach the border of the wasteland.

“What do you think of men?”

Jiang Lan took the remaining Tianjiao and landed beside Lu Changqing.

He originally thought that the third layer of secret realm was a situation of fighting and fighting each other.

But I didn’t expect the Cangxu secret realm this time to be completely different from the previous few times.

Faced with countless extraterritorial creatures, in order to seize the enlightened luck in the Cangxu secret realm.

He can only let go of all the prejudices in his mind and discuss with Lu Changqing and others.

After all, they are now grasshoppers on a rope.

If the city is broken, no one will get the last chance of the Cangxu secret realm.

This is a truth that everyone understands.

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