Chapter 631 Anxious to write off accounts

Xiao Muxue and the others really waited anxiously. After all, this was on the territory of the devil, and if they needed some means, it would be really troublesome.

Lu Changqing said to everyone, “Don’t worry, the hall master is very trustworthy. I have already got the Lingxiang Pill.

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

The hall master also said, “Although we demon have been doing business with the outside world, few people come to this place. In other words, people who know this place are no longer alive.”

Xiao Muxue was surprised, “You kill them?”

The hall master shook his head, “I can find people here, it is considered to have some strength, but they are too greedy, they will kill each other for a little profit, we demon have to be responsible for collecting their bodies. “It is also a look of helplessness.

Xiao Muxue looked at Lu Changqing, meaning that now that he had obtained the Lingxiang Pill, he should leave as soon as possible, lest there be many dreams in the night.

Lu Changqing thought so too, and said to the hall master, “Excuse me, let’s say goodbye.”

The hall master said, “Why are you in such a hurry? You are the guests who have come here in the real sense over the years. Why don’t you stay for a few more days?”

Lu Changqing smiled, “You are not afraid that I understand this clearly, it is not good for you?”

The hall master immediately shook his head, “You won’t.”

“Why see,

“Intuition.” The hall master said, “Brother Lu is a promised person at first glance. I don’t worry about dealing with you.

Lu Changqing chuckled, “Thank you for your trust. I promised you that I will do it. Don’t worry, these friends of mine are also people of great promise.”

The hall master nodded, and when he lowered his head, he seemed to hesitate a little.

Lu Changqing said, “Please speak up if the hall master has something to say.

The hall master was a little guilty, “Although you are all righteous people, when you go down the mountain, can you…

Lu Changqing immediately understood what he meant.

“Yes.” Lu Changqing said, “it should be.”

The hall master seemed relieved.

Lu Changqing and others were blindfolded and led down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, Lu Changqing and others were torn off their masks.

The person responsible for sending them down the mountain hugged them, turned around and went back, and soon disappeared in the dense forest.

“Let’s go.” Lu Changqing said.

Chen Su asked, “What did they promise you?”

Shao Jun also looked at him curiously.

Lu Changqing said, “In fact, it’s nothing. They live in seclusion here and don’t want to be disturbed by outsiders. Let us not disclose any news about them.”

The spiritual master nodded, “Yes, they don’t harm others, and we can’t be unrighteous.”

Lu Changqing said, “Since we have got the Lingxiang Pill, let’s go to the Black Marsh to find Qiangwu as agreed.”

Shao Jun said, “Although I promised him, but we found the Lingxiang Pill after so many hardships, it is really unwilling to just give it to a bad guy.”

Master Lingzhi said, “This is no way, let’s go.

(Good promise) Now that we have found the Lingxiang Pill, then we don’t have to hurry up in such a hurry. “Jun said, “It’s better to enjoy the scenic posts along the way.” ”

Lu Changqing hesitated to look at Master Lingzhi.

Master Lingzhi said, “I think we should go to the Black Swamp first, and give the Lingxiang Pill to Qiang Wu, and then do whatever we want.”

Everyone thought that what he said was reasonable, and they nodded their heads.

The master of “Lingzhi” actually wanted to return to Lingzhi Mountain after finishing this matter.

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