Chapter 630 Request for Confidentiality

Lu Changqing nodded. He didn’t know what kind of expert the pill refining person was. After many years of death, Xiang Dan could still become a legend on Rivers and Lakes.

“Congratulations on getting your Lingxiang Pill.” The old man said again, “Don’t think that everything will be fine if you get the Lingxiang Pill. Taking Lingxiang Pill also requires a method.

Lu Changqing was taken aback, he had never heard of this.

The old man said again, “You are the first person to get the Lingxiang Pill. My Master’s life’s hard work has not been wasted.”

He looked very pleased.

Lu Changqing wanted to go back as soon as possible, and handed the Lingxiang Pill to Qiang Wu, which was considered to be the end of the matter.

“Can I go now?” Lu Changqing tried to ask 07.

The old man nodded, “You can go now, but for one thing, I still want to ask you.

Lu Changqing wondered, what would he ask of himself?

If it’s something you can do, it’s okay to help him, after all, the other party treats him with courtesy.

“Please come in.

The old man nodded, “It’s like this. We live in seclusion here and pass on from generation to generation. It’s safe and sound. Please don’t mention it to others after you leave, so as not to disturb our peaceful life.”

The hall master on the side also nodded.

Lu Changqing could understand their situation, so he agreed.

The old man looked at the hall master.

The hall master said, “Please come with me.”

In this way, Lu Changqing followed the hall master and walked out.

On the way back, Lu Changqing asked the master of the church, “Excuse me, how can this Lingxiang Pill improve the Cultivation Base?”

The hall master was taken aback and turned to look at him.

Lu Changqing quickly explained, “I just want to understand it in more detail.

The hall master can understand, “Speaking of this Lingxiang Pill, it is indeed a rare good thing, otherwise it would not have been taken away for so many years.”

Lu Changqing nodded.

The hall master also said, “If you want to make the Lingxiang Pill more effective, you must cooperate with the blood of the black spirit fox, as well as Qixingcao, bear gall, and nine snake pills. These things work together, just Can better improve the Cultivation Base.”

Lu Changqing nodded, saying that these things are all rare things.

The hall master said, “It’s a pity, these things are hard to find, and most people don’t have them together, but there are other ways. Let me tell you this. Although the Lingxiang Pill is a good thing, if it is unreasonably used, Even if you get it, it won’t be of much use.”

Lu Changqing couldn’t help taking a breath. Fortunately, he asked a bit more, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

“Also please enlighten me from the hall master.

The hall master is also frank, “Ling Xiang Dan combined with different medicinal materials will have different effects. Just like the ones I told you before, it will increase your Cultivation Base a lot. If you use Tianshan Snow lotus in addition, This kind of Spirit 913 medicine, then not only can add Spirit Power, but also invade a hundred poisons.

Lu Changqing nodded.

The hall master also said, “How to take it depends on your own needs.

“Thank you, Hall Master.”

Lu Changqing had already made up his mind in his heart.

Neng Ling Xiang Dan was handed over to Qiang Wu is also helpless, thinking that Master Ling Zhi and Shao Yuedong both agreed that Qiang Wu is not a good person, Lu Changqing of course would not tell him this.

Coming to the cave where the Master Lingzhi and the others were waiting, Lu Changqing just appeared, and Man Muxue greeted him, “How is it?”

Lu Changqing smiled slightly and nodded.

The hall master smiled and said, “Surely everyone can’t wait?”

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