Chapter 518 Can’t Get Out

Looking at Man Muxue again, his vitality was also greatly hurt.

“Go back and talk later.” Lu Changqing said.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless demons appeared in all directions.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xu Qing quickly took them back to the city.

They were blocked by the demon, and the people in the city discovered this scene in time.

“No, they are entangled by the demon, so they can go out of the city to reinforce them.

“No, they said clearly when they left the city, let us guard the city gate, if we leave the city at this time, let Demon take the opportunity to get in, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Then you can’t save the dead, you see, a few of them have been surrounded by groups.”

The other person was still hesitating, “Even if we are out of the city, how can we help?”

“You’re so good. If you don’t go, I’ll go.

Just as he was about to leave, he was held by another person, look quickly. ”

Following that person’s gaze, she looked outside the city and saw a woman in white, flying like a fairy descending to the earth.

“Who is she? Isn’t she our reinforcements?”

“Look at her, it’s not a demon.”

Although in the night, the appearance of the woman in white is not clear at all, it can be seen that this person is upright.

“You are staring here, I will go down, and if they come, tell me to open the gate.” After speaking, I ran down.

The person who was observing on the city wall was attracted by the arrival of the white-clothed woman, and had never seen such a fairy-like woman.

Lu Changqing and others were at a time when it was difficult to move. The woman in white came and joined the battle group without any explanation. Everywhere they went, the demon evaded one after another.

“After I am broken, you go quickly.” The white-clothed woman yelled.

Xu Qing took Lu Changqing and others back to the city.

In this case, there was no time to ask more, they fought hard together and came to the gate of the city.

The city gate opened, and they hurried in, but did not close the city gate, waiting for the woman in white to come in.

After a fight between the white-clothed woman and Demon, she drew away and left.

After she entered the city, the city gate was immediately closed, and Demon also wanted to take the opportunity to enter the city, but was repelled by him on the top of the city with a rolling thunderstone.

“Thank you girl for saving her righteousness.” Xu Qing cupped hands to the woman in white.

The white-clothed woman waved her hand and looked at Lu Changqing, “Don’t talk about gossip. It’s important to save people first.”

0……Look for flowers

They brought Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue back to the Beast God Gate.

I came directly to the small courtyard where Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue lived. With the help of the light, they could see the woman’s appearance clearly. It could be said that the country was overwhelming, and even Xiao Muxue looked a little jealous.

Xu Qing sighed in her heart, thinking that Xiao Muxue was the most beautiful in the world, and this woman in white was even rarer in the world.


After the woman in white glanced at Xiao Muxue, her eyes fell on Lu Changqing, “Your injury is not light.”

Of course, Lu Changqing knew something in his heart, so he nodded, and then fainted as soon as he turned his body.

“Quickly, get him to bed.” The woman in white ordered.

Xu Qing quickly followed suit, and Xiao Muxue also looked worried.

The white-clothed woman first checked Lu Changqing’s injuries, and said to Xiao Muxue and Xu Qing, “He suffered from the backlash of formation and suffered internal injuries. I will now deliver Spiritual Qi for him to repair the injuries.”

Xu Qing and Xiao Muxue looked at each other and then withdrew.

After a while, the door opened and the woman in white came out.

Xu Qing and Xiao Muxue hurriedly greeted them.

“How is it?” Xu Qing asked hurriedly. earth.

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