Chapter 517 Digging a hole to bury yourself

Xu Qing followed. The latte prisoner had already chosen an open place to dig a hole.

The others are watching.

While digging, the man said, “This place is big enough, and you should choose a place separately. After you die, you should pay attention to getting into the soil for safety.”

That’s right, “People must go to the soil for peace after death.” Xu Qing walked towards him.

After the man was taken aback, he continued digging.

“But if you are alive and well, just dig your own grave. Is that reasonable?”

“Hey, is there a way to survive? Besides, I don’t live to dig it for myself. Will anyone bury me when I die? I’m still worried about that, no one fills the soil?”

“Okay, then you can dig it out and tell me. I will fill in it for you. I don’t understand. Isn’t it 850 to live well? We are all working hard to break through. But you want to die.”

The other party blinked, stopped digging, and looked at Xu Qing, as if asking him, is there any hope of breaking through?

Although Xu Qing did not see hope, there was still a little hope in his heart, that is, that Qingfeng Nation could suddenly appear, and cooperate with them inside and outside, even if it could not annihilate the demons in one fell swoop, it would be able to relieve the siege of the city.

“I don’t believe what you say, you say every day, let us have confidence, but who gives us confidence? Our hope is also worn out during this period.”

“No one will give you hope.” Xu Qing said solemnly, “Hope is in your heart, and you have to fight for it yourself, but I think you are already a useless person. It’s better to die early so as not to influence others. ”

The other party was unwilling to listen, “How do you talk? Although you are a member of the Beast God, you can’t talk like that.

“I have spoken very politely. Look at what you are doing? It has attracted so many people. If you have your wife, children, and family in this city, have you ever thought of giving up your life to protect them? ? Still dead like this?”

The other party was silent, Xu Qing’s words seemed to hit his heart.

With a loose hand, the iron prison fell to the ground.

Xu Qing asked, “Why didn’t you dig it?”

“You are right, as long as it is not the last moment, there is hope.”

“Hey, you can think so.” Xu Qing turned around (ahci) and left after speaking.

In the evening, Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue were about to leave the city.

Lu Changqing also asked, “Are you sure that your injury is okay?”

“Don’t worry, it’s all done.”

The two came to the gate of the city. Xu Qing had already waited there, and brought a junior, and told the guards of the gate, and a group of four left the city.

Lu Changqing pointed with his hand, “Look, there is more devilish energy, so let’s go there.”

Xu Qing and Xiao Muxue nodded in agreement, and they went straight there.

Lu Changqing said to Xu Qing and the disciple, “You two are responsible for guarding, and we two are going to destroy the barrier.”

The two nodded, and found a relatively hidden place to start guarding.

Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue started formation and tried to break the boundaries.

Xu Qing and the two looked at each other from time to time, and neither knew what they were doing. Of course, they hoped that Lu Changqing would succeed.

Suddenly, I heard Lu Changqing’s wow, followed by Xiao Muxue’s heavy panting.

“Are you okay?” Xiao Muxue seemed to be under a lot of pressure.

“I’m fine.” Although Lu Changqing said so, his voice was obviously much weaker than usual.

The two Lu Changqing rushed over and saw that there were blood stains on the corners of Lu Changqing’s lips, and they quickly supported him. .

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