Chapter 291 Bad Luck

Lu Changqing smiled, Costin was greedy, but didn’t care about that.

“I’ll trap them, you quickly kill them.” Lu Changqing ordered.

Pu Muxue and Hong Xiuxiu began to kill the eagle beast.

The corpses of the eagle beast fell to the ground one by one, and Xiao Muxue attacked the eagle beast, not worrying Hai Dongqing.

Hong Changfeng thinks that he can’t be idle, he can always help.

Just as he rushed into the circle, there was a loud noise suddenly.

He didn’t know what was going on, the whole person was stunned, looking around blankly.

“Quickly get out of 757.” Lu Changqing shouted.

Lu Changqing suddenly looked helpless, he finally trapped these eagle beasts, but because of the explosion of Spiritual Qi, the formation was blown up in half, and the eagle beasts fled one after another.

Lu Changqing quickly re-casted the spell and tried to trap the eagle beast, but half of the eagle carts had already escaped. In desperation, he could only kill the remaining eagle beasts.

“What’s the situation?” Xiao Muxue was also puzzled by the sudden explosion.

Lu Changqing said, “It was the Spiritual Qi explosion.”

Xiao Muxue and others were still puzzled.

Lu Changqing explained to them, “There is another formation below (ahci) of this formation. It should be the fierce battle happening here that induced an explosion there.”

Hong Chang said, “If you don’t explode early, and don’t explode late, it happened when I appeared, you can see how bad luck I am as a person.

Hong Xiuxiu wanted to comfort him, but the eagle beast hadn’t been completely wiped out, and it was too late to say anything.

Hong Changfeng was ashamed that he couldn’t help but regretted the delay.

Suddenly, he saw an eagle beast trying to escape, and rushed over with the heart to make up for it.

“Don’t kill him.” Lu Changqing shouted.

It was too late, the Eagle Beast was killed by Hong Changfeng.

Lu Changqing sighed, Hong Changfeng still didn’t know what was going on, didn’t he want to kill all the eagle beasts? Why not let him kill him?

Lu Changqing said, “Leave two livelihoods.”

Hong Changfeng only understood now, but it was too late.

“There is one more here.” Xiao Muxue caught an eagle beast.

“There is one here too.” Hong Xiuxiu said loudly.

Seeing that there are still two livelihoods, Lu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief and decided to interrogate them first.

Seeing the eagle beasts dying to death and fleeing, the two eagle beasts caught alive were frightened, lest they would be killed. When they were sent to Lu Changqing, they were already shivering.

Lu Changqing glanced at them, “I ask you what, you’d better answer honestly.

The two eagle beasts replied again and again.

“Do you have any other places to stay?” Lu Changqing wanted to know where the eagle beasts that escaped would go.

“I don’t know.” An eagle beast replied.

Lu Changqing saw that he was answering so readily, so he was a little suspicious, “Do you really know?”

“I don’t know, I know that there is such a foothold, besides, I have just transferred here.

“Then what do you know?” Lu Changqing wanted to beat him.

“I don’t know, I just follow orders.

Lu Changqing turned his gaze to another eagle beast.

The eagle beast was so scared that his mouth was open and speechless.

“It looks like it’s useless to keep these two alive.” Xiao Muxue said.

Lu Changqing also realized this, “Then kill it.

As soon as they heard that they were going to be killed, the two eagle beasts began to beg for mercy.

“Please, don’t kill me.

“What’s the use of keeping you? Is it harmful?”

Hong Xiuxiu yelled angrily.

“not us..”.

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