Chapter 290 The Joining of the Divine Beast Hai Dongqing

After all, the lunar eclipse has a limited time. If you can’t eat the human soul during this time, you can only wait for the next lunar eclipse.

Lu Changqing also thought in his heart, as long as it lasts for this period of time, it will be easy to talk about.

Although they will still be attacked by the eagle beasts, it should not be so fierce.

The people wanted to join the battle very much. After all, the human beings controlled by the eagle beast were young and strong.

The two sides are in a stalemate, and Lu Changqing is still thinking in his heart that there is no way to be in such a stalemate. The eagle beasts have to retreat.

Suddenly, with a neigh, Costin appeared.

Its appearance frightened the eagle beasts, but the eagle beasts soon had the same idea, that is, they have an absolute advantage in numbers. Although Costin is a divine bird, after all, he is alone and lonely.

“It’s broken, here’s another powerful one.” Some people became frightened.

Lu Changqing looked at Costin while protecting the formation, “Don’t worry, everyone, that’s your own.”

The people still didn’t believe it, and looked confused, “Are you also an eagle beast?

Lu Changqing said, “I am not a beast, I am a human just like you, that is the beast Hai Dongqing, who is here to help us”||

Hearing what he said, the people were relieved.

At the same time, a dozen eagle beasts surrounded Costin.

With a long cry, Costin swallowed an eagle beast.

Seeing it so fierce, the beasts retreated one by one in fright.

When the people saw this, they clapped and applauded.

Lu Changqing was very pleased, and Costin’s arrival eased his pressure.

Its sharp claws caught an eagle beast all of a sudden, slammed it hard, hit another eagle beast, and both fell from the air.

Costin’s confidence increased greatly, and several eagle beasts were killed in a rampage.

The other eagle beasts were also frightened because of its appearance.

These eagle beasts also have Spirit Power, and understand a truth. If their lives are gone, nothing else is important.

Seeing the eagle beasts retreating one after another, Costin became more and more courageous, not only killing the eagle beast, but also eating it when he was happy.

Lu Changqing shouted, “Good job.

He couldn’t stay idle and decided to cooperate with Costin.

The two of them were on top and one below, attacking the eagle beasts. In this way, the eagle beasts suffered heavy casualties.

The time of consuming souls passed. Not only did the eagle beasts fail to get what they wanted, but suffered heavy casualties, which made them change their minds.

It seems that the soul can’t eat it anymore, so it’s important to save your life first.

Thinking of this, the eagle beasts decided to run away.

Lu Changqing saw their intentions and said to the people, “Go south, soon.”

The people didn’t know what he was going to do, they just did.

Seeing the people retreat, Lu Changqing threw off the barrier of the circle, releasing a lot of energy and sucking the eagle beasts into the circle.

Some of the unsuspecting eagle beasts were sucked into the formation, and some were attacked by Costin. When they realized the suction of the formation, they wanted to get rid of it, but it was too late (Zhao Li Zhao).

At this moment, Xiao Muxue and Hong Changfeng and others arrived.

“Quickly, rush them to the battlefield and catch them all.

Without a word, Xiao Muxue and others began to drive the struggling eagle beast into the formation.

The people retreated to the outside of the formation, while the Eagle Beast was inside the formation, and was trapped and unable to fly out.

Costin ate several eagle beasts one after another.

“Hey, don’t eat it.” Xiao Muxue reminded it, “Be careful to break your belly.”

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