Chapter 216 Summoner

The three of them walked for about five minutes, and the young man stopped.

“Well, this is it, this is the best restaurant in the city.”

Having said that, the man also swallowed.

Looking at the six-story restaurant in front of him, Lu Changqing also nodded.

Asking about the fragrance wafting from the restaurant, Man Qingxue rushed in too impatiently.

After eating for so many days, this is the first time I have eaten properly.

Let’s go, “Let’s be together. Since you don’t want gold coins, then have a meal with us. We can’t finish it anyway.”

Lu Changqing smiled at the man.

“I don’t

The man was about to refuse, but his stomach rang in despair. The scene made him very embarrassed for a while.

“let’s go!”

Having said that, Lu Changqing also directly took the man towards the restaurant.

“Stop! A beggar you want to come in too, are you worthy!”

The guy in the restaurant saw the man about to come in, and he scolded loudly.

In an instant, the eyes of the restaurant were all looking at the man.

Perceiving the eyes of other people, the young man also turned around and ran back, but was caught by Lu Changqing.

No matter how hard the man struggled, he couldn’t escape Lu Changqing’s palm.

“Why, can you not come in for dinner if you don’t wear well? Who made the rules?”

With that said, Lu Changqing also took a gold coin and threw it directly to that buddy.

“Yes, yes, Lord, you are right, three distinguished guests, please come inside!”

Looking at the gold coin in his hand, the dude also took a bite, and found that it was true. His attitude was instantly reversed.

“Man! Give me all the signature dishes in your store. Besides, a jar of good wine!”

Lu Changqing found Man Qingxue and sat down with the man.

Man Qingxue stomped her feet excitedly as she watched the food on other people’s tables.

Looking at Xiao Qingxue’s appearance, Lu Changqing also feels that Master Own has a lovely side.

“No, what am I thinking!”

Lu Changqing also slapped himself in his heart. How could he have such illusions about his master.

“Guest officer, your dishes are all ready. The wine is opened for you too, please use it slowly.

The guys in the restaurant also put all the food on the table.

Looking at the food and wine on the table, Man Qingxue also started directly. She hadn’t eaten a normal meal for several days.

“Brother, you can eat too, don’t be restrained, it’s your own.”

The man looked at the food on the table, swallowed, and then began to gobble up.

“Actually, I don’t want to hide it. I haven’t eaten for four or five days, and I’m too hungry.”

While eating, the man was also talking.

The other guests looked at the man and Xiao Qingxue on Lu Changqing’s table, not only were they a little confused.

Lu Changqing was also aware of the surrounding gaze, and could only pretend to be very calm in embarrassment.

“By the way, what is your name and what are you doing now? I think you are not a scavenger.

Lu Changqing also asked. Up to now, he still doesn’t know who the person in front of him is.

“My name is Wu Feng, and I also have a Little Sister named Wu Jing. We are both summoners.

Listening to what Wu Feng in front of him said, Lu Changqing was also thinking about it in his memory.

He also remembered what kind of profession Wu Feng said Summoner was.

In this continent, there are not only practitioners, but also many professions. Among them, the summoner is one of them.

They don’t have any energy fluctuations in their bodies, so they can’t cultivate, but their ability is to summon creatures and control creatures.

Moreover, along with the age of the user and the strength of Mental Energy, the biological level of the control is also different.

“That’s not right. Since you and Little Sister are both summoners, that shouldn’t be where they are now.

Lu Changqing looked at Wu Feng, although they did not have the same powerful strength as other cultivators.

But since as a summoner, there are many forces that can join, at least food and clothing are not a problem.

“Because I Little Sister is sick now, so I have to take care of her, so there is no way to go too far for the time being.”

“Moreover, some changes have taken place in our family, which led to the current situation.”

While they were talking, Wu Feng had already finished eating, but Xiao Qingxue was still eating.

“When you finish eating, can you bring me the rest?”

Looking at the food on the table, Wu Feng also said.

“Man! Pack a copy of the dishes on our table!”


Lu Changqing also said to the guy on the side, who also ran towards the kitchen.

“”No, no, I can just take the rest of your food back. Don’t bother you to order another one.”

Listening to what Lu Changqing said, Wu Feng also waved his hand quickly.

“It’s okay. We don’t have a place to live tonight. So, can you live there? It’s compensation.”

Listening to what Lu Changqing said, Wu Feng was also taken aback.

“No, no, it can’t be done. Our house is rather dilapidated, so I dare not let you live in it.”

Thinking of where he and Little Sister lived, Wu Feng waved his hand and refused.

“What are you afraid of? We have all lived in the cave for ten days. We haven’t seen any kind of house.”

Xiao Qingxue on the side also said.

Because she had drunk a lot of wine, her body also became hot, and the buttons on her chest were also untied, revealing an arc.

This made Lu Changqing couldn’t help but take another look, and gradually, he was also lost in thought.

“What do you look at! I haven’t seen it! Look again, I will leave your eyes behind!”

Lu Changqing was suddenly awakened by Xiao Qingxue’s (Zhao De’s) roar.

He returned to his senses and found that Xiao Qingxue was holding the wine jar, pointing at the surrounding guests and shouting.

“Is this also reminding me.”

Looking at the very domineering Xiao Qingxue, Lu Changqing also said silently in his heart.

Wu Feng on the side was also taken aback. He didn’t expect that Man Qingxue with such a beautiful appearance would be so irritable.

This “Miss, please calm down your anger. This is a packaged meal for you. Please keep it away.”

The shopkeeper also personally delivered the food, he said to Xiao Qingxue.

Looking at the exquisite lunch box on the table, Xiao Qingxue’s anger was also relieved a lot.

“This is money for meals, no need to look for it!”

Lu Changqing put two gold coins on the table and said, then the three of them got up and left here cold.

“Go and find out what the origins of these people are. In addition, send someone to follow up and notify the son. We have found the target.”

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