Chapter 215 New World

Lu Changqing and Xiao Qingxue were flying like this in the sky, and they didn’t know where they were going.

In short, the two of them just flew like this. When they were tired, they landed and rested. When they were hungry, they looked for a forest to beat the wild animals.

The two lived like this day by day. Although it was a bit primitive, with hunting and flying, the strength of the two was also somewhat Ascension.

In this way, the two came to the beach, looking at the other side of the sea, they looked at each other.

“How about, go to the other side to see?”

“I don’t have a problem. I just don’t know if you can hold on to it, Master.”

Looking at the opposite side of the sea, Xiao Qingxue also said to Lu Changqing.

And Lu Changqing also took the opportunity to tease Xiao Qingxue.

In these days, the relationship between the two is getting closer and closer, just like their biological siblings.



With that, the two of them also flew directly towards the other side of the sea.

The two were close to the sea, and the sea was directly caused by cracks.

07 I don’t know how long it took to fly, and the two successfully reached the other side of the sea.

From here in Yaochi, it took them a full ten days to get here.

“There is indeed a difference here.”

Looking at the people coming and going under the city gate in the distance, Man Qingxue also said.

The styles of clothes worn by these people are completely different from them. Although they are also cloth clothes, the styles are very different.

And most of the soldiers guarding the city wore animal skins, which looked very wild and full of animalism.

“Let’s go, let’s go, it’s all here, go to see people’s customs here, go to have a long experience!”

The most exciting thing is full of snow.

I haven’t left Yaochi for such a long time, and finally see people. Can she still join in the fun?

With that said, Xiao Qingxue also directly pulled Lu Changqing and began to line up to enter the city.

“Hey! See you are not like our people, where did you come from!”

When Lu Changqing and Xiao Qingxue entered the city, the soldiers guarding the city also stopped them both by no accident.

Looking at the clothes on Lu Changqing and Xiao Qingxue, the guards also asked.

“Yes, we are not from you here, we came from the other side of the sea, we are an adventurer, do you understand?”

Lu Changqing also explained to the soldiers guarding the city.

“The other side of the sea!”

Listening to what Lu Changqing said, the soldiers guarding the city also looked towards the beach.

Because the distance to the center is extremely dangerous, since the beginning of his record, he has never seen anyone who can cross the sea.

“Can we go in?”

Looking at the tranced soldier, Lu Changqing also asked loudly.

“Ahem, it’s okay, you are welcome to Beast Bone City!”

As he said, the soldier also made a gesture to let Lu Changqing and the others enter the city.

After seeing Lu Changqing and Man Qingxue enter the city, the soldier also ran aside, and a pigeon flew over.

“Sure enough, it’s different from ours, whether it’s architecture or clothing, it’s completely different.”

After entering the city, Man Qingxue also looked at the new things around her. For her, everything can make her excited.

“Master, let’s pay attention to it a little bit, although these things are indeed a bit different from ours in the Central Plains.

“But there is no need to be so excited, be careful that others will catch you as crazy!”

Lu Changqing pulled Xiao Qingxue aside and said to her.

Listening to what Lu Changqing said, Man Qingxue also rolled his eyes.

I haven’t been out for a long time, and seeing so many new things, doesn’t it make her excited.

“Good apprentice, what do you think about this? Is it good?”

Xiao Qingxue also picked up a string of necklaces from the side and said to Lu Changqing.

Looking at the necklace in Xiao Qingxue’s hand, Lu Changqing also nodded to express his beauty.

“Well, you, Master, I was a little anxious when I went out, I didn’t bring it with me

Man Qingxue stretched out her finger and rubbed it, indicating that she did not have any money to go out.

Looking at Xiao Qingxue with this expression, Lu Changqing also gave a blank look.

He really regrets bringing Man Qingxue out. This is not a helper, but an ancestor.

“Boss, how did you sell it.”

Lu Changqing pointed to the necklace in Xiao Qingxue’s hand and asked.

“The son is really good-sighted. This necklace is a new item that just arrived today, and it’s not expensive, just…

The owner of the shop looked at Lu Changqing and Xiao Qingxue, looked at the clothes on the two of them, and turned his small eyes.

“Just one gold coin!”

The boss saw that Lu Changqing and Xiao Qingxue were not from this country, and he also directly raised prices.

After listening to the price, Lu Changqing’s face also twitched, but there is no way, who makes Xiao Qingxue like it.

Just when Lu Changqing took out the gold coins in his pocket to pay, a man suddenly knocked his money to the ground.

“A thing that sells five silver coins, if you collect gold coins from other people, you don’t want to face it. People from outside are just bullying?”

Listening to the voice, Lu Changqing also looked over.

He found that it was a man in his thirties who had knocked out his money, but his clothes were already in tatters and his hair was in a mess.

“You beggar, how can you still be so nosy, my things, sell as much as you like!”

The boss was obviously also irritated 710. He directly picked up the wooden stick in his hand and hit the beggar.


Lu Changqing grasped the waved wooden stick, and then smashed the wooden stick fiercely. He looked at the boss and said.

“Why, can you beat someone if you are discovered?”

Seeing Lu Changqing’s expression, the boss was so scared that he shrank directly behind the pavement and looked at Lu Changqing tremblingly.

“Hey! Thank you just now, this gold coin is just a thank you.”

Lu Changqing and Man Qingxue also chased after them. They came to the middle-aged person and handed him a gold coin.

“If I did it for this thing, then I wouldn’t help you just now.”

Looking at the gold coin in Lu Changqing’s hand, the middle-aged man also hesitated for a while, and then refused.

Looking at the back of the middle-aged man leaving, Lu Changqing also smiled.

“Brother, we are not familiar with this place for the first time, and we happen to be hungry. Can you take us to a good restaurant?”

Hearing Lu Changqing say this, the man also turned around and said.

“This is fine, come on, I’ll take you there.”

Listening to the man’s answer, Lu Changqing and Xiao Qingxue also smiled at each other.

Although Lu Changqing didn’t say anything, Man Qingxue also knew what Lu Changqing planned to do.

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