Xiao Jiang glanced at Jiang Feng and Jiang Jitong without any expression, and said calmly:"If you have anything to say, wait until my daughter's birthday party is over, and then we can talk."


Jiang Feng nodded, turned around and left helplessly.

Jiang Jitong, who had just returned from Anning City to attend a birthday party, noticed the look on his father's face and asked subconsciously:"Dad, do we have any conflicts with Xiao Shao?"

Jiang Jitong was very keenly aware of it.

If, in today's Nanzhou Province, there is any conflict with Xiao Jiang, it is absolutely stupid.

After hearing his son's words, Jiang Feng had no choice but to tell him everything that had happened.

It turned out that it was his own hotel that did something to Xiao Jiang, and shareholders were involved in the process.

Jiang Jitong's eyes cooled slightly, and he said:"Dad, since Deng Xiangrong was wrong in this matter, we should immediately bring him to Xiao Shao to admit his mistake!"

"Deng Xiangrong has already been captured and is now locked in the car."

Jiang Feng glanced at his son and frowned slightly.

"You don't think I would protect Deng Xiangrong, do you?"

"No, no, I absolutely don't have such an idea."

Jiang Jitong hurriedly shook his head, but he had such an idea.

If his father really dared to protect Deng Xiangrong, he would really offend Xiao Jiang completely.

Until now, he still remembered that the fate of those guys who offended Xiao Jiang could almost be described as horrible.

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes at his son and didn't say much.

The father and son found a seat and sat down casually.

As the banquet gradually began, countless guests came in one after another.

Which of these guests is not a famous figure in Nanzhou Province?

The Lu family of Kyoto Province and the Zhao family of Hong Kong Province each presented a big gift.

Lu Deyuan came to Yuyu and smiled kindly:"Yuyu, this is a birthday gift from Grandpa Lu to you, I hope you will like it."

As he said, he asked his granddaughter Lu Qingxue to hand a contract to Yuyu.

Yuyu is still a child after all. Looking at such a contract, she was at a loss:"What is this? Is it used for painting?"

""The transfer agreement of Kyoto Amusement Park in Nanzhou Province!"

Su Ruxin couldn't help but gasp when she glanced at the contract.

Kyoto Amusement Park is one of the Lu family's industries, and it can be found all over the country.

There is naturally a Kyoto Amusement Park in Nanzhou Province, and its revenue far exceeds that of [Yuxin Skin Care Co., Ltd.] at this stage.

When the people around heard these words, they felt their scalps tingling.

The gifts in the audience were simply weak and there was no comparison with Lu Deyuan's gift.

"Mom, what is the transfer agreement?"

Yuyu sat on Xiao Jiang's lap and looked at Su Ruxin with a puzzled look on her face.

Without waiting for Su Ruxin to explain, Lu Qingxue took the lead to explain for her:"Yuyu, if you go to this amusement park in the future, you don’t have to spend money or queue up, you can play in it to your heart’s content!"

There seems to be no contradiction in these words. The entire amusement park belongs to Yuyu. If you want to play, you can go and play. Why spend money?

Su Ruxin and others were unable to refute Lu Qingxue for a while after hearing what she said. They felt that what she said made sense.

However, Lu Qingxue did not tell Yuyu about the benefit of Kyoto Amusement Park, which is the terrifying revenue.

However, even if she told Yuyu, Yuyu might not understand it.

When Yuyu heard that she could play freely in the amusement park, she laughed and hugged the document tightly:"Thank you, Sister Qingxue!"

"You’re welcome!" Lu Qingxue touched Yuyu’s little head lovingly. She liked this little guy very much.

When Zhao Yuanlong saw Lu Deyuan giving such a big gift, he couldn’t help but said,"Old man, you are really willing to transfer the Kyoto Amusement Park out!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. Our Lu family has many Kyoto amusement parks in other places, so this one is not bad!"

Lu Deyuan stroked his beard and laughed, not really caring.

Zhao Yuanlong heard Lu Deyuan's words and felt that this guy was just showing off nakedly.

After subconsciously rolling his eyes at Lu Deyuan, he took out the gift he prepared for Yuyu, which was a key.

"Yuyu, this is a gift from Grandpa Zhao, don't mind it."

"What's this?"

"The key to the castle by the sea in Hong Kong Province."

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they heard Zhao Yuanlong's words.

There is only one castle in the whole Hong Kong Province. It is said that the cost is as high as more than 3 billion. This is just the cost, not including the decoration, configuration, girlfriend, cleaning...

This set will cost at least tens of billions.

The key is that castle. Many foreign royal families want the right to live there, but unfortunately they have never got it.

Such an expensive castle was actually given to a little girl.

Everyone envied Yuyu very much. At such a young age, she reached the peak that most people could not reach!

At the same time, they set their sights on Xiao Jiang.

Only people with discerning eyes can see that whether it is Lu Deyuan or Zhao Yuanlong, they can pay such a high price just to please Xiao Jiang.

It can only be said that Yuyu has a father with great magical powers.

"Dad, is this castle too expensive?"No matter how young Yu Yu was, she knew the value of the castle and looked at Xiao Jiang with some concern.

Xiao Jiang looked at his well-behaved and sensible daughter, touched her little head, and said with a smile:"Since it is a birthday gift from Grandpa Zhao, you should accept it."

"Yeah!" Yu Yu nodded and looked at Zhao Yuanlong with a sweet smile:"Thank you, Grandpa Zhao!"

"Hahaha, good, good, if I can have such a well-behaved little great-granddaughter, I can also enjoy my old age!"

Zhao Yuanlong said casually, touching his white goatee.

When Lu Deyuan heard these words, he thought to himself: Why didn't I think of saying these words? Zhao Yuanlong is getting older and older than before!

Su Ruxin came back to her senses instantly. She looked at Zhao Qianwei who had been standing behind Zhao Yuanlong.

In terms of temperament and appearance, Zhao Qianwei seemed to be no less inferior to her, and it could almost be said that they were evenly matched.

This made her feel a sense of crisis for some reason.

Zhao Qianwei noticed Su Ruxin's gaze, but did not realize what she meant, and just nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Su Ruxin, It was also a polite response.

Not long after, He Lu came over holding He Chuntao and gave Yu Yu a birthday present.

Then, Ye Chang pushed Ye Shuiyue, who was still sitting in a wheelchair, over. After Xiao Jiang's treatment, Ye Shuiyue recovered very well and was almost a normal person.

Yu Yu and He Chuntao soon went to play with Ye Shuiyue.

Yu Yu and He Chuntao did not dislike Ye Shuiyue with short hair. Instead, the three of them had a lot of fun.

When Xiao Jiang saw this scene, his daughter was happy, and he was happy too.

Zhao Yuanlong, who was sitting next to him, asked in a low voice:"Mr. Xiao, are you free after the banquet is over?"

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