The hotel manager looked at his phone, his back went cold with fear, and he rushed out of the office without caring about his image.

Five or six minutes later, he arrived on the first floor.

He immediately asked the girl at the front desk,"Has anyone named 'Xiao Jiang' come here today?"

""No." The girl at the front desk shook her head helplessly. She had no impression at all.

The hotel manager was very confused. If Xiao Shao had not come, and their hotel had not offended Xiao Shao.

Why would Xiao Shao suddenly choose to change the location of the birthday party?

When he was puzzled, he remembered that there was a photo of Xiao Jiang in his mobile phone.

This photo was also sent to him by Jiang Feng, just to avoid any trouble if he did not know Xiao Jiang.

He quickly handed the photo to the girl at the front desk and asked,"Have you seen this guy come to our hotel?"

"It turned out to be this poor loser!"

"What, you mean this person came to the hotel, then how did you treat him?"

The hotel manager's heart instantly sank. He could only hope that the hotel under his management would never do anything excessive.

Otherwise, he might really be thrown into the sea by Jiang Feng to feed the sharks.

"He was chased away by the security guard because he offended Master Deng!"

The girl at the front desk didn't notice the hotel manager's expression at all. If she had paid attention, she would have found that the hotel manager's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Mr. Deng, are you talking about that guy Deng Xiangrong?"

"Yes, besides him, who else could it be?"

As she spoke, the girl at the front desk finally noticed the hotel manager, and with a gloomy face, she asked cautiously,"Manager, has something happened?""

"What else is going on?"

The hotel manager slammed the table and roared:"Do you know that the poor loser you are chasing away has to be respected by even the chairman."

"You dare to expel the person whom even the chairman dares not to provoke. It seems that your name is more famous than the chairman!"

After saying that, the hotel manager's body softened and he almost collapsed to the ground.

When the girl at the front desk heard the hotel manager's words, she gradually realized that she seemed to have provoked a very terrifying existence. The whole person instantly stood there like a wooden man.

After a moment.

The hotel manager quickly called the group of security guards in.

The security captain, who had no idea, stepped forward and asked with a flattering face:"Manager, you suddenly called us in. Is there something good?"

As soon as the voice fell, a slap fell on his face.


The loud slap sound instantly resounded throughout the lobby.

The security captain covered his right cheek and looked at the hotel manager with a confused face.

"You are so brave that you actually dare to drive Young Master Xiao out!"

"Do you know who Xiao Shao is? As long as he gives an order, we will have no place to stand in the entire Nanzhou Province, and you may not even know how you died."As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Who would have thought that the man in ordinary clothes would have such a background.

The security captain was more and more terrified, and his hair stood on end. He quickly pleaded with the hotel manager:"Manager, please see that I am a veteran employee of the company, you must save me!"

"I have several children, and no accidents can happen."

He was really scared now, and he wanted to slap himself twice. Why did he help Deng Xiangrong and drive Xiao Jiang out?

The hotel manager looked at him and said coldly:"Hurry up and catch Deng Xiangrong, do you hear me?"

After hearing this, the security captain led his men upstairs without hesitation.

In just five or six minutes,

Deng Xiangrong and his girlfriend, who were naked, were caught.

""Fuck, you don't want to live anymore, do you? How dare you arrest me? I'll ask my dad to fire all of you!"

Deng Xiangrong was so humiliated that he yelled at them hysterically.

The hotel manager listened to his words and looked at them calmly.

"Don't bother with him. If he dares to offend Young Master Xiao, take him to the chairman's house!"

Deng Xiangrong was stunned when he heard the word"Young Master Xiao". In the whole Jiangling City, or the whole Nanzhou Province, the only person who could be honored as Young Master Xiao was that gentleman.

However, he didn't remember when he had offended Young Master Xiao.

Until the figure of the man in the daytime appeared in his mind, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Could it be that the person is Xiao Shao?……"

At this point, he felt that this was very possible.

At this moment, the two words"finished" echoed in his mind!

Who dared to offend Xiao Jiang in Nanzhou Province would have a good ending?

In a blink of an eye, it was already Yuyu's birthday.

Inside the Xiao family villa.

Xiao Jiang held Yuyu in his arms and looked at Su Ruxin, who was dressed up beside him. Before he spoke, Yuyu in his arms began to praise

""Mom, you look so beautiful today!"

Hearing her daughter's praise, Su Ruxin also smiled happily, and then she looked at Xiao Jiang beside her with a slightly shy face.

"Xiao Jiang, does it look good?"

"Very beautiful."

For some reason, Su Ruxin felt as if she had eaten honey when she heard Xiao Jiang's praise. When

Xiao's father and mother saw this scene, they looked at each other and smiled.

""Let's go, the car is here."

A Rolls-Royce Phantom arranged by Yuan Bei drove up quickly and stopped steadily at the door of the villa.

Xiao Jiang and others got in the car quickly.

After about ten minutes, the Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at the door of a villa full of classical charm.

As soon as I got off the car, I could see a banner outside the villa that read"Happy Birthday, Miss Yu Yu!"

Yu Yu clapped her hands happily with a happy smile on her face.

Xiao's mother looked at the scene, came to Xiao Jiang, and whispered,"Jiang'er, this must cost a lot of money."

Even though she lived a rich life, she was still relatively tight in her bones.

"It's okay, it won't cost much."Xiao Jiang replied with a smile.

Now, the entire Nanzhou Province belongs to him.

This mere birthday party is really nothing to him.

Xiao's mother nodded slightly when she heard her son's words, and did not continue to ask.

Sometimes, many things do not need to be asked.

When their family entered the banquet venue, the first thing that caught their eyes was the two-meter-high super-large cake.

"Wow, what a big cake! Yuyu might be stuffed to death!"Yuyu exclaimed in a soft voice.

After her eyes fell on the cake, she couldn't take them away.

Xiao Jiang smiled dotingly and touched Yuyu's little head.

After their family entered the banquet venue, Xiao Jiang had just put Yuyu down.

Yuyu couldn't wait to come to the cake, sucking on her right index finger, drooling at the corner of her mouth.

Xiao Jiang smiled dotingly, touched Yuyu's little head, and was about to say something.

The Jiang family father and son arrived at the banquet venue first.

""Mr. Xiao!" Jiang Feng came to Xiao Jiang with a smile on his face.

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