Chapter 280


A sky thunder struck down, hitting the middle of the middle-aged cultivator.

In an instant, lightning and thunder, endless rays of light burst.

Everyone was taken aback, staring blankly at the burst of thunder.

I saw a ray of light propped up and actually blocked the sky thunder.

The middle-aged cultivator looked at the billowing thunder on top of his head with a gloomy face, shocked and angry in his heart.

“How can it be?”

“Why did God’s punishment come again?”

“Oh my God, is it really Heavenly Tribulation?”

A large group of cultivators around were horrified, and they retreated one after another, trying to leave the area covered by Heavenly Tribulation.

It’s a pity that the entire Wudang Mountain was shrouded by sky thunder.


There was a faint thunder, resounding everywhere.

I saw a group of thunder snakes falling from the sky and smashing on the body of the group of cultivators.


“Elder help!”

There was a scream, and under the thunder, one cultivator wailed in horror, and was smashed into powder by the thunder.

In just one bombardment of the sky thunder, almost all the newly born cultivators were destroyed.

Only the middle-aged cultivator is left, and there is also a young cultivator, who is struggling to support a shining defense.

The two men looked horrified, and they were obviously caught off guard.


Another sky thunder fell, and the young cultivator’s eyes protruded, and the light he held up instantly shattered, and the Magic Treasures in his hand turned into powder on the spot.

“No…” With a desperate roar, he was submerged by the sky thunder, and his body was instantly vaporized.

Seeing the youth cultivator die, the middle-aged man opened his eyes with anger, and said in grief: “My son, my son, damn Heavenly Tribulation, what is going on?”


What responded to him was a fierce sky thunder, which hit the light curtain with endless rays of thunder.

With a click.

The light curtain shattered, and the middle-aged man was so scared that his soul flew away.

He immediately sacrificed something and turned it into an umbrella cover to cover his body.

With a bang of thunder, Bao Gai was smashed into powder on the spot, and it was completely scrapped.

“Oh, old man’s magic weapon.”

The middle-aged cultivator vomited blood anxiously, and his face turned pale when he watched the sky thunder fall again.

He finally panicked, and just now was full of spirits, his courage was gone, only endless fear and despair remained.

There is even a trace of regret, why pretend to say that, this is a big game.

Under Heavenly Tribulation, as powerful as he was beaten and trembling all over.

“No, the old man is a cultivator of the gods, and the old man still has eight hundred years of life…”


As soon as the voice fell, the sky thunder struck him, and crimson’s thunder light instantly lit up.

With a bang, the middle-aged cultivator disintegrated and disappeared into pieces of fly ash.

Only a primordial spirit fled in horror, turning into a primordial spirit to escape back into the Futian cave.


The next moment, the primordial spirit escaped into the cave sky above the golden dome.

How did he know that he had just entered, Heavenly Tribulation on the void suddenly flashed and rushed in directly.



“Heavenly Tribulation?”

“Tian Lei?”


There were roars and screams in the cave, with a strong breath erupting.

Thunder bursts, and the sky thunder rolls raging in the cave days.

Suddenly, the inside of the cave was turned upside down, causing countless deaths and injuries.

A large number of cultivators in the cave sky were directly smashed into powder by the sky thunder, and annihilated by flying ash.

And the primordial spirit that escaped into it was directly criticized as ashes, and the one who died could not die again.

Within the cave, Teacher Tai Xuan was bombarded by thunder and suffered heavy casualties.


“Who caused Heavenly Tribulation?”

At this time, in the center of the cave, on a floating island, powerful figures burst out of the dense palace.

A guardian light lit up there, blocking the constantly raging thunder.

That is the formation taught by Tai Xuan, the current Heavenly Tribulation.

But in just a quarter of an hour, dozens or hundreds of Tai Xuan disciples died tragically under the thunder.


At this time, a bell was ringing, and a big bell flew out of the teacher Tai Xuan, exuding a powerful light, and there was a strong coercion.

The big clock shook, and the Jieyun on the void was quickly broken up by a large area.

“All Elders, break the robbery together.”

With a roar, the white-haired old man rose into the air, holding a powerful sword in his hand, and a powerful Cultivation Base burst out in an instant.

He was full of aura, and he was actually a master of the Mahayana period.

Behind the scenes, three Elders in Transcends Tribulation stage all jumped into the sky.

A powerful Cultivation Base broke out from dozens of masters of Dharma Phase Realm, and the Heavenly Tribulation in the sky was brutally blasted, and the thunderclouds burst.

Boom, boom, boom…

Heavenly Tribulation is boiling, and the infinite Razer falls down without money, ruining the world.

For a time, the entire cave was shrouded by Heavenly Tribulation, destroyed, and countless casualties.

A large number of palaces were chopped into fragments and continued to collapse.

Some powerful cultivators were chopped into ashes by the sky thunder and suffered heavy losses.

Heavenly Tribulation lasted for an hour. When Heavenly Tribulation dissipated, the thundercloud disappeared, revealing the messy Tai Xuan teacher.

Several powerful elders from Cultivation Base stood in the void, smoking all over, all in a panic, and even several of them were seriously injured.

Seeing the Tai Xuan Sect who was basically destroyed, the white-haired old man headed by him spouted a mouthful of old blood, rolled his eyes, and fainted in grief.

“Head Teacher!”

There was a cry of exclamation, and only a dozen Tai Xuan teachers were left to teach Elder, and all of them were full of grief and inexplicable grief.

Head Teacher fainted.

The scene was in a mess, with potholes, a large number of palace buildings were destroyed, and a large number of Tai Xuan disciples buried below.

This sudden change caused the entire disciples of Tai Xuan to fall, and even several Elders and law enforcement died.

There are only a few Elders in the Dharma realm, and three Elders in the Transcends Tribulation period, together with the teacher Tai Xuan just now, a total of only eleven survived.

All the rest died under the thunder, it can be said that they were almost wiped out.

Such a huge loss caused Tai Xuan to faint on the spot.

“Heaven, what happened?”

Teacher Tai Xuan panicked, and all the survivors were shocked.

Why suddenly there is a god’s punishment coming to Tai Xuan cave sky?

They didn’t know that above the cave sky, there was a pair of eyes watching them indifferently.

This time the appearance of Heaven’s Punishment was actually manipulated by someone behind the scenes.

And this person is naturally Liu Qing.

He saw that the Tai Xuan teachers wanted to destroy Wudang as soon as they came out, and even erased the memory of Wudang disciples as handyman.

“Teacher Tai Xuan, it doesn’t have to exist anymore.”

Liu Qing said to herself, pointing out.


The next moment, the entire Tai Xuan cave sky shook violently, and a powerful force of destruction swept through and flooded the headquarters of the Tai Xuan Sect.

The real person Tai Xuan, who had just awakened, saw the sudden torrent of destruction, his eyes protruding, revealing a look of despair.

“Heaven is going to kill me.”

The head of Tai Xuan was so angry that he spurted blood again, his face was purple and gold, and he was finally overwhelmed by the terrifying destructive power, his body disintegrated every inch and turned to ashes.

The entire Tai Xuan teacher, without exception, was completely obliterated by Liu Qing.

You said that you were born when you were born, so why do you want to destroy Wudang?

One head teacher in the Mahayana period, and three Elders in the Transcends Tribulation period, none of them were spared.


Tai Xuan Gate Head Teacher’s face was intertwined with grief and anger, and he let out a desperate roar.

He didn’t know why, but he knew that Tai Xuan teaching was over, and the Tai Xuan teaching, which had been passed down for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, was thus destroyed.

They didn’t even know who killed them, and they didn’t even think that someone would directly take action, inviting God’s punishment to destroy the entire Tai Xuan sect.

“Respectfully please ancestors!”

At the last moment, the head of Tai Xuan burned his own Cultivation Base and sent a message to a corner of Dongtian.


The next moment, a shocking weather broke out in the cave, which was more than ten times stronger than the two heads of Tai Xuan.

A group of brilliant rays of light burst out, stabilizing the shattered cave world for life.

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