Chapter 279

Qingshan, outside the small city.

There were waves of ripples on a small emerald lake.

The sky is filled with colored light, enveloping it.

There is like an illusion in the sky, a mirage, reflecting a wonderful wonderland.

The movement here attracted a large number of onlookers in the small town, gathering around the small lake.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful.”

“Is this a mirage?”

People gathered around the lake.

A large number of people watched the wonders above the lake enthusiastically, fantastically fantastic.

It’s like seeing the other side of the world.

There are countless fantastic plants and even some castles in the sky, which are stunningly beautiful.

“It’s not an illusion, it’s a secret realm.”

Someone exclaimed.

It was a young man looking at the wonders above the lake with excitement.

He vaguely guessed something.

That’s why I looked very excited, and my face was flushed with excitement.

“Hahaha, secret realm, another new secret realm has appeared.”


“Brothers, have you read a novel?”

“There are countless opportunities hidden in the secret realm.”

“The chance of our town is here.”

“I’m sure, there must be a Futian cave inside.”

“Yes, secret realm hides opportunities.”

The young people gathered around were all excited.

Anyone who has read novels knows that Futiandongdi, secret realm, there are often plenty of opportunities and countless treasures.

There have been many secret realms in China before, and there has been a lot of excitement on the Internet. People who enter the secret realm have gotten some chances.

Where there is a secret realm, there are definitely countless people going to explore.

Regardless of whether there is danger or not, if you go in for an adventure, those who can come out will get huge benefits, and the strength Ascension is still one of them.

The most important thing is to get treasures.

“Go, enter the secret realm.”

Soon, it was a group of young men and women who took the lead.

They have a good Cultivation Base. After popularizing cultivation, they have experienced the baptism of the previous energy tide. They are powerful and powerful.

Apart from anything else, there is still confidence.

Therefore, young people’s adventurous spirit is worthy of promotion and praise.


Someone’s actions immediately caused an uproar, and countless people rioted.

Soon, a large number of young talents gathered here, and they rushed to the lake with excitement one by one, riding the waves, to enter the secret realm for treasure hunting.

This is just one of them.

Since the second energy tide, it is not clear how many secret realms and various spatial cracks have emerged on the land of China.

There are also some huge mirages popping up. Many people speculate that these must be some secret realm or Futian cave.


On the other side, Qingcheng Mountain.

A piece of light shrouded, and there was a large swath of aura shining down there.


Suddenly, a shock came, and the light flickered.

I saw a Daoist shadow coming out through the light curtain.

All of these people wear ancient robes, with Spiritual Qi flowing on their bodies, and their cultivation has strong Magic power and Spirit Power fluctuations.

“It’s finally out.”

“Brothers, sisters.”

The first young man spoke.

He has a handsome face, with a misty Spiritual Qi on his body, and a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

“Brother please give orders.”

A group of young men and women saluted.

I saw the leading man proudly said: “My Qingxuan Dongtian was born, and the master and head instructed us to enter the world, find suitable disciples to introduce into the cave, and expand the gate.”

“This task is entrusted to you, and I have other more important things to do.”

After speaking, he turned and flicked his hand, and he saw a streamer flying out, turning into a flat boat floating in the air.

A dodge fell on the flat boat, he drove the flat boat away in a flash, flew on the vast expanse of Yun Tian and disappeared.

Only a group of juniors and younger sisters were left looking at each other.

“Second Brother, Senior Brother is gone, what shall we do next?”

A young girl asked in a low voice.

As the remaining brothers and sisters, the second brother is second only to the senior brother.

The man known as the Second Senior Brother looked unswervingly and hummed: “The task was appointed by the head, but he ran away by himself. I think he just wants to step into the mortal world and have fun.”

“Regardless of him, we will complete the task ourselves. Everyone extradite at least ten disciples with cultivation Spiritual Roots into the mountain gate.”

“Everyone acted separately.”

“Remember, this time not only our Qingxuan Dongtian was born, but also other schools of Futian Dongdi were born one after another.”

“This is a struggle for orthodoxy.”

“Nothing to lose.”

The second senior said with a serious expression.


A group of people dispersed immediately, flying various Magic Treasures to various parties to complete their respective tasks.


Wudang Mountain, Golden Summit.

Groups of light emerged, and there was a powerful aura permeating there.

This incident shocked everyone in Wudang Mountain.

As the head of Wudang, Qingxu Daochang looked solemn.

Now his Cultivation Base has stepped into the peak of the Gold Core stage, after the baptism of the energy tide, he naturally obtained the Cultivation Base Ascension.

But now, he felt a lot of powerful aura, which permeated the golden dome.

“Master, what is going on?”

A disciple asked suspiciously.

Dao Qing Xu said with a serious expression: “Attention, everyone, that is probably the blessed land recorded in the ancient books of this door.”

“The world has changed drastically, and the Futian Cave and Earth that once disappeared reappeared.”

“This is a great opportunity…”

Before Qingxu Dao’s long talk was finished, there was a roar.


The golden dome’s rays burst, and a powerful breath swept in, and instantly lifted everyone up and down the entire Wudang Mountain.

Only Taoist Qingxu barely stood there, looking horrified.

Above the Wudang Golden Summit, a colorful portal suddenly opened, and a series of powerful figures came out from the inside.

These people, all dressed in robes, exuded a strong pressure.


The head of the person looked over with lightning, and Dao Chang Qingxu was struck by lightning. He vomited blood on the spot and fell to the ground.


With a cold snort, a middle-aged cultivator headed by him disdainfully said: “It’s a mere Gold Core stage, so I dare to look directly at this seat and look for death.”

“If the order continues, this will be the Outer Sect courtyard of my Tai Xuan Dongtian. These people, who have Spiritual Roots, directly erase the memory, brand them, and serve as the slaves of my Tai Xuan door.”

The middle-aged man finished speaking indifferently.

Seeing a powerful disciple flying out behind him, one by one, all the Taoist priests in Wudang Mountain were captured and imprisoned.

What followed was a brutal suppression.

There are Spiritual Roots selected, ready to serve as slave labor.

“who are you?”

“Stop, as cultivators, are you not afraid of being condemned by God if you do this?”

Qingxu Dao was so angry that he was very angry, spurting out blood, hurting and hurting.

In the mere Gold Core period, he could not stop the opposing party’s breath of suppression, and he was directly injured, and the Gold Core in his body was broken.

It is estimated that this injury will not be healed.

“Hahaha, God Scourge?”

The middle-aged man said with a look of disdain: “Our cultivator, is to fight the heavens and practice heaven-defying, so why are we afraid of the gods?”

“The weak in this world are kneeling, and the strong is the truth.”

“If there is a scourge, let it come.”

The middle-aged cultivator has a murderous face, and doesn’t care about the so-called scourge.

For cultivators like them, cultivation is basically heaven-defying, so there is no scruples in doing things.

“Heaven, why?”

Qingxu Dao was grief and inexplicably for a long time, and Dao heart suddenly had a crack, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

After decades of cultivating, I never thought that these powerful cultivators would enslave other people regardless of their lives.

Is this really a cultivator? It’s just a group of robbers.


At this moment, the thunder in the void rang out, frightening everyone.

I saw on Wudang Mountain, I don’t know when a large swath of thunderclouds suddenly gathered, billowing and brewing, and constantly covering them.

Electric lights flickered, and the thunder snakes shuttled above the clouds, making the middle-aged cultivator and a large group of powerful cultivators tremble.

“Heavenly Tribulation?”

“How can it be?”

“The gods and demons are all gone, where did Heavenly Tribulation come from?”

The middle-aged cultivator was sluggish, and looked at the Heavenly Tribulation that appeared inexplicably in the void, a breath of Death enveloped him.


A sky thunder struck Shattering Void and slashed down.

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

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