Chapter 277 Frightened Golden Crow

Boom, boom!

A wave of solar storms swept through, and high-energy particles vibrated and boiled.

In the whirlpool, a towering tree slowly emerged, emitting a fiery flame.

That is the hibiscus sacred tree, also known as the sun sacred tree.

There is a huge group of Golden Crow living on it. Among them, the one above the tree canopy is the largest.

Its physique is extremely huge, with a wingspan of several kilometers, its feathers burning with golden flames, and a golden crown on its head.

This is the king of the Golden Crow family, with the Golden Crow crown.


The Golden Crow suddenly raised his hair and let out a cry, and the sound spread and shook the void, causing storms to form.

The Golden Crow, who had just awakened, saw a frightening scene before he had time to be happy.

It witnessed the scene where the western sun god was directly and indiscriminately bombarded by a guy of unknown origin.

For a moment, Golden Crow was so scared that his feathers stood up.

When he saw Dahi clone killing Apollo and returning, there was an ominous premonition in Golden Crow’s heart.

Sure enough, when the Golden Crow secret realm was opened, the fierce guy turned his gaze, and he actually stared at the Golden Crow secret realm.

To be precise, eyed it.

“not good!”

Golden Crow’s heart jumped wildly, and Da Ri clone stepped forward with Apollo’s corpse in his hand, scared to make it stand up all over its hair.

Apollo is comparable to its current strength, not far from it.

Even if the opponent was slaughtered, it naturally did not have the confidence to fight against this powerful guy.

“Golden Crow seal!”

Between the electric light and flint, the emperor Golden Crow directly used the secret method of the Golden Crow family, sealing the secret realm that was just opened, and proclaiming himself.

It was so neat and neat that it actually sealed the secret realm.


With a flash of fire, the secret realm that was born suddenly became blurred, and even the ripples in the space were about to disappear.

“No, Golden Crow wants to run?”

Dahi Clone opened his eyes angrily, realizing that the other party wanted to run.

Without saying a word, he dragged Apollo’s divine body to speed up, waved the corpse and smashed it directly in front of the entrance of the Golden Crow secret realm.


Apollo’s divine body was extremely hard and was smashed down as a weapon. The ten thousand zhang divine body bombarded in front of the secret realm, causing a violent explosion.


The entire Golden Crow secret realm was shaking, awakening a large number of Golden Crow sleeping inside, and screaming.

The headed Golden Crow was even more horrified. Seeing the secret realm entrance was hit and cracked, the seal just now was about to break.

“Damn, this clan has nothing to do with you.”

King Golden Crow was furious, but he was not slow, and he shot a series of Golden Crow runes to repair the cracks.

It has a solemn expression and feels a great crisis coming.

“Golden Crow turns into a rainbow, reclusive!”

The next moment, it did not hesitate to perform the Golden Crow rainbow technique, covering up the entire secret realm, and even suddenly escaped into the void.

This operation surprised Liu Qing who was observing.

“I would rather be self-proclaimed than exile the Void than come out?”

Liu Qing was surprised and inexplicably, and his figure came to the sun in a flash.

He looked at the Golden Crow secret realm, which was gradually disappearing in front of him, and patted it with one hand.


Click, click!

Under a palm, the space was directly shattered.

The Golden Crow secret realm, which was originally concealed inside, was pulled out again, and King Golden Crow was frightened and frightened and angry.

“Asshole, I have no grievances and no grudges against you, so why are you bitterly forced?”

King Golden Crow was furious and frightened.

It was terrifying enough to kill Apollo just by a big day clone, and now there is a more terrifying guy.

It shattered the space with one palm and forced out the reclusive secret realm, which was simply scary.

“All tribesmen, give strength to this king.”

There was a great sense of crisis in King Golden Crow’s heart, and he immediately made a decision. The moment of life and death directly condensed the power of all the Golden Crow people in the secret realm.

“The space is moving, escape!”

Accompanied by a stern roar, King Golden Crow exhausted the strength he had just recovered, and contributed to the few tribesmen.

In the end, Liu Qing’s confinement was broken abruptly, and he escaped into the void and disappeared.

This made Liu Qing who was about to forcibly break the secret realm somewhat regretful.

This ghost Golden Crow was too timid, and he ran away directly when he saw the bad situation. The decisive appearance is worthy of being the king of the Golden Crow clan.

What a sloth!

“My deity, you are a step late.”

Dahi clone sighed slightly.

Liu Qing shook his head: “I didn’t expect this Golden Crow to be so decisive that he ran away without even daring to come out.”

“It’s not clear where it went, but it’s not easy to find it in the void, it’s almost impossible.”

He sighed. Even though he understood the space avenue rune and mastered the power of space, he still couldn’t track the exact location of the Golden Crow secret realm.

I have to say, that Golden Crow is really shrewd, at least a little smarter than Apollo.

“Forget it, it will be suppressed again next time.”

Liu Qing waved his hand without paying attention, ran and ran away, and suppressed it next time he saw it.

The original idea was to subdue the Golden Crow clan, just to become a vassal of Da Ri clone, or as a mount.

But Golden Crow is too cunning, there is no way to run directly.

“On the contrary, this Apollo has a godhead and doesn’t know where it is hidden. Sooner or later, he will recover again. You must be careful.”

He changed his voice and watched the dead Apollo express his own opinion.

The Dahi clone nodded: “Don’t worry, even if it can recover again, its strength will be greatly reduced. It is difficult to restore the divine power.”

“It’s okay if he doesn’t come out. If he comes out, then it will be suppressed.”

For Apollo, Dahi clone did not have much peace of mind, but rather confidently wanted to suppress Apollo, the sun god.

“You refining its divine body first, you should be able to get a lot of benefits, and the Sun Temple is also under control.”

After Liu Qing finished speaking, his eyes fell on the temple of the sun.

Here, belongs to the temple of Apollo.


He flashed and came to the temple of the sun.

Looking at the magnificent Sun Temple, there are countless sun runes painted on it, which contains a huge sun divine power.

And he even wondered whether the godhead of Apollo was hidden in the temple?

It is a pity that after searching, there is nothing in the Temple of the Sun, and the empty temple is nothing more.

There is not even a treasure at all, so he is called the sun god in vain.

“The Protoss in the West are so poor?”

Liu Qing, who failed to make a profit, was a little speechless, looking at the empty Sun Temple, she only felt a little depressed.

“From now on, this temple will be mine.”

Dahi clone entered the temple and began to refine the body of the sun god Apollo and this temple.

As for the deity Liu Qing, he lost interest without finding any good things after turning around.

On the contrary, I was interested in the powerful aura that just broke out on the moon, and wanted to see if there was the legendary Guanghan Palace on the moon.

But before you leave, sign in and have a look.

“System, sign in here.”

Liu Qing stood in the temple of the sun and said silently.

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