Chapter 276


The sun god broke out.

That mighty divine power swept across the space like a vast ocean, and there were waves of fiery ripples.

The Dahi clone was slightly retreated for several kilometers, staring at the other side, and an endless stream of powerful energy gushed out of the body.

A scorching ray of light bloomed from the scorching sun behind his head, and the sun rose and fell, suddenly merged into his body, and his breath instantly soared tenfold.


Accompanied by a loud shout.

In the sky, the two rays of light collided with each other, causing a big explosion in an instant, just like a star burst, bright rays of light shining on the earth, lighting up the darkness.

The sun’s rays were temporarily suppressed, and it looked extremely dim.

The dazzling brilliance made everyone on the ground unable to help close their eyes and become blind for a short time.

The sky and the earth are silent, only the hot glow of the explosion in space lasts for a long time.


Suddenly, the sun god flew out, his head split, and the golden blood of the gods was constantly spilled in the vast space.

he is hurt.

This scene attracted countless exclamations.


“The sun god Apollo was actually injured?”

“who’s that person?”

In the city of elves, a group of elves shocked inexplicably.

The elf queen said with horror: “Apollo, as the main god, is actually injured.”

“Although he hasn’t recovered much power, he is still strong and stalwart, and he was injured. Who is that person?”

“The god of the east?”

“Is it the Eastern rebellion of Previous Era?”

“There is no breath of god in him.”

In the West, all god-tier tribes were shaking and witnessed the war in space.

The sun god Apollo was wounded by his body, which was incredible.


In space, a huge divine body flew upside down, and it took a long time to stop.

Apollo’s face was angry, and his body was burning with flames, and he was extremely violent and hot, covered in flames.


He roared, endless flames burst into his body again, and the sun gun in his hand lit up with rays of light, gathering a raging flame and shooting towards the opposite side.

Looking at the incoming high-energy solar particles, Dahi Clone raised one hand and opened his five fingers.


The high-energy solar particle beam was directly squeezed.

And taking this opportunity, Apollo slammed, a spear thrust in the heart of the Dahi clone, killing him with one blow.

This shot is fast and accurate.

It is a pity that Dahi clone is not weak either, and the reaction is not slow. With his palms together, he caught the opponent’s powerful shot empty-handed.

With a bang, the two sides competed and the gun was caught.

At The next moment, Apollo’s face suddenly changed.

I saw big hands suddenly grow out of the back of the avatar, each hand condensed a terrifying scorching sun.

A total of nine arms condensed nine scorching sun and slammed Apollo’s body.

Boom, boom, boom…

A series of explosions made Apollo tremble all over, and his flesh and blood flew across, and the explosion was extremely miserable.


Apollo screamed backwards, but was chased up by Dahi Clone. The nine arms bombarded indiscriminately, and Apollo’s divine body collapsed with one punch and slap, and he vomited blood.

The tragic scene stunned the Western gods.

All the protoss were dumbfounded, looking stupidly at Apollo who was tortured to the death in space.

The hall master god, who is in charge of the power of the sun, was beaten into this appearance by an unidentified guy, and it was shocking.


With another punch, it hit Apollo’s front door, and the powerful power and violent sun directly poured into his head.

The next moment, Apollo’s head burst like a hot watermelon on the spot.

The flesh and blood mixed with brains burst into space all at once, turning into a splendid firelight and flying out.

The powerful blow of the Dahi clone exploded the head of the sun god.

The battle here has attracted the attention of the Taiyin clan who just happened to be born.

On the moon, a piece of lunar palace stands tall.

There was a layer of lunar light shrouded in the moonlight, and a few cold figures stood in it.

These figures are looking at the direction of the sun.

Seeing the abused sun god Apollo, everyone was shocked and their faces moved.

“The Sun Clan Apollo was actually killed?”

A cold voice came, crisp, ethereal, with a cold breath of Guanghan Palace.

Several powerful men of the Taiyin clan witnessed the scene where the sun god was headshot, and they were shocked again and again.


A scream came from space.

Apollo’s body was penetrated by a hand, and his heart was dug out.

The beating heart exudes a fiery light, like a heart made of concentrated solar matter, terrifying.

Dahi Clone pinched the heart of the sun god, and stepped on a headless corpse. The powerful sun god Apollo had just been born and just fell.

There was a dead silence in the Quartet.

All the Western gods were silent, and were deeply suppressed by the shocking scene in front of them.

Whether it is Titans, Orcs, Elves, or Greek Gods, Light Protoss, Dark Protoss, The Underworld Devil, they all fell into a long silence and dead silence.


In the west, a sigh came from Buddhism.

The Buddha looked at the void with cold eyes and saw the scene of Apollo being beheaded.

As for the Da Ri clone, he was naturally very clear. He had fought once before and was blown up.

Now that I saw Da Ri clone, I was shocked and angry, and the opponent’s strength became stronger.

But as a member of the gods and buddhas, the Sakyamuni Buddha knew very well that Apollo, as the main god, could not fall so easily.

After all, the main gods in the West all have their own godheads, and as long as the godheads are immortal, they can be reborn continuously.

The one killed this time was just a body of Apollo, and the godhead was not there at all, so Apollo will return again.

But Dahi clone killed Apollo, and also didn’t notice the existence of the other party’s spirit, and he was a little surprised.

He squeezed Apollo’s heart and checked the other party’s divine body, and there was indeed no Apollo divine soul in it.

This is strange.


A gleam of light appeared in the eyes of Dahi Clone, and he received a message from the deity, and immediately understood it.

The Western Protoss has a godhead, and it can be reborn continuously as long as the godhead is not destroyed. Of course, the price is very high.

It’s not just casual recovery. After all, the energy needed to recover the gods is incalculable. Even if it recovers, it’s difficult to truly recover its strength to its peak.

Just like Apollo, he was reborn just now, but he was killed by Xia Chen’s Da Ri clone.

Only the nine sons of Apollo did not have the godhead, so the god soul was directly destroyed by the Dahi clone.

Godhead, not all gods have.


Dahi avatar shook his head, waved his hand to put away Apollo’s divine body, his eyes swept the direction of the moon and the earth, and turned back to the sun.

This glance scared the hearts of the Western gods on the earth with fear.

“So strong!”

“Who is this, is it a new god rising in the new era?”

In Moon Palace, several cold figures silently watched the disappearing figure of Da Ri clone.

One of them muttered to himself, with a somewhat shocked tone.

“Look, Golden Crow is awake.”

At this moment, a cold figure pointed at the direction of the sun.

Other people noticed it too, and looked around.

Sure enough, I saw a huge particle storm rolled up on the sun.

Inside there was a huge solar storm mysterious, and a huge sacred tree slowly emerged in the center, with huge golden creatures living on it.

It is the three-legged Golden Crow.


There was a call, and the whole sun suddenly set off a huge storm.

The billowing sun particles formed a storm that swept across the void, shaking the void.

Da Ri Clone, who had just returned to the sun, stared at the golden Crow that was about to be born with scorching eyes.

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