Chapter 252 The Secret of Sea of ​​Bitterness

Deep in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, in the mist.

A small boat stopped there, and the strange old man on the boat was watching Liu Qing and the two leave.

His breath was boiling, filled with a weird gray mist.

“Damn it, hurt my soul.”

The old man’s face was hideous and distorted.

He didn’t expect that Liu Qing and Jiuyou’s avatar had just beaten and injured the soul, and he almost confessed there.

Fortunately, he runs faster.

“Three ancient artifacts, the book of life and death, the power of Samsara…”

“Who are these two boys?”

The old man’s heart was throbbing, and he was furious when he recalled the scene where he had just been beaten up.

What shocked him was the three ancient artifacts that Liu Qing mastered, not to mention that the other one actually mastered the book of life and death, as well as the power of Samsara.

“Didn’t the book of life and death be broken?” The old man said with a lingering fear on his face.

He opened his clothes, revealing his haggard chest, which was actually cracked inside, revealing a human face.

“Trash, I can’t even handle two human cultivators.”

The face on his chest was full of anger, like a twisted soul.

The old man looked cold and hummed: “What do you know, those two boys have problems. Not only do they have mastered the three ancient artifacts, but they also have a life and death record.”

“The book of life and death cannot exist, it has been shattered.”

“The entire underworld is shattered, and the myth of the previous generation has died, and it is impossible to exist.”

The weird face let out screams and screams, shaking the void.

The whole Sea of ​​Bitterness suddenly boiled.

“You have hurt this seat and must be filled back.”

The human face was full of distorted roar.


As soon as the voice fell, I saw Sea of ​​Bitterness set off a huge wave.

In the Sea of ​​Bitterness, countless faces suddenly appeared, all beings struggling hard to escape.


The face of the old man’s chest opened his mouth and sucked, the countless shadows of the sinking Sea of ​​Bitterness were suddenly sucked up, and quickly poured into the face.

Soon, the human face returned to normal and changed into countless human faces, as if they were made up of countless individuals, with the appearance of beings.

“The power of sentient beings is so delicious and intoxicating.”

A contented smile appeared on his face.

The old man waved his hand, and the boiling Sea of ​​Bitterness returned to normal.

He said in a hoarse voice: “The world is ignorant, and all beings enter me.

“The two people have mastered the book of life and death, and also the power of Samsara. They have to guard against them, and must find a way to solve them.” The old man said with a vigilant look.

The face said with disdain: “Don’t worry, when this seat has completed the great cause of devouring the underworld, Sea of ​​Bitterness will be the only destination for all living beings, and no one in the world can escape.”

“The situation on the other side is not good, solve it as soon as possible.”

The face suddenly spoke, and said something cautiously.

The old man turned his head and looked at the other shore of Sea of ​​Bitterness. There were splendid flowers growing there, emitting a hazy light that blocked the erosion of Sea of ​​Bitterness.

On the other side, there is a force guarding the last corner of the underworld.

“Hmph, isn’t it just a group of rebellious gods from the last mythical age, who would obliterate them sooner or later, and devote Sea of ​​Bitterness as a nourishment to nourish this seat.”

Human face said arrogantly.

“It’s okay, the world has changed drastically, Sea of ​​Bitterness is about to usher in a skyrocketing, and we only need to attract sentient beings Hun and Po to Sea of ​​Bitterness to complete our plan.”

“A few rebellious gods can be wiped out.”

After speaking, the old man and the boat disappeared above the vast Sea of ​​Bitterness, and the fog evaporated and disappeared.

No one knows that there are infinite figures hidden in this piece of Sea of ​​Bitterness. If you enter the Sea of ​​Bitterness, you can see the densely packed countless people inside. All beings are suffering, and they are all sinking into the Sea of ​​Bitterness and unable to extricate themselves.


Outside, at the end of Yellow Springs Road.

The two Daoist shadows flew quickly, breaking through the mist and returning here.

The two were the avatars of Liu Qing and Jiuyou, and they retreated from the Sea of ​​Bitterness.


Seeing the two come back, Qin Hongyi’s hanging heart finally fell.

“Are you okay?” She looked at them worriedly.

Liu Qing shook his head and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a little problem, but it’s already confirmed that the underworld is indeed destroyed.”

“I suspect that it’s not just the underworld being destroyed.”

A thought and speculation flashed in his mind, but there was no way to confirm it.

Looking at the broken Yellow Springs Road, the entire underworld seemed to be cut off, and there was a sea of ​​Bitterness shrouded in it, blocking everything.

Liu Qing guessed that Sea of ​​Bitterness and even the weird old man ferrying have a big problem, and it must be a plan in the underworld.

“Jiuyou, I’ll leave it to you to investigate. Be sure to figure out what’s going on here.”

After thinking about it, he confessed solemnly: “Especially the secrets of Sea of ​​Bitterness, and the identity and secrets of the strange old man must be figured out.”

“I always feel that the old ghost is planning something in secret.”

He was faintly disturbed.

Just now, he suddenly took action against the old ghost, but he still couldn’t keep him behind.

“Understand, the deity can rest assured, I must find out the changes in the underworld.”

Jiu You nodded in response.

“I’m leaving first, I’ll leave it to you here.”

After Liu Qing finished speaking, he nodded to Qin Hongyi.

He exhorted: “Red, you stay by Jiuyou and cultivate, the environment here is just in line with the cultivation of both of you.”

“Well, I see.” Qin Hongyi nodded obediently.

After speaking, Liu Qing leaped and disappeared before the two of them in the blink of an eye.

Seeing him leave, Qin Hongyi felt a little bit reluctant, but knew that he couldn’t follow, so he could only stay and check the secrets of the underground palace with Jiuyou clone.

By the way, cultivate here to improve my own strength. Only when the strength is strong can I follow Liu Qing’s side, otherwise, just like just now, I can’t help at all.

“Let’s go, check out other areas.”

Jiuyou retracted his gaze, and walked towards the other side after saying a word.

Qin Hongyi took a deep breath, adjusted his mood and walked behind Jiuyou.

The two stayed in the underworld to find out some secrets here.

As for Liu Qing, he has left the underworld and returned to the entrance of Mount Tai.

He stood in front of the shady peach tree, looking at the black peaches hanging on it.

These peaches are not simple, Liu Qing wants a few black peaches, just to improve her own soul will not bad.

“I want a few peaches…” Liu Qing said while looking at the Yin Peach Tree in front of him.

The peach tree shook slightly, and shook awkwardly.

The nineteen mature black peaches hanging on the tree suddenly flew down and landed in front of Liu Qing. He waved them away.

“Thank you.” Liu Qing put away the ripe black peaches.

He looked at the yin peach tree in front of him, thought for a moment, and shot a ray of light into the peach tree.


After doing this, Liu Qing turned and drove away from Mount Tai.

Only the yin peach tree was left looking at it quietly. After a long time, a vague figure appeared on the trunk.

“What a powerful human being, I didn’t expect that such a strong human would be born in the Age of Doom after the myth was shattered?”

The vague figure showed a trace of jealousy, and was extremely shocked.

Just now Liu Qing brought a strong threat to it. If he didn’t give it, it would definitely attract a devastating blow.

As a last resort, it had to hand over the nineteen mature black peaches to the other party, otherwise it would doubt whether it would be killed on the spot and killed Lingzhi.

“Forget it, whoever he is has nothing to do with me.”

After speaking, the figure slowly disappeared into the trunk and disappeared.

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