Chapter 251 Sea of ​​Bitterness, Wooden Boat

Sea of ​​Bitterness, in the mist.

A black wooden boat approached slowly.

The hull is small, leaving mottled marks on it, and even gives people a tattered feeling, like it will sink at any time.

On the boat, stood a sail with a weird shadow painted on it, as if sealing a ghost struggling.

Sitting on the bow of the boat was an old man with a withered face, his clothes in torn and tattered, and he felt as if he had been dug out from an ancient tomb, exuding a decadent breath.

“Sea of ​​Bitterness Wuya, turn around to the shore, you two, do you want to take a boat?”

The withered old man had a sallow face with an ugly smile, his mouth was full of cavities, and his sparse teeth were about to fall out.

The smile made his scalp numb, his eyes were all white, and the people he was watching felt shivering and fear in their souls.

Liu Qing and Jiuyou were serious, watching the weird old man rowing over in front of them with alert.

“Who is the old man and why is it here?”

After thinking for a while, Liu Qing asked cautiously.

He couldn’t see through the old man in front of him, and felt a kind of danger, so he had to be cautious.

The old man smiled and said hoarsely: “Young man, the old man is just a small boatman who has extradited all living beings through the Sea of ​​Bitterness and arrived on the other shore.”

“Do you want to take a boat?” The old man looked at Liu Qing and Jiuyou with white eyes.

That look makes people feel uncomfortable.

Liu Qing looked at the old man, feeling that the other party was very weird, he was clearly right in front of him, but he couldn’t sense any breath of him.

It’s as if there is no such person, or even a little breathless, and the fool doesn’t believe that it’s okay.

Besides, why does the endless Sea of ​​Bitterness fall in the underworld, even blocking the way, and there is a strange old man here.

What is the origin of the other party, a broken ship crossing the Sea of ​​Bitterness?

“The deity…”

Jiuyou’s heart was extremely solemn, and a soul message was quietly transmitted.

“This old man is very dangerous, and I sensed a strong crisis.”

Liu Qing did not respond to Jiuyou’s soul transmission, and his eyes never left the strange old man in front of him.

He looked at the broken ship thoughtfully. This thing happened to be able to accommodate the two of them. Isn’t it a coincidence?

And, Sea of ​​Bitterness, does this thing really exist?

Why did it fall into the underworld? What happened in this underworld?

Year after year passed through his heart, Liu Qing felt that he had touched some unknown secrets.

“Old man, what is the opposite of Sea of ​​Bitterness?”

Liu Qing suddenly asked.

The withered old man narrowed his eyes, looked at him faintly, and said for a long time: “The end of the Sea of ​​Bitterness is the other shore. All living beings want to climb to the other shore. As everyone knows, Sea of ​​Bitterness is boundless and turning back is the shore.”

“Young man, the old man advises you to go back, it’s hard to get to the other side, go back.”

The old man waved his hand after speaking, as if to persuade the two to go back.

Such performance made Liu Qing even more suspicious of the origin of this old ghost.

“What’s the cost of taking a boat?”

Liu Qing was silent for a while and asked again.

As soon as these words came out, the three fell silent.

The old man stared directly at Liu Qing, grinning and said: “If you want to cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness to the other side, of course you have to pay a price.”

“Ferry fee, life span of one thousand years per person.”

The old man said with a haggard finger.

Upon hearing this, Liu Qing and Jiuyou looked at each other and saw a touch of surprise in each other’s eyes.

Life span of a thousand years?

It takes a thousand years of life to take a boat once. What kind of thing is this old ghost, and it actually requires people’s life to travel by boat.

“What, do young people want to take a boat?” the old man asked again.

Liu Qing slightly nodded at Jiu You, as if they had made some decision, the smile on the old man’s face became more intense.

Those eyes seemed to look at two small prey.

“Great Five Elements technique, Great Frozen technique, Great Void technique!”

Liu Qing suddenly violent, and instantly cast three kinds of secret techniques and blasted up.

“Ten Temple Yama, suppress ghosts and punish evil!”

The avatar of Jiuyou shot at the same time, and Shifang Yanluo phantom suppressed the past.


The two made their moves too suddenly, they hit the old man by surprise, and set off a huge wave, and the boat was flooded with powerful light and energy.

Boom boom boom…

There was a violent explosion, and the edge of Sea of ​​Bitterness was overturned.

The boat was bombarded in a storm, but a gray curtain of light blocked the sudden attack of the two people.


The old man jumped into thunder and furious.

He didn’t expect Liu Qing and Jiuyou to start directly, there was no ambiguity at all.

The Five Elements was shrouded in light, bombarded continuously, and spread with the power of ice. It actually froze everything around it, and the water of Sea of ​​Bitterness within a hundred meters of it was frozen.

Not to mention that there were a series of void sharp blades across the old man’s body, almost being chopped into countless pieces.

The Nine Nether clone is equally strong, and the ten Yama Law Bodies directly suppressed it, making the expression on the old man’s face distorted.

“It’s useless…” The old man looked at the two with disdain.

It’s a pity that I didn’t finish speaking, I saw Liu Qing offering a ray of light, and immediately suppressed it.


Suppressed by a big tripod, it exudes a powerful divine light.

There is also a mirror shining in all directions, the light is bright, constantly bombarding the light curtain around the boat, and the explosions continue.


Jiuli pot, Shennongding, Kunlun mirror, and three god-tier utensils were sacrificed by Liu Qing, and they were poured into the powerful Cultivation Base without reservation, rejuvenating part of the power of the artifact.

“Ancient artifact?” The old man’s eyes widened, and a shocking light flashed through Senbai’s eyes.

Before he could think about it, he saw Jiuyou clone suddenly hit something.

A scroll of jade book flew out, and instantly landed on the old man’s head, strangling with life and death.


“Life and death book?”

The old man spit out a mouthful of grey blood and screamed with horror on his face.

He didn’t dare to hold it big, and shot a gray light to block the attack of the two, three ancient artifacts, plus a book of life and death.

This time, the old man was caught off guard.

“Damn, you two attacked the old man…”

The withered old man was furious, and was embarrassed by Liu Qing and Jiuyou’s violent bombardment. His anger surged, and a dense cluster of weird runes flashed in his body.

The next moment, a powerful and terrifying force erupted in the old man’s body, making Liu Qing and the two people aware of a strong sense of crisis.

“Six Paths of Reincarnation, suppress!”

With a stroke of Jiuyou’s hands, a huge Samsara grinding disc appeared behind him, and six dark vortexes shrouded like a black hole.


The Sea of ​​Bitterness boils, and the boundless waves are rolled up and down.

Samsara’s grinding disc suppressed, smashing the defensive aperture around the boat, scaring the old man’s two white eyes about to fall out.

He stared at the two dumbfounded, with endless methods, mastering the three ancient artifacts, not to mention the life and death book, and even mastering the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

“The power of Samsara?” The old man yelled in surprise, and a gray mist erupted, and the boat buzzed and shook, trying to escape from the confinement.

“Want to run?”

Liu Qing snorted coldly, suddenly nodding her eyebrows, and flew out a copper coffin.

Seeing this copper coffin, the old man felt cold all over and his face turned pale in fright. He yelled and ran away.


There was an explosion, the Sea of ​​Bitterness rolled, and the old man burst into a torrent of weather and shook his imprisonment, and rushed into the Sea of ​​Bitterness in a small boat swish.


The bronze coffin slammed into the old man’s back, almost blasting him and the boat on the Sea of ​​Bitterness, but the opponent escaped.

Liu Qing frowned slightly and retracted the bronze coffin. This thing hasn’t really been refined yet, and it hasn’t been able to exert its real powerful power.

“Unfortunately, let this old ghost run away.”

He took back the other artifacts and said with regret.

Jiuyou frowned and said solemnly: “My deity, the old ghost has a mysterious origin. He can cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness. There must be some hidden secret.”

“Unfortunately, I ran away.”

Both felt sorry for a while, and it was obvious that they wanted to kill the old man and seize each other’s boat.

But it seems to have failed. The old man is weird and unpredictable. He probably hasn’t fully exploded in strength. Maybe he has some kind of Restrictions.

But anyway, the other party was scared away.

“Go back first.”

Liu Qing looked at the vast Sea of ​​Bitterness, but did not rashly attempt to cross the sea.

He looked at the small bronze coffin in his hand. It was obvious that this thing hadn’t fallen under the influence of Sea of ​​Bitterness’s weird ability.

Perhaps, we can cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness with the power of the bronze coffin.

As for the old man and the boat, who would dare to believe each other?

“Let’s go.”

After speaking, Liu Qing and Jiuyou clone turned around and left Sea of ​​Bitterness.

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