The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 303: Remus John Lupin

Lupin had been pretending to be asleep...or he closed his eyes and had to open his eyes.

Let Fisch go on, and Harry was afraid he was not going to treat him as an enemy.

At the same time, his heart shuddered slightly. Harry and the others might not understand what Fisch was talking about, but Lupin himself understood that when he turned into a wolf without drinking the wolf's poison, he didn't mean to be with him. Is it full of aggressiveness like an eight-eyed giant spider?

"Well, cough!"

Lupin cleared his throat and reminded the little guys who were still whispering that he was awake.

Several people turned around to look at Lupin, and Feish lowered his ears, bent his legs slightly, and lowered his body.

"Hello, I am Remus Lupin, and I am glad to meet you."

Lupin didn't pay attention to Fisch's defensive action, and he greeted them with a friendly move and introduced himself. His voice was hoarse and weak.

After introducing himself, Lupin moved his lower body slightly and adjusted his somewhat slumped sitting posture.

Because of what Fisch just said, Harry and the others did not reply, but, like Fisch, both stared at Lupin vigilantly.

"I think you should be the Fisch whom Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall mentioned to me?"

Lupin, who was treated indifferently, was not angry, his tired face showed a tired smile, and he continued to try to dispel Fisch's suspense.

"Do you know Minerva and Albus?"


Kitty did not relax his vigilance because of the kindness shown by the other party... Tom Riddle in the diary is much friendlier than him.

"Of course... I used to be their student, but now I am going to be colleagues with them."

Lupin shrugged his shoulders and continued to speak in his hoarse and feeble voice, with two eyelids drooping, as if he might fall asleep again at any time.

Because his appearance was really not threatening, Fisch, who had been vigilant, relaxed a little, but the kitty's eyes were still staring at Lupin's every move.

Although it is not clear what the weird breath of the opponent is about, the encounter with Voldemort for two consecutive years has also allowed Fei to regain some of the cautiousness of the original Wildcat career.

"Excuse me, are you our professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this semester?"

At this moment, Hermione, who was standing behind Fesh, asked.

"Yes," Lupin nodded, "rest assured, I am neither a liar, nor am I possessed by Voldemort."

Seeing Ginny's face changed drastically, he quickly apologized: "Ah...sorry, I didn't mean to mention that name."

He glanced at Hermione and Ron, who showed only a little horror, and Fisch and Harry, who were completely unresponsive, with an expression of interest on their faces.

"You... don't seem to be very afraid of mysterious people," Lupin smiled with a curled mouth. "I guess you should be Gryffindor just like me, right?"

Fei Xu needless to say, he has broken Voldemort's plan for two consecutive years. Kitty has never suffered in the hands of the Dark Lord, and of course it is impossible to be afraid of his defeat.

Before they came to Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione had never been in contact with the wizarding world, and their fear of Voldemort was not so profound.

And last semester Harry was lucky enough to see Voldemort's... sad side, Ron listened to Harry's sharing, so their fear of Voldemort has been weakened a lot.

Only Ginny, who grew up listening to the legend of the Dark Lord, was controlled by Voldemort last year, so her performance is the most ordinary.

"Fish, he shouldn't be a bad person."

Harry patted Fisch on the shoulder and spoke for Lupin.

Except for Feish and Dumbledore, it was the first time he saw anyone could say Voldemort's name so commonly, and Harry naturally had a good impression of Lupin.



Fisch flicked his tail, stared at Lupin for a while, and finally withdrew his guard eyes.

In addition to Harry's help, it was also because of the long time that Fisch didn't feel any malice from the opponent, and it was not a big deal to be a little dangerous.

Whether it is Luvi or Uropoulos, they actually have a similar aura, but their aura is relatively more peaceful than Lupin's, and as the time they have known Feishu gets longer and longer, the aura is still In further reduction.

And Lupin was the first human being with this kind of breath that Feish had seen, and even Quillo didn't give him this feeling at the time, so Feish paid special attention to it.

Although temporarily recognized that the other party is not a bad person, Harry and the others did not have the intention of talking to Lupin.

On the one hand, what Fisch said before has more or less affected their perception of Lupin; on the other hand, if the other party is an adult or their future professor, there is a generation gap naturally, and no student would like it under normal circumstances. I talked to the teacher; the last reason...

In less than two minutes, Lupin fell asleep by the window again.

"You said, can he really teach us well?" Ron brought up the topic again, "I'm worried that when he is in class in the future, he will pass out while talking."

"It should be okay..." Hermione said uncertainly: "Last year Lockhart caused such a big mess, Dumbledore will find a reliable professor this year anyway."

"The problem is... The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts is cursed. It's not easy for Dumbledore to find the right person, right?"

Harry shrugged and said pessimistically.

After studying at Hogwarts for two years, the teachers for this course changed two. Harry became more convinced of the rumors of Voldemort's curse.

Then a few people chatted with interest on this topic, and then they talked about Sirius Black and the topic they could go to Hogsmeade this year on the weekend.

Fisch is still interested in the matter of Black, but Hogsmeade is completely disinterested. He has been around the whole village a long time ago, and he is already too familiar with it.

So the kitten was listening to the small talk of Harry and the others, while gnawing on the snacks he had just bought.

After eating the snacks, Fisch looked at Lupin, who was sleeping soundly next to him, and then recalled his weak voice before, and a trace of sleepiness could not help but fill his mind.

So Feish directly changed back to the appearance of a tabby cat, then leaped slightly, jumped into Hermione's arms, and fell asleep on her lap.

The train continued. During the period, Feishe woke up and had another lunch, and then he dragged Harry and the others to the other carriages to stop by, but the kitty was still bored very quickly...

"It's so boring to ride the train!"


Fei Xu, who had returned to the cubicle, lay down on his seat, complaining loudly.

"It's not fun here at all!"

Originally, he wanted to climb from the window to the roof of the car to bask in the but Hermione and the others were stopped by her waist and legs.

"How long will it take to get to Meow?!"


Feish, who was so bored that he had started playing with his own tail, settled for less than ten minutes before he began to mutter again.

"Um... probably won't arrive until the evening."

Hermione soothed the kitten and said, "Why don't you keep sleeping on my lap?"

"Fish has slept enough! I just want to sunbathe on the roof of the car now!"


Although they could understand the reason Hermione and the others stopped him, in Fisch's eyes, climbing on the roof of the car to bask in the sun was not a dangerous thing, so he still wanted to fight for it.

However, before Feish could convince Hermione and the others, the sky outside suddenly became gloomy, and soon raindrops fell from the sky, and the raindrops fell on the window glass, crackling. sound.

Fisch: "The sun is gone!"


The kitten's ears and tail drooped in an instant, and he collapsed on the chair with a look of loss, and his mouth was pouted.

"By the way, Feish, I'll read the story to you, okay?"

At this time, Hermione quickly took out a story book she specially prepared from the suitcase, and beckoned to Feishu.



Phish immediately turned into a cat and jumped onto Hermione's body. Four small paws stomped on her thigh a few times, and then squatted down happily, and the triangular ears rose again and listened quietly. Started the story.


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