The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 302: On the Hogwarts Express

"Hello Meow!"


Fisch led Hermione to the door with a grin, then stopped in front of the trolley, staring at the snacks in the car with greedy expression.

"It turned out to be Feishe," the witch who runs the trolley actually knew Feishe, and she also lived in Hogsmeade. She reached out and touched Feishe's head, then grabbed a licorice wand from the trolley and stuffed it. At Feishi, "Come on, Auntie will ask you to eat."

"Fish also wants three cakes like that," Kitty pointed to the crucible-shaped cake on the trolley, then took it out of his pocket and got into the car. Professor McGonagall gave him pocket money. "Fish paid me."


Fisch passed the money, while continuing to select snacks on the trolley.

On the other side, Daphne, Pansy, and Millison stared at Hermione next to Feish with jealousy. They just saw Feish take the initiative to hold Hermione's hand.

Although they knew that Fisch should have no thoughts in that regard, this did not prevent them from envy and hatred.

Besides...Hermione was still a Muggle-born Gryffindor, and was born to be at odds with them.

Daphne and the others looked away unwillingly until Feish finished buying food and dragged Hermione into the cubicle.

"Tina, long time no see Meow."

As soon as he entered the compartment, Millison's Persian cat Tina leaned in and kept rubbing against Fisch's calf.

Fisch picked up Tina, and then touched her nose.

Daphne had thought about letting her sister buy a pet cat to get closer to Fisch, but after two years, she found that it didn't make much sense to do so, so she didn't stop it.

"Fish, let me introduce to you. This is my sister Astoria Greengrass, who is a new student this year."

Daphne pulled up a little girl who was somewhat similar to her, and introduced it to Fisch.

"Hello, Meow," Fisch greeted, put Tina on the table in the cubicle, and then picked two of the snacks I just bought and gave them to her, "Fisch, please eat me, me."



Daphne's sister turned out the snacks Feish had handed over with a look of excitement, and then continued to stare at the cat ears on his head intently.

"Are your ears real? Can I touch them?"

Astoria asked cautiously.

"Yes, but you have to be lighter."

Feixu shook the cat's ears and lowered his head. He didn't mind other people's touch...The premise is that there is a degree.

Astoria squeezed Fisch's cat ears lightly, then withdrew her hand, exclaimed to Daphne excitedly: "Sister! I touched it! So soft and cute!"

Fisch straightened up and saw that Daphne and the others' eyes were a little wrong, and he quickly covered his cat's ears with his hands.

"No way, don't touch meow!"


Daphne and the others sighed together, with regretful expressions on their faces.

Phish and Hermione didn't spend much time with Daphne and the others.

Because Maomao suddenly felt a bit "dangerous" here, and Hermione, who was disgusted with the pure-bloods of Slytherin, was naturally not interested in staying, so after a brief chat, the two of them ignored Daphne and the others. To stay, he left the compartment with a lot of snacks, and ran to find Harry and the others.

Soon, they found the three Harry in the compartment at the back of the car. In addition to them, there was a strange man sleeping by the window in the compartment.

The wizard's robe on this man was very shabby, covered in patches, and looked even more troubled than Ron. He also looked sickly. He seemed to be very young on his face, but his hair was a bit gray.

"who is he?"

Hermione asked in a low voice, for fear of waking him up.

Ginny pointed to the luggage rack above her head. Hermione looked up and saw a small tattered box on the shelf, tied with many ropes. In the corner of the box, it was written "RJ Lu "Ping".

"We guess he is this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Ron said in a low voice, and then he curled his lips again. "It's just that he doesn't look very good..."

Hermione shrugged indifferently and said, "I don't think there should be a professor worse than Lockhart."

The others nodded appreciatively.

At this time, the kitty, who was not interested in their topic, approached Professor Lu Ping and moved her nose slightly.


Fisch frowned and looked closely at Lupin who was sleeping.

Although the smell was normal, Fisch faintly felt that there was something wrong with the other party, and it didn't feel very good for the cat anyway.

Tilting his head and thinking for a moment, Kitty stretched out her finger, and only lightly poked Lupin's sick face twice.

"Fish! Stop it!"

Hermione lowered her voice and stopped, and hurried forward to drag him back.

After bringing Fisch back, Hermione and Ginny looked at Lupin who was sleeping with fear. Fortunately, the other party seemed to be asleep, maintaining the previous posture, leaning against the window without moving.

Harry and Ron didn’t pay attention to Lupin’s reaction. Instead, they looked at each other in surprise. As Fisch’s roommates, they knew that cats would no longer disturb other people’s sleep in the first semester. Feish's behavior just appeared very abnormal.

They don’t think that Fisch is aiming at Professor Lupin for no reason. Fisch is usually naughty, but unlike the twins, he rarely does any pranks...

Well, except when facing Professor McGonagall, after all, Fisch's biggest wish is to one day defeat Professor McGonagall.

But that can only be said to be a parent-child activity of the McGonagall family, not a prank.

Therefore, when Feish met this person who was probably a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for the first time, he made such a rude behavior. Maybe it was the kitty who noticed something abnormal!

Both Harry and Ron had a lot of trust in the perception of cats. After all, from time to time, Feish would suddenly throw out other people’s secrets, which he discovered accidentally...

And Voldemort, who stuck behind Quirrell's head in the first year, and the diary of Voldemort in the second year, were all solved by Fisch.

So Harry asked curiously, "Is there something wrong with this man, Feish?"

Kitty continued to frown, and she replied with uncertainty, "Fish didn't know, but the feeling he gave him was weird, it felt a bit like those big spiders in the Forbidden Forest."



Ron screamed quickly moving his **** to Harry, subconsciously wanting to stay away from Lupin.

"Fei Xu didn't say he was a spider cat," Kitty waved her hand, and after sorting out her language, explained: "I mean, he gave me the feeling a bit like those bad-tempered animal cats, but actually It’s not the same, and Fisch can’t tell me...In short, he doesn’t seem to be a good person."


Harry and the others couldn't help but stare at each other.

You know, even Quirrell and the big liar Lockhart with Voldemort stuck to their heads have never received such an evaluation from Fisch...

What is the origin of this new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts? !


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