The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 274: The little cat who has learnt badly

Today’s weather is fine, and many students in Hogwarts, after eating lunch, all choose to go to the clearing by the Black Lake to get some sun.

Speaking of this, it was inspired by Feish, because as long as the weather is good, cats will go outside to bask in the sun. Over time, many students have also developed this habit.

Not to mention, in this afternoon when the weather has not yet fully warmed up, it is indeed a pleasure to lie lazily on the lawn and basking in the warm sun.

Just as everyone gathered in twos and threes, basking in the sun and chatting in the open space, suddenly someone pointed to the sky in the direction of the Forbidden Forest and shouted: "Look! There seems to be something flying over the Forbidden Forest! "

"Fish is riding a flying horse or some other magical animal out to play again, what's all the fuss about."

Others decisively contempted without raising their heads. This is not the first time we have seen this situation. Everyone has already taken it off.

"No! That thing doesn't look like an animal!"

The man continued to shout, except that he was a little wizard from a pure-blood family. Although he had seen a car, he could not be recognized for the first time.

Then everyone raised their heads and looked up to the sky, only to see a square in the sky with a dark turquoise box at the bottom, which was flying towards them at an extremely fast speed.

"Isn't this a car?!"

A half-blood wizard shouted in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Ron Weasley's voice resounded in the clearing.

"Isn't this the car that Harry and I drove when school started?!"

After hearing Ron's words, everyone was surprised for a while, and soon calmed down.

It's just that Fisch found Ron and their lost flying car in the Forbidden Forest, so there is nothing to be surprised.

Everyone even had a leisurely discussion.

"Fish can actually drive!"

At this time they didn't know, the Weasley twins were also inside.

"Magic cars should be different from ordinary cars, right?" A mixed-race little wizard scratched his head and said: "I heard that the Muggle World needs to pass a test and obtain something called a driver's license before being allowed to drive a car. Take to the streets."

"It's great... I also want to take a flying car."

Lee Jordan looked at the cars in the sky enviously, and then asked Ron on the side: "This must be interesting, right?"

"Of course!"

Ron, who was scratched to the itch, immediately talked about his experience when he and Harry came to school in a flying car, completely ignoring the bad feelings of them being thirsty, hot and bored in the sky at that time...

He had talked about Feitian cars many times as early as the beginning of school, but at the time he was mainly emphasizing how exciting it was when hitting a willow. Now he has found a new angle to brag about. Ron was very excited.

At this moment, Hermione who was next to her suddenly widened her eyes and screamed, "Wait a minute! How did you bump into the beating willow?!"

The surrounding discussion suddenly fell silent, and then the crowd exploded with a bang.

"Go find Professor McGonagall!"

"No! You should go to Ms. Huo Qi!"

"The Quidditch team! Where are the people on the Quidditch team?!"

Everyone was in a noisy mess. Some people rushed into the castle to find the professor, some ran to find the flying broomstick, and others drew out their wands and turned the ground into huge cushions.

In a short while, Professor McGonagall took the lead and rushed out of the castle, followed by three other deans, as well as the lively Guidro Lockhart who would never miss her.

"Fish McGonagall!!!"

Watching a car whizzing past his head, and constantly drawing out strange routes in the air, Professor McGonagall's eyes jumped straight, and he took a deep breath and roared loudly into the sky.

I thought that after solving Voldemort's diary, this little cat should be able to settle down a lot...

Unexpectedly, how long has it been? He actually caused such a big trouble for my old lady again!

What made Professor McGonagall even more angry was that when he heard his own voice, not only did the little furry cat not land obediently, but instead controlled the car and ran high.

Is this planning to abscond in fear of sin?

Professor McGonagall itch with hatred.

But soon, her anger turned to worry.

Because the turquoise car in the sky suddenly swung frantically, and a cloud of white smoke appeared from the front end, obviously something went wrong.

"Flying broomstick!"

Professor McGonagall also thought of the flying broomstick, the most common flying method used by wizards.

However, before waiting for other people's flying broomsticks to be brought, the car trembling in the sky made continuous clanging and crackling noises, and then there was complete silence in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, the car floating in the sky suddenly sank, and with the thick white smoke from the front of the car, it fell to the ground in a whirlpool.

"Meow hahahahaha!"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" ×2

Feishu's cheerful laughter and the twins' high-pitched screams, accompanied by the magic car, fell from the sky.

When the twins remembered to draw out their wand to use the Levitation Charm on the car, they could already see the window on the tower of Hogwarts Castle.

Even worse, when George and Fred finally took out their wands in a panic and were about to chant a spell, the mandela leaves in their mouths slipped into their throats, causing them to Coughed sharply.

As for Feish, the little cat, he didn't plan to take out his wand at all, nor did he think of using gliding.

Now that I have heard Professor McGonagall’s voice, let her take care of it. Fisch believes that his mother McGonagall can definitely protect himself...

The kitty hadn't noticed the seriousness of the matter at this time.

After all, in Feish's opinion, Professor McGonagall had "agreeed" to bring people into the forbidden forest, and he had never jumped from a height before...

Although she was beaten severely when she jumped from Wuwu's back in front of Professor McGonagall for the first time, she should have been used to it now.

The most is that driving a flying car by yourself may violate school regulations. Professor McGonagall will probably be scolded, then put in confinement, and deductions for unimportant college points... Anyway, Gryffindor is at the bottom again this year, deductions. It doesn't matter if you don't deduct points.

Besides, George and Fred accompanied him!

Kitty said that the problem is not big.


Sure enough, when the car was about to land, Professor McGonagall had teamed up with Professor Flivy to create a huge cushion, caught the car in which Feish was riding, and made a muffled noise.



After the car landed, Fisch jumped out of the car for the first time, then rushed to Professor McGonagall's body, rubbing her arm with her head.

"I found this car while George and Fred were playing in the Forbidden Forest. It's fun! It just seems to be a little broken."


Feish enthusiastically shared his discovery in the Forbidden Forest with Professor McGonagall.

The kitty is happily talking here, but the twins in the car are already dead.

Encouraged Fisch to take them into the forbidden forest, and took the magic car with Fisch, and was caught by Professor McGonagall...

Their confinement is about to be over until the end of the semester, and Mrs. Weasley is expected to send a roaring letter again.

In fact, these things are a bit more uncomfortable for the twins who are often mischievous, but they will not make them feel like they are now.


They had just swallowed the leaves of the mandela grass, and Animagus’ progress once again returned to the initial preparation stage, which made George and Fred the most desperate...

They have too many Animagus too many disasters, right? !

And Fisch is still adding fuel to the fire at this Waiting for us to fix this car, Fisch will drive you to a drive. George and Fred have taught Fisch how to drive a car. Licensing is smart! "



Professor McGonagall raised the corners of his mouth, but his eyes flickered fiercely, and asked in a cold tone, "George and Fred taught you how to drive. Then I really have to thank them!"

When talking about the last few words, Professor McGonagall was already gritted his teeth.

"George, Fred, what are you guys doing in there? Come out! Minerva said to thank you guys!"


Upon hearing the words, the kitten immediately turned his head and waved to the twins in the car, calling out.

Of course he heard the anger in Professor McGonagall's tone, but the clever kitty pretended to know nothing... This was a trick he learned from Voldemort.

Pretend to be a good person, and then turn Professor McGonagall's attention to the twins so that he will be ignored.

In the beginning, Voldemort used this method to make Fisch mistake others for Slytherin’s heirs and to alleviate his suspicion. If it hadn’t been for Fisch to have known the truth long ago, and Dumbledore reminded him on the side, he It is really possible to be fooled.

Now I have applied it in practice, and it is really effective!

As for the twins who were used as experiments by cats...

Anyway, they are used to taking care of Fisch.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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