The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 273: Cat car

"Fish, can you let us stroll around on our own? If you don't ride a Wayway, just the three of us."

After leaving the horse tribe, the twins said to Fisch.

For George and Fred, although it is fun to ride around in the forbidden forest with a big dog, the greatest joy is to explore on your own.

Of course Feish didn't care anymore. Anyway, except for the sites of the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider and the Giant Monster, he came and went freely in other places in the Forbidden Forest, and it was the same for him where he played.

In fact, the eight-eyed giant spider and the giant monster can also go to the site, but one of them has a bad relationship with Feish, and the other is stinky, so they basically don't go to those two places.

And Feish could also understand the twins' feelings. When he first sneaked into the forbidden forest, didn't he also ran around first?

"No problem, meow, just walk around freely, and Lu Wei and I will follow."


Fisch reached out and patted George's arm, then changed back to the appearance of a kitty, and jumped onto one of Lu Wei's head.

Understanding belongs to understanding, but it is absolutely impossible for him to run around with them stupidly.

However, in order to prevent the twins from getting into a bad-tempered guy, Feish still asked Lu Wei to follow them, and he fell asleep on Lu Wei's head.


Lu Wei's three noses spit out a rough breath, and six eyes stared at the twins in front of him very uncomfortably. If it weren't for Fei Xu's request, he would not bother to care about the life and death of the two little wizards.

George and Fred also knew that these magical creatures could not treat themselves the same as Phish, they smiled favorably at Luwei, and then wandered around in the forbidden forest happily.

About half an hour later, a high-pitched long voice awakened the sleeping kitten on Lu Wei's head.



Fisch straightened up and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a turquoise car full of scratches and dents, honking its horn and rushing over here.

"This voice... is Dad's car!"

The turquoise car came quickly. Feishe noticed the movement for a while. The twins also heard the sound of its horn, and soon saw it crashing through the bushes and rushing in front of him.

After the magic car came in front of the twins, it went around in a circle and rang a few more horns, as if to greet them.


Lu Wei didn't know what it was. He lowered his body, and his three heads all roared at the magic car.


Fisch patted its head to make it less nervous, and then jumped off Lu Wei's body, transformed into a cat and fell to the ground.

"This is the car Harry and Ron drove over when school started?"


He leaped to the side of the magic car with a stride, squinted the window, stretched his head, and looked inside curiously.

This flying car has plunged into the depths of the Forbidden Forest since carrying Harry and Ron into the willow. After the fallen trunk, it stayed there forever.

The eight-eyed giant spider was naturally completely disinterested in this bloodless and no-moving steel bump, so he left the flying car to stop there and ignore it.

Today, the twins walked around and unknowingly approached the site of the eight-eyed giant spider. It is unknown whether the Flying Car sensed the Weasley family or other reasons. It suddenly restarted on its own and ran in front of the twins. .

That is, Feish had a fight with the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider, and he didn't come here very often, otherwise they might have run into this car when he brought Ron to the Forbidden Forest last time.

"George, Fred, come and teach Fisch how to play this car!"


Fei agreed that no matter how the car came, he had already got into the car at this time, poking his head out of the car window and beckoning to the twins.

"I'm coming!"

The twins are also not afraid of things. They jumped into the car without hesitation. You began to teach Fisch how to drive the car.

The clever little cat quickly learned how to drive a flying car, so he greeted Lu Wei, and then slammed on the accelerator to control the car soaring into the sky.

"Meow hahahahaha!"


After driving the car a few times in the air, Fisch thought it was more interesting than flying a broomstick.

The flying broom has only a few places to sit, and it’s uncomfortable to fly at all. It’s like in this car, where you can move your hands and feet at will. After it becomes a cat, you can roll around on the soft seat. .

The only downside...probably the flight speed is a bit slow.

But it doesn't matter, Feish has a way!

[Leopard's Swiftness]!

The strange power was attached to the flying car, and its flying speed immediately increased by a large amount. The twins, who were originally quite happy, changed color in an instant.

They often rode broomsticks to do some dangerous actions. Naturally, they were not afraid because of the speed of the car, but they thought of a question very tacitly...

"I said George... Isn't this speed a bit wrong? How did Harry and Ron hit the smasher willow in the first place?"

Fred, who was sitting in the back seat, felt the strong push back, and asked uncertainly.

George, the co-pilot, clutched the edge of the seat tightly, and replied palely: "If I remember correctly, Ron seems to have said that when they were approaching school, the car suddenly lost control, so it crashed. Up to the beating willow..."

"Don't worry, there is no problem with the car!" Fei Xu, who was on his head, smiled and soothed: "It was Fei Xu that helped it speed up!"


George and Fred breathed a sigh of relief, and then George, who was sitting in the co-pilot, quickly said to Fisch: "Or let's land first, this car might be a problem, it will be bad if it loses control~www.wuxiamtl .com~Eh...but Feishe hasn't played enough with meow..."


The kitten pouted unhappily.

At this moment, Fred, who was sitting in the back seat, put his head out of the car window, looked down, and said in a desperate tone: "I think...we are probably in trouble..."

Because Fisch didn’t know when he had driven the Flying Car out of the Forbidden Forest and came to the sky above Hogwarts Castle. The most important thing was... the invisible booster installed by Mr. Weasley, as early as the beginning of school. It was already crushed by Ron.

"Fish McGonagall!!!"

Professor McGonagall's roar faintly heard from below, causing Feish who was driving to tremble.



I just played too much and I forgot to avoid the direction of Hogwarts.

It won't work if you don't want to land now.

Fisch hurriedly controlled the car to fall to the ground...

Then the car pulled up sharply.


"Meow ha ha ha..."


After a moment of silence, Feishu touched the back of his head with a smile, and said to George and Fred with some embarrassment: "The car seems to be really out of control."

At the same time, the car's engine groaned very cooperatively, and the body began to tremble violently, and thick white smoke gushed out from under the hood.

George and Fred: "..."

"Help ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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