The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 194: Snake Voice

When Fisch poked his head out of the pillow the next morning, he saw Harry and Ron sitting on the bed next to them with serious faces, staring straight at him.


Feish suddenly bounced off the bed and flew out the pillow that was pressing on him.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited..." Harry and Ron quickly calmed down, "We just have something to ask you."


Feixu tilted his head and ignored the two guys who frightened him. Instead, he squatted on the bed and started licking and washing his face, and drove Xiao Yin to comb his hair.

Harry and Ron also sat patiently aside, waiting for Fisch to finish his fur care.

"Speak, what's the matter?" (●Φ~Φ●)

Fisch, who had switched to the cat form, sat on the edge of the bed, dangling his legs, and took out a packet of snacks from the magic pocket, and began to eat it chuckingly.

"You suddenly left last night, did you hear any sound?"

Ron didn't grind, and asked straightforwardly.


Fisch nodded, he was still mad at thinking about it now.

"The snake kept running around inside the wall after provoking, and refused to show up at all. Feish couldn't find Meow if he wanted to fight with him!"


After hearing what Feish said, Harry nodded thoughtfully. If it was a snake, it would be right. He did have experience communicating with snakes before, so it made sense.

However, Ron beside him couldn't calm down.

"You said that the animal that yelled'Tear you and kill you' last night was a snake?!"

Ron's voice was so sharp that he almost caught up with Comey, he stood up suddenly, staring at Harry in horror.

The fact that Fisch can understand snakes does not surprise Ron, because not only snakes, he can communicate with almost any kind of animal without obstacles. Ron even saw him and his pet Scabbard, and Na The scene of prestigious Raffle chatting.

What really surprised him was that Harry was able to communicate with any animal and only understood snake language. These were two completely different concepts.

"What, what's wrong?"

Seeing Ron staring at him with a ghostly look, Harry also had a dumbfounded look, completely unaware of what he was horrified.

"Harry, can you understand snakes?"

Ron confirmed his expression very seriously.

"Yes, I used to...when I didn't know I was a wizard, I used to chat with a boa constrictor in a zoo, and then I let it out. It said it had never been to Brazil... Hey! What's wrong with this?"

Seeing Ron's expression getting more and more horrified, Harry asked very dissatisfiedly. He had limited knowledge of the wizarding world. The most annoying thing was that ordinary wizards were accustomed to it, but he still knew nothing.

"A boa constrictor tells you that it has never been to Brazil?" Ron smiled bitterly in a faint voice: "Not only can you understand them, but you can also communicate with them?"

"What's the matter? Can't Phish also do it? I bet that other wizards must have similar skills."

"Oh, they can't do it," Ron shook his head and sighed. "Fish's situation is special, let alone that, Snakeman is not an ordinary skill. Harry, this is terrible."

"What's bad?"

Harry Potter frowned, just because he can only talk to snakes, and Phish can talk to all animals, so he will be treated differently?

"Snakemania, that is, talking to snakes, is Salazar Slytherin's famous ability, so the symbol of Slytherin is a snake, and..."

Ron pursed his lips and lowered his voice: "It is said that mysterious people are also snake-like voices. This is a very rare ability, and it mostly appears in some famous dark wizards and their descendants... Harry, maybe You have the blood of Slytherin."

"This... how is this possible?"

Harry argued subconsciously, and then stopped talking, because he recalled what the Sorting Hat had said to him, and he didn't know anything about his father's family situation.

"It's very possible," Ron shrugged. "Many of the wizard's pure-blood families have relatives. I seem to have mentioned to you that our family and Malfoy's family are still related to each other."

"Anyway, it's best not to talk about you being a snakeboy, because it will make others think you are an evil black wizard."

Ron reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, admonishing.

Although he wouldn't be alienated just because Harry was a snakeboy, other people didn't have such a deep friendship with Harry.

As for the voice last night, Ron and Harry didn't care too much after they knew it was a snake.

Probably it was a snake wandering around the castle that was hunting, and it happened to be heard by Harry and Fisch.

Now the more important thing is that Harry is a snake talker.

"Then why is Fisch different? Just because he can talk to all animals?"

Harry, who didn't want to be a descendant of Slytherin, wanted to struggle, so he pointed his finger to Fisch, who was still gnawing on snacks.

"Meow?" (??~??)

Fisch, who was completely uninterested in the conversation between the two, was eating, and was suddenly named by Harry.

The kitty looked at the two men dumbfounded, her cheeks bulging because of the stuffed food.

"What's the matter with Feish? Minerva can also talk to Maomao, as well as sister Jiuyue, Uncle Mallot, Grandpa Orr..."

Fisch broke his fingers and counted. Although he wasn't interested in the conversation between Harry and Ron, he also heard a general idea.

"Sister September?" Ron had an impression of the name. "It's the Animagus who gave you the recipe, right? The few people in your mouth that can communicate with animals should all be Animagus?"

"Yeah." Feixu nodded.

"Animagus’s situation is different. Of course, Fisch is more special.” Ron explained: “Animags other than Fisch can only communicate with the animals he has transformed. Right? It’s not like that in Snake Voice."

"Snake laoqiang doesn't require wizards to learn how to become snakes, and when they talk to snakes, they also use snake language instead of cat language or English like Feish did."

"But, when I was communicating with that python, I still spoke English."

Harry was overjoyed and immediately argued for himself.

Ron scratched his head when he heard the words, "Then I don't know, but it's better to keep things secret for you to communicate with snakes as much as possible."

Even if Ron didn't remind him, Harry didn't intend to go around saying that he didn't want others to think that he was related to What do you think Fisch did? "

Fisch blinked, then handed out the snacks in his hand.


"Is to eat something? You are welcome, Fei Xu has a lot!"

"No, no, we hope that Fisch will help keep it secret."

Harry waved his hand, begging.

"What's the secret? What can you talk to a snake?"

Ron's long talk about Feish didn't quite understand, but there was one thing he could confirm. A wizard who could speak snake language but could not become a snake seemed not very popular with others.

"Of course there is no problem, Fisch's mouth is tight!"

Fisch lifted his chin and promised triumphantly.


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